20 research outputs found

    Business in Engineering Education: Issues, Identities, Hybrids, and Limits

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    This chapter explores how engineering students are broadened in their education through the teaching of non-engineering subjects, such as business subjects, in order to develop critical thinking skills and self-knowledge of what it means to be an engineer. The goal of the chapter is to provide a commentary on the level of interaction, from design of courses to design of curricula, between business faculty and engineering faculty, and the results of that interaction. This chapter sets out to (i) explore whether there appears to be a place in engineering education curricula for reflective critique of assumptions related to business thinking, and why; (ii) discover what kinds of business issues are reflected in engineering education curricula, and for what purpose; (iii) explore the degree of business hybridization in engineering degree programs; (iv) ask who teaches business issues within engineering education? To this end a taxonomy of engineering enlightenment is proposed, and this is used to discuss evidence of broadening with engineering curricula. The approach adopted is to describe all relevant engineering degree programs in Ireland, based on their publicly available program information; examine the accreditation reports for these same programs; and then survey deans from colleges or schools of business to examine whether the business college/school is involved in the education of engineering students in the institution or university. If yes, how the business college or relevant business faculty are engaged in the design of engineering curricula. In order to enable a comparative discussion, the chapter will focus on Irish engineering programs that seek accreditation from Engineers Ireland for professional engineering. A number of hybrid engineering programs of study are also explored, and their apparent strengths discussed, including hybridity limits

    Novel spin-precession method for sensitive EDM searches

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    We demonstrate a spin-precession method to observe and analyze multi-level coherence between all hyperfine levels in the X2Σ+,N=0X ^2\Sigma^+,N=0 ground state of barium monofluoride (138^{138}Ba19^{19}F). The signal is sensitive to the state-preparation Rabi frequency and external electric and magnetic fields applied in searches for a permanent electric dipole moment (EDM). In the obtained interference spectrum, the electric field and Rabi frequency become observable simultaneously with the EDM. This method reduces systematic biases and the number of auxiliary measurements for such precision measurements

    Novel spin-precession method for sensitive EDM searches

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    We demonstrate a spin-precession method to observe and analyze multi-level coherence between all hyperfine levels in the X2Σ+,N=0X ^2\Sigma^+,N=0 ground state of barium monofluoride (138^{138}Ba19^{19}F). The signal is sensitive to the state-preparation Rabi frequency and external electric and magnetic fields applied in searches for a permanent electric dipole moment (EDM). In the obtained interference spectrum, the electric field and Rabi frequency become observable simultaneously with the EDM. This method reduces systematic biases and the number of auxiliary measurements for such precision measurements

    Deceleration and Trapping of SrF Molecules

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    We report on the electrostatic trapping of neutral SrF molecules. The molecules are captured from a cryogenic buffer-gas beam source into the moving traps of a 4.5 m long traveling-wave Stark decelerator. The SrF molecules in X2Σ+(v=0,N=1)X^2\Sigma^+(v=0, N=1) state are brought to rest as the velocity of the moving traps is gradually reduced from 190 m/s to zero. The molecules are held for up to 50 ms in multiple electric traps of the decelerator. The trapped packets have a volume (FWHM) of 1 mm3^{3} and a velocity spread of 5(1) m/s which corresponds to a temperature of 60(20)60(20) mK. Our result demonstrates a factor 3 increase in the molecular mass that has been Stark-decelerated and trapped. Heavy molecules (mass>>100 amu) offer a highly increased sensitivity to probe physics beyond the Standard Model. This work significantly extends the species of neutral molecules of which slow beams can be created for collision studies, precision measurement and trapping experiments

    A supersonic laser ablation beam source with narrow velocity spreads

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    A supersonic beam source for SrF and BaF molecules is constructed by combining the expansion of carrier gas (a mixture of 2% SF6 and 98% argon) from an Even-Lavie valve with laser ablation of a barium/strontium metal target at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. Molecular beams with a narrow translational velocity spread are produced at relative values of Δv/v = 0.053(11) and 0.054(9) for SrF and BaF, respectively. The relative velocity spread of the beams produced in our source is lower in comparison with the results from other metal fluoride beams produced in supersonic laser ablation sources. The rotational temperature of BaF is measured to be 3.5 K. The source produces 6 × 108 and 107 molecules per steradian per pulse in the X2ς+ (ν = 0, N = 1) state of BaF and SrF molecules, respectively, a state amenable to Stark deceleration and laser cooling

    Lifetime measurements of the A (2)Pi(1/2) and A (2)Pi(3/2) states in BaF

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    Time resolved detection of laser induced fluorescence from pulsed excitation of electronic states in barium monofluoride (BaF) molecules has been performed in order to determine the lifetimes of the A2Π1/2A^2\Pi_{1/2} and A2Π3/2A^2\Pi_{3/2} states. The method permits control over experimental parameters such that systematic biases in the interpretation of the data can be controlled to below 10−310^{-3} relative accuracy. The statistically limited values for the lifetimes of the A2Π1/2(ν=0)A^2\Pi_{1/2}(\nu=0) and A2Π3/2(ν=0)A^2\Pi_{3/2}(\nu=0) states are 57.1(3) ns and 47.9(7)~ns, respectively. The ratio of these values is in good agreement with scaling for the different excitation energies. The investigated molecular states are of relevance for an experimental search for a permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron in BaF