591 research outputs found

    Psychological functioning in adolescents referred to specialist gender identity clinics across Europe : a clinical comparison study between four clinics

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    Adolescents seeking professional help with their gender identity development often present with psychological difficulties. Existing literature on psychological functioning of gender diverse young people is limited and mostly bound to national chart reviews. This study examined the prevalence of psychological functioning and peer relationship problems in adolescents across four European specialist gender services (The Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, and Switzerland), using the Child Behavioural Checklist (CBCL) and the Youth Self-Report (YSR). Differences in psychological functioning and peer relationships were found in gender diverse adolescents across Europe. Overall, emotional and behavioural problems and peer relationship problems were most prevalent in adolescents from the UK, followed by Switzerland and Belgium. The least behavioural and emotional problems and peer relationship problems were reported by adolescents from The Netherlands. Across the four clinics, a similar pattern of gender differences was found. Birth-assigned girls showed more behavioural problems and externalising problems in the clinical range, as reported by their parents. According to self-report, internalising problems in the clinical range were more prevalent in adolescent birth-assigned boys. More research is needed to gain a better understanding of the difference in clinical presentations in gender diverse adolescents and to investigate what contextual factors that may contribute to this

    A Parametric Study of Radiative Dipole Body Array Coil for 7 Tesla MRI

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    In this contribution we present numerical and experimental results of a parametric quantitative study of radiative dipole antennas in a phased array configuration for efficient body magnetic resonance imaging at 7T via parallel transmission. For magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at ultrahigh fields (7T and higher) dipole antennas are commonly used in phased arrays, particularly for body imaging targets. This study reveals the effects of dipole positioning in the array (elevation of dipoles above the subject and inter-dipole spacing) on their mutual coupling, B1+B_1^{+} per PaccP_{acc} and B1+B_1^{+} per maximum local SAR efficiencies as well as the RF-shimming capability. The numerical and experimental results are obtained and compared for a homogeneous phantom as well as for a real human models confirmed by in-vivo experiments

    Body satisfaction and physical appearance in gender dysphoria

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    Gender dysphoria (GD) is often accompanied by dissatisfaction with physical appearance and body image problems. The aim of this study was to compare body satisfaction with perceived appearance by others in various GD subgroups. Data collection was part of the European Network for the Investigation of Gender Incongruence. Between 2007 and 2012, 660 adults who fulfilled the criteria of the DSM-IV gender identity disorder diagnosis (1.31:1 male-to-female [MtF]:female-to-male [FtM] ratio) were included into the study. Data were collected before the start of clinical gender-confirming interventions. Sexual orientation was measured via a semi-structured interview whereas onset age was based on clinician report. Body satisfaction was assessed using the Body Image Scale. Congruence of appearance with the experienced gender was measured by means of a clinician rating. Overall, FtMs had a more positive body image than MtFs. Besides genital dissatisfaction, problem areas for MtFs included posture, face, and hair, whereas FtMs were mainly dissatisfied with hip and chest regions. Clinicians evaluated the physical appearance to be more congruent with the experienced gender in FtMs than in MtFs. Within the MtF group, those with early onset GD and an androphilic sexual orientation had appearances more in line with their gender identity. In conclusion, body image problems in GD go beyond sex characteristics only. An incongruent physical appearance may result in more difficult psychological adaptation and in more exposure to discrimination and stigmatization

    Deltadijken dragen bij aan ‘robuust’ systeem

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    Verhoging en versterking van dijken is niet het enige mogelijke antwoord op extreem hoge afvoeren van rivieren. Men kan ook kijken naar de 'robuustheid' van het systeem: is een gebied als geheel - en dus niet alleen de dijk - voorbereid op het vele water? En welke rol kunnen deltadijken daarbij spelen

    Waarom Deltadijken bijdragen aan een robuust systeem

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    Klimaatverandering vraagt om een klimaatbestendige gebiedsinrichting. Voor gebieden met een overstromingsrisico betekent dit vaak dat dijken moeten worden versterkt en/of verhoogd. Daarnaast komt er met Meerlaagsveiligheid meer aandacht voor ruimtelijke ordening en rampenbeheersing. Kennis voor Klimaat (KvK) onderzoekt maatregelen die het overstromingsrisico reduceren. Deze maatregelen moeten passen in een strategie voor de lange termijn, die rekening houdt met onzekerheden. De deltadijk is zo’n maatregel. Deltadijken blijken niet alleen het risico van overstromingen te reduceren, maar ook de robuustheid van een gebied voor hoge rivierafvoeren te vergroten

    Puberty Suppression in a Gender-Dysphoric Adolescent: A 22-Year Follow-Up

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    Puberty suppression by means of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs is considered a diagnostic aid in gender dysphoric adolescents. However, there are also concerns about potential risks, such as poor outcome or post-surgical regret, adverse effects on metabolic and endocrine status, impaired increment of bone mass, and interference with brain development. This case report is on a 22-year follow-up of a female-to-male transsexual, treated with GnRH analogs at 13 years of age and considered eligible for androgen treatment at age 17, and who had gender reassignment surgery at 20 and 22 years of age. At follow-up, he indicated no regrets about his treatment. He was functioning well psychologically, intellectually, and socially; however, he experienced some feelings of sadness about choices he had made in a long-lasting intimate relationship. There were no clinical signs of a negative impact on brain development. He was physically in good health, and metabolic and endocrine parameters were within reference ranges. Bone mineral density was within the normal range for both sexes. His final height was short as compared to Dutch males; however, his body proportions were within normal range. This first report on long-term effects of puberty suppression suggests that negative side effects are limited and that it can be a useful additional tool in the diagnosis and treatment of gender dysphoric adolescents

    Understanding contributors to racial and ethnic inequities in COVID-19 incidence and mortality rates

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    BACKGROUND: Racial inequities in Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) have been reported over the course of the pandemic, with Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and Native American individuals suffering higher case rates and more fatalities than their White counterparts. METHODS: We used a unique statewide dataset of confirmed COVID-19 cases across Missouri, linked with historical statewide hospital data. We examined differences by race and ethnicity in raw population-based case and mortality rates. We used patient-level regression analyses to calculate the odds of mortality based on race and ethnicity, controlling for comorbidities and other risk factors. RESULTS: As of September 10, 2020 there were 73,635 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Missouri. Among the 64,526 case records (87.7% of all cases) that merged with prior demographic and health care utilization data, 12,946 (20.1%) were Non-Hispanic (NH) Black, 44,550 (69.0%) were NH White, 3,822 (5.9%) were NH Other/Unknown race, and 3,208 (5.0%) were Hispanic. Raw cumulative case rates for NH Black individuals were 1,713 per 100,000 population, compared with 2,095 for NH Other/Unknown, 903 for NH White, and 1,218 for Hispanic. Cumulative COVID-19-related death rates for NH Black individuals were 58.3 per 100,000 population, compared with 38.9 for NH Other/Unknown, 19.4 for NH White, and 14.8 for Hispanic. In a model that included insurance source, history of a social determinant billing code in the patient\u27s claims, census block travel change, population density, Area Deprivation Index, and clinical comorbidities, NH Black race (OR 1.75, 1.51-2.04, p\u3c0.001) and NH Other/Unknown race (OR 1.83, 1.36-2.46, p\u3c0.001) remained strongly associated with mortality. CONCLUSIONS: In Missouri, COVID-19 case rates and mortality rates were markedly higher among NH Black and NH Other/Unknown race than among NH White residents, even after accounting for social and clinical risk, population density, and travel patterns during COVID-19