32 research outputs found

    Проектирование и реализация информационно-аналитической системы для прогнозирования процессов ценообразования

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    В даній роботі запропоновано та реалізовано комп’ютерну інформаційно-аналітичну систему аналізу біржових даних. Побудовано нові математичні моделі для процесів, які характеризують динаміку розвитку фондового ринку. Виконано порівняльний аналіз результатів прогнозування трьома методами: експоненціальне згладжування, регресійний аналіз та нечіткий метод групового врахування аргументів.In this work is proposed and implemented computer information-analytical system analysis of exchange data. New mathematical models have been built for processes that characterize the dynamic of stock market. It was performed the comparative analysis of three forecasting methods: exponential smoothing, regression analysis and fuzzy group method arguments incorporation.В данной работе предложена и реализована компьютерная информационно-аналитическая система анализа биржевых данных. Построены новые математические модели для процессов, которые характеризуют динамику развития фондового рынка. Выполнен сравнительный анализ результатов прогнозирования тремя методами: экспоненциальное сглаживание, регрессионный анализ и нечеткий метод группового учета аргументов

    Systematic review of factors influencing patient and practitioner delay in diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal cancer

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    As knowledge on the causation of cancers advances and new treatments are developed, early recognition and accurate diagnosis becomes increasingly important. This review focused on identifying factors influencing patient and primary care practitioner delay for upper gastrointestinal cancer. A systematic methodology was applied, including extensive searches of the literature published from 1970 to 2003, systematic data extraction, quality assessment and narrative data synthesis. Included studies were those evaluating factors associated with the time interval between a patient first noticing a cancer symptom and presenting to primary care, between a patient first presenting to primary care and being referred to secondary care, or describing an intervention designed to reduce those intervals. Twenty-five studies were included in the review. Studies reporting delay intervals demonstrated that the patient phase of delay was greater than the practitioner phase, whilst patient-related research suggests that recognition of symptom seriousness is more important than recognition of the presence of the symptom. The main factors related to practitioner delay were misdiagnosis, application and interpretation of tests, and the confounding effect of existing disease. Greater understanding of patient factors is required, along with evaluation of interventions to ensure appropriate diagnosis, examination and investigation

    Emotrasfusioni e Carcinoma Renale

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    Attitudes towards immigration: responses to the increased presence of Polish migrants in the UK post 2004

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    Based on a large-scale research project conducted in a northern English city, this paper focuses on the attitudes towards, and experienced by, Polish migrants as a result of increased immigration following the 2004 enlargement of the European Union. We pay attention to the ways in which people justify their negative attitudes towards this migrant group through competition for resources, particularly in terms of job security and the receipt of benefit payments. However, we also consider meaningful encounters between these migrants and the ‘local’ population, and how through these encounters attitudes can sometimes be transformed from negative to positive. Crucially, we demonstrate how Polish migrants themselves respond to these attitudes. In doing so, we show that by drawing upon the very same discourses of job security and social benefits they develop complex understandings of the ‘local’ population. Through its attention to immigration, the paper contributes to debates about the relationships between different social groups and processes of exclusion, highlighting the importance of encounters on the process of attitude formation. By giving voice to representatives of both the ‘local’ population and migrants, it further provides a rare perspective on social responses to immigration-driven diversity in European societies