103 research outputs found

    Scanning-helium-ion-beam lithography with hydrogen silsesquioxane resist

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    A scanning-helium-ion-beam microscope is now commercially available. This microscope can be used to perform lithography similar to, but of potentially higher resolution than, scanning electron-beam lithography. This article describes the control of this microscope for lithography via beam steering/blanking electronics and evaluates the high-resolution performance of scanning helium-ion-beam lithography. The authors found that sub-10 nm-half-pitch patterning is feasible. They also measured a point-spread function that indicates a reduction in the micrometer-range proximity effect typical in electron-beam lithography.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Progra

    A review of the genome, epidemiology, clinical features, prevention, and treatment scenario of COVID-19: Bangladesh aspects

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    Abstract Background The ongoing acute respiratory disease pandemic termed COVID-19 caused by a newly emerged coronavirus has jeopardized the world’s health and economic sectors. As of 20 July 2020, the virus now known as SARS-CoV-2 has already infected more than 14 million individuals and killed 612,815 patients with a mortality rate of 4.12% around the world regardless of age, gender, and race. Main body Bangladesh has become one of its worst sufferers, with 207,453 infected people and 2668 related deaths with a mortality rate of 1.29% until 20 July 2020. More than 50% of COVID-19 patients in Bangladesh are aged between 21 and 40, but elderly people aged more than 60 have the highest mortality rate (44.7%). Male individuals are also more susceptible to the virus than females and consist of 71% and 79% among the infected and deceased patients, respectively. The most prevalent clinical features following the virus incubation period are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. A phylogenetic analysis study elucidated that the virus strain found in the country has 9 single-nucleotide variants, mostly in the ORF1ab gene, and a sequence containing 3 successive variants in the N protein, which reflects a weaker strain of SARS-CoV-2, implicating a possibility of its lower mortality rate. Another investigation of 184 genome samples of SARS-CoV-2 across the country implicated a close homology with a European haplotype of SARS-CoV-2. The country has also joined the race of vaccine development and started phase III clinical trials of a candidate vaccine developed by Sinovac Research and Development Co Ltd, China. Conclusion Bangladesh, as a developing country, still struggles with the pandemic and needs to scale up its response operation and improve healthcare facilities such as testing capacity, institutional quarantine, and isolation centers and promote awareness. Preventive measures such as strict lockdown, social distancing, and boosting the existing immune system are thus considered the only contrivances. </jats:sec

    Performance of grid-tied PV facilities: a case study based on real data

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    A new procedure is presented to analyse the performance of grid-tied PV facilities. It needs limited amounts of data that are easily sourced and is based on knowledge of the analysed system and its mode of operation. The procedure is applied, in a case study, to compare real PV production at two 100 kWp grid-connected PV installations. Located in the same geographical region, the installation of these two facilities followed the same construction criteria – PV panels, panel support system and wiring – and the facilities were exposed to the same atmospheric temperature and solar radiation. They differ with regard to their inverter technology: one facility uses an inverter with an integrated transformer system and the other uses a transformerless inverter. The results show that the transformerless inverter system performed better than the isolated system by a factor of 1.2%, which, in economic terms, represents more than 2000 €/yearSpanish Government (Grant ENE2011-27511) and the Department of Culture and Education of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spain (Grant BU358A12-2)

    Retracing the history and planning the future of the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in Ireland using non-invasive genetics

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    The Eurasian red squirrel’s (Sciurus vulgaris) history in Ireland is largely unknown, but the original population is thought to have been driven to extinction by humans in the 17th Century, and multiple records exist for its subsequent reintroduction in the 19th 4 Century. However, it is currently unknown how these reintroductions affect the red squirrel population today, or may do so in the future. In this study, we report on the development of a DNA toolkit for the non-invasive genetic study of the red squirrel. Non-invasively collected red squirrel samples were combined with other samples collected throughout Ireland and previously published mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data from Ireland, Great Britain and continental Europe to give an insight into population genetics and historical introductions of the red squirrel in Ireland. Our findings demonstrate that the Irish red squirrel population is on a national scale quite genetically diverse, but at a local level contains relatively low levels of genetic diversity and evidence of genetic structure. This is likely an artefact of the introduction of a small number of genetically similar animals to specific sites. A lack of continuous woodland cover in Ireland has prevented further mixing with animals of different origins that may have been introduced even to neighbouring sites. Consequently, some of these genetically isolated populations are or may in the future be at risk of extinction. The Irish red squirrel population contains mtDNA haplotypes of both a British and Continental European origin, the former of which are now extinct or simply not recorded in contemporary Great Britain. The Irish population is therefore important in terms of red squirrel conservation not only in Ireland, but also for Great Britain, and should be appropriately managed

    The miR-35-41 Family of MicroRNAs Regulates RNAi Sensitivity in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    RNA interference (RNAi) utilizes small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to direct silencing of specific genes through transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms. The siRNA guides can originate from exogenous (exo–RNAi) or natural endogenous (endo–RNAi) sources of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). In Caenorhabditis elegans, inactivation of genes that function in the endo–RNAi pathway can result in enhanced silencing of genes targeted by siRNAs from exogenous sources, indicating cross-regulation between the pathways. Here we show that members of another small RNA pathway, the mir-35-41 cluster of microRNAs (miRNAs) can regulate RNAi. In worms lacking miR-35-41, there is reduced expression of lin-35/Rb, the C. elegans homolog of the tumor suppressor Retinoblastoma gene, previously shown to regulate RNAi responsiveness. Genome-wide microarray analyses show that targets of endo–siRNAs are up-regulated in mir-35-41 mutants, a phenotype also displayed by lin-35/Rb mutants. Furthermore, overexpression of lin-35/Rb specifically rescues the RNAi hypersensitivity of mir-35-41 mutants. Although the mir-35-41 miRNAs appear to be exclusively expressed in germline and embryos, their effect on RNAi sensitivity is transmitted to multiple tissues and stages of development. Additionally, we demonstrate that maternal contribution of miR-35-41 or lin-35/Rb is sufficient to reduce RNAi effectiveness in progeny worms. Our results reveal that miRNAs can broadly regulate other small RNA pathways and, thus, have far reaching effects on gene expression beyond directly targeting specific mRNAs

    Submicron and Nanometer Structures Technology and Research

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    Contains reports on sixteen research projects and a list of publications.Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-89-C-0001Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-92-C-0001National Science Foundation Grant ECS 90-16437Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract 90-SP-080U.S. Navy - Naval Research Laboratory Contract N00014-90-K-2018IBM CorporationU.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-92-J-0064National Science Foundation Grant DMR 87-19217National Science Foundation Grant DMR 90-22933National Aeronautics and Space Administration Contract NAS8-36748National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant NAGW-2003National Science Foundation Grant DMR 90-01698Spire Corporatio

    GlaciStore: understanding Late Cenozoic glaciation and basin processes for the development of secure large scale offshore CO2 storage (North Sea).

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    The sedimentary strata of the North Sea Basin (NSB) record the glacial and interglacial history of environmental change in the Northern Hemisphere, and are a proposed location for the engineered storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from power plant and industrial sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These aspects interact in the geomechanical and fluid flow domain, as ice sheet dynamics change the properties of potential seal and reservoir rocks that are the prospective geological storage strata for much of Europe’s captured CO2. The central part of the NSB preserves a unique history of the depositional record spanning at least the last 3 Ma, which also forms the overburden and uppermost seal to the underlying CO2 reservoirs. There is good evidence that these ice sheets created strong feedback loops that subsequently affected the evolution of the Quaternary climate system through complex ocean-atmosphere-cryosphere linkages

    Submicron and Nanometer Structures Technology and Research

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    Contains reports on twenty research projects and a list of publications.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Contract N00019-92-K-0021Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-92-C-0001National Science Foundation Grant ECS 90-16437U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAL03-92-G-0291IBM CorporationU.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-92-J-0064National Science Foundation Grant DMR 87-19217National Science Foundation Grant DMR 90-22933Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Consortium for Superconducting ElectronicsNational Aeronautics and Space Administration Contract NAS8-36748National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant NAGW-200
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