18 research outputs found

    Adult tissue-derived neural crest‐like stem cells: Sources, regulatory networks, and translational potential: Concise review

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    Neural crest (NC) cells are a multipotent stem cell population that gives rise to a diverse array of cell types in the body, including peripheral neurons, Schwann cells (SC), craniofacial cartilage and bone, smooth muscle cells, and melanocytes. NC formation and differentiation into specific lineages takes place in response to a set of highly regulated signaling and transcriptional events within the neural plate border. Pre‐migratory NC cells initially are contained within the dorsal neural tube from which they subsequently emigrate, migrating to often distant sites in the periphery. Following their migration and differentiation, some NC‐like cells persist in adult tissues in a nascent multipotent state, making them potential candidates for autologous cell therapy. This review discusses the gene regulatory network responsible for NC development and maintenance of multipotency. We summarize the genes and signaling pathways that have been implicated in the differentiation of a post‐migratory NC into mature myelinating SC. We elaborate on the signals and transcription factors involved in the acquisition of immature SC fate, axonal sorting of unmyelinated neuronal axons, and finally the path toward mature myelinating SC, which envelope axons within myelin sheaths, facilitating electrical signal propagation. The gene regulatory events guiding development of SC in‐vivo provides insights into means for differentiating NC‐like cells from adult human tissues into functional SC, which have the potential to provide autologous cell sources for the treatment of demyelinating and neurodegenerative disorders

    Neural crest stem cells from human epidermis of aged donors maintain their multipotency in vitro and in vivo

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    Neural crest (NC) cells are multipotent stem cells that arise from the embryonic ectoderm, delaminate from the neural tube in early vertebrate development and migrate throughout the developing embryo, where they differentiate into various cell lineages. Here we show that multipotent and functional NC cells can be derived by induction with a growth factor cocktail containing FGF2 and IGF1 from cultures of human inter-follicular keratinocytes (KC) isolated from elderly donors. Adult NC cells exhibited longer doubling times as compared to neonatal NC cells, but showed limited signs of cellular senescence despite the advanced age of the donors and exhibited significantly younger epigenetic age as compared to KC. They also maintained their multipotency, as evidenced by their ability to differentiate into all NC-specific lineages including neurons, Schwann cells, melanocytes, and smooth muscle cells (SMC). Notably, upon implantation into chick embryos, adult NC cells behaved similar to their embryonic counterparts, migrated along stereotypical pathways and contributed to multiple NC derivatives in ovo. These results suggest that KC-derived NC cells may provide an easily accessible, autologous source of stem cells that can be used for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases or as a model system for studying disease pathophysiology and drug development


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    Fluidized-bed (FB) and circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) boiler

    Pachyonychia congenita: Affecting three generations!

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    Pachyonychia congenita is an autosomal dominantly inherited disease that primarily presents as nail dystrophy and dyskeratosis of skin and mucous membranes. A 32-year-old female presented with thickening of the nails and thickening of both heels. Her father showed pincer nails with periungual thickening of skin and fissures with focal plantar keratoderma. Her two sons had similar nail changes

    Proline restores mitochondrial function and reverses aging hallmarks in senescent cells

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    Summary: Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of cellular senescence, with the loss of mitochondrial function identified as a potential causal factor contributing to senescence-associated decline in cellular functions. Our recent findings revealed that ectopic expression of the pluripotency transcription factor NANOG rejuvenates dysfunctional mitochondria of senescent cells by rewiring metabolic pathways. In this study, we report that NANOG restores the expression of key enzymes, PYCR1 and PYCR2, in the proline biosynthesis pathway. Additionally, senescent mesenchymal stem cells manifest severe mitochondrial respiratory impairment, which is alleviated through proline supplementation. Proline induces mitophagy by activating AMP-activated protein kinase α and upregulating Parkin expression, enhancing mitochondrial clearance and ultimately restoring cell metabolism. Notably, proline treatment also mitigates several aging hallmarks, including DNA damage, senescence-associated β-galactosidase, inflammatory cytokine expressions, and impaired myogenic differentiation capacity. Overall, this study highlights the role of proline in mitophagy and its potential in reversing senescence-associated mitochondrial dysfunction and aging hallmarks