437 research outputs found

    Vacuum-Stimulated Raman Scattering based on Adiabatic Passage in a High-Finesse Optical Cavity

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    We report on the first observation of stimulated Raman scattering from a Lambda-type three-level atom, where the stimulation is realized by the vacuum field of a high-finesse optical cavity. The scheme produces one intracavity photon by means of an adiabatic passage technique based on a counter-intuitive interaction sequence between pump laser and cavity field. This photon leaves the cavity through the less-reflecting mirror. The emission rate shows a characteristic dependence on the cavity and pump detuning, and the observed spectra have a sub-natural linewidth. The results are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Collisional decay of 87Rb Feshbach molecules at 1005.8 G

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    We present measurements of the loss-rate coefficients K_am and K_mm caused by inelastic atom-molecule and molecule-molecule collisions. A thermal cloud of atomic 87Rb is prepared in an optical dipole trap. A magnetic field is ramped across the Feshbach resonance at 1007.4 G. This associates atom pairs to molecules. A measurement of the molecule loss at 1005.8 G yields K_am=2 10^-10 cm^3/s. Additionally, the atoms can be removed with blast light. In this case, the measured molecule loss yields K_mm=3 10^-10 cm^3/s

    Continuous loading of an electrostatic trap for polar molecules

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    A continuously operated electrostatic trap for polar molecules is demonstrated. The trap has a volume of ~0.6 cm^3 and holds molecules with a positive Stark shift. With deuterated ammonia from a quadrupole velocity filter, a trap density of ~10^8/cm^3 is achieved with an average lifetime of 130 ms and a motional temperature of ~300 mK. The trap offers good starting conditions for high-precision measurements, and can be used as a first stage in cooling schemes for molecules and as a "reaction vessel" in cold chemistry.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures v2: several small improvements, new intr

    Polarization-controlled single photons

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    Vacuum-stimulated Raman transitions are driven between two magnetic substates of a rubidium-87 atom strongly coupled to an optical cavity. A magnetic field lifts the degeneracy of these states, and the atom is alternately exposed to laser pulses of two different frequencies. This produces a stream of single photons with alternating circular polarization in a predetermined spatio-temporal mode. MHz repetition rates are possible as no recycling of the atom between photon generations is required. Photon indistinguishability is tested by time-resolved two-photon interference.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A Mott-like State of Molecules

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    We prepare a quantum state where each site of an optical lattice is occupied by exactly one molecule. This is the same quantum state as in a Mott insulator of molecules in the limit of negligible tunneling. Unlike previous Mott insulators, our system consists of molecules which can collide inelastically. In the absence of the optical lattice these collisions would lead to fast loss of the molecules from the sample. To prepare the state, we start from a Mott insulator of atomic 87Rb with a central region, where each lattice site is occupied by exactly two atoms. We then associate molecules using a Feshbach resonance. Remaining atoms can be removed using blast light. Our method does not rely on the molecule-molecule interaction properties and is therefore applicable to many systems.Comment: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2006), edited by C. Roos, H. Haffner, and R. Blatt, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, 2006, Vol. 869, pp. 278-28

    Antiresonance phase shift in strongly coupled cavity QED

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    We investigate phase shifts in the strong coupling regime of single-atom cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). On the light transmitted through the system, we observe a phase shift associated with an antiresonance and show that both its frequency and width depend solely on the atom, despite the strong coupling to the cavity. This shift is optically controllable and reaches 140 degrees - the largest ever reported for a single emitter. Our result offers a new technique for the characterization of complex integrated quantum circuits.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Continuous Centrifuge Decelerator for Polar Molecules

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    Producing large samples of slow molecules from thermal-velocity ensembles is a formidable challenge. Here we employ a centrifugal force to produce a continuous molecular beam with a high flux at near-zero velocities. We demonstrate deceleration of three electrically guided molecular species, CH3_3F, CF3_3H, and CF3_3CCH, with input velocities of up to 200ms1200\,\rm{m\,s^{-1}} to obtain beams with velocities below 15ms115\,\rm{m\,s^{-1}} and intensities of several 109mm2s110^9\,\rm{mm^{-2}\,s^{-1}}. The centrifuge decelerator is easy to operate and can, in principle, slow down any guidable particle. It has the potential to become a standard technique for continuous deceleration of molecules.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; version accepted for publication in PR

    Normal-mode spectroscopy of a single bound atom-cavity system

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    The energy-level structure of a single atom strongly coupled to the mode of a high-finesse optical cavity is investigated. The atom is stored in an intracavity dipole trap and cavity cooling is used to compensate for inevitable heating. Two well-resolved normal modes are observed both in the cavity transmission and the trap lifetime. The experiment is in good agreement with a Monte Carlo simulation, demonstrating our ability to localize the atom to within λ/10\lambda/10 at a cavity antinode.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Time-Resolved Two-Photon Quantum Interference

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    The interference of two independent single-photon pulses impinging on a beam splitter is analysed in a generalised time-resolved manner. Different aspects of the phenomenon are elaborated using different representations of the single-photon wave packets, like the decomposition into single-frequency field modes or spatio-temporal modes matching the photonic wave packets. Both representations lead to equivalent results, and a photon-by-photon analysis reveals that the quantum-mechanical two-photon interference can be interpreted as a classical one-photon interference once a first photon is detected. A novel time-dependent quantum-beat effect is predicted if the interfering photons have different frequencies. The calculation also reveals that full two-photon fringe visibility can be achieved under almost any circumstances by applying a temporal filter to the signal.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Trapping of Neutral Rubidium with a Macroscopic Three-Phase Electric Trap

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    We trap neutral ground-state rubidium atoms in a macroscopic trap based on purely electric fields. For this, three electrostatic field configurations are alternated in a periodic manner. The rubidium is precooled in a magneto-optical trap, transferred into a magnetic trap and then translated into the electric trap. The electric trap consists of six rod-shaped electrodes in cubic arrangement, giving ample optical access. Up to 10^5 atoms have been trapped with an initial temperature of around 20 microkelvin in the three-phase electric trap. The observations are in good agreement with detailed numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure