8,554 research outputs found

    Searching for better prospects: endogenizing falling job tenure and private pension coverage

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    Recent declines in job tenure have coincided with a shift away from traditional defined benefit (DB) pensions, which reward long tenure. New evidence also points to an increase in job-to-job movements by workers, and we document gains in relative wages of job-to-job movers over a similar period. We develop a search model in which firms may offer tenure-based contracts like DB pensions to reduce the incidence of costly on-the-job search by workers. Either reduced search costs or an increase in the probability of job matches can, under fairly general conditions, lower the value of deterring search and the use of DB pensions.Pensions ; Unemployment

    Searching for Better Prospects: Endogenizing Falling Job Tenure and Private Pension Coverage

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    Recent declines in job tenure have coincided with a shift away from traditional defined benefit (DB) pensions, which reward long tenure. Recent evidence also points to an increase in job-to-job movements by workers, and we document gains in relative wages of job-to-job movers over a similar period. We develop a search model in which firms may offer tenure-based contracts like DB pensions to reduce the incidence of costly on-the-job search by workers. Reduced search costs can, under fairly general conditions, lower the value of deterring search and the use of DB pensions.

    Ultra-dense magnetoresistive mass memory

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    This report details the progress and accomplishments of Nonvolatile Electronics (NVE), Inc., on the design of the wafer scale MRAM mass memory system during the fifth quarter of the project. NVE has made significant progress this quarter on the one megabit design in several different areas. A test chip, which will verify a working GMR bit with the dimensions required by the 1 Meg chip, has been designed, laid out, and is currently being processed in the NVE labs. This test chip will allow electrical specifications, tolerances, and processing issues to be finalized before construction of the actual chip, thus providing a greater assurance of success of the final 1 Meg design. A model has been developed to accurately simulate the parasitic effects of unselected sense lines. This model gives NVE the ability to perform accurate simulations of the array electronic and test different design concepts. Much of the circuit design for the 1 Meg chip has been completed and simulated and these designs are included. Progress has been made in the wafer scale design area to verify the reliable operation of the 16 K macrocell. This is currently being accomplished with the design and construction of two stand alone test systems which will perform life tests and gather data on reliabiliy and wearout mechanisms for analysis

    Formation of on-site normal points

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    We describe our methods of fitting a smoothing function to observational range differences from a predicted orbit, by deducing corrections to the orbit in the radial and along-track directions. The method has been used on observations of a variety of satellites, and using predicted orbits computed both by numerical integration using IRV's as starting values and analytically from orbital elements. The along-track corrections to the predicted orbit have been successfully used in the form of time biases to improve subsequent predictions, and a statistical test has been devised to ensure that the range residuals may be used to form unbiased quick look normal points

    ArCLight - a Compact Dielectric Large-Area Photon Detector

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    ArCLight is a novel device for detecting scintillation light over large areas with Photon Detection Efficiency (PDE) of the order of a few percent. Its robust technological design allows for efficient use in large-volume particle detectors, such as Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPCs) or liquid scintillator detectors. Due to its dielectric structure it can be placed inside volumes with high electric field. It could potentially replace vacuum PhotoMultiplier Tubes (PMTs) in applications where high PDE is not required. The photon detection efficiency for a 10x10cm2 detector prototype was measured to be in the range of 0.8% to 2.2% across the active area

    Bedload‐Bedrock Contrasts Form Enigmatic Low‐Relief Surfaces of the Pyrenees

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    Low-relief, high-elevation surfaces in mountain belts highlight the dynamic nature of landscapes and have provided evidence for changes in tectonics and/or climate. Yet quantifying when changes occurred from topographic data is challenging and relationships between erosion rate, lithology and precipitation are complex. In the Pyrenees, low-relief, high elevation surfaces are found across both plutonic massifs and the surrounding softer rocks and channel steepness values are relatively uniform between these lithologies. This suggests a weak relationship between erosion rate and lithology despite a clear relationship between the drainage network configuration and the location of the plutonic rocks. We explore this conflicting evidence for strength of the relationship between lithology and erosion rate using a landscape evolution model which accounts for the contrast between bedrock and bedload erodibility. This contrast produces dispersed channel steepness values and predicts the in situ development of low-relief surfaces, under steady forcing conditions

    Local knowledge of the impacts of eucalyptus expansion on water security in the Ethiopian highlands

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    Lack of long-term hydrological monitoring makes it difficult to determine impacts of changing land use on the water dynamics for many catchments in Africa. Here we use local ecological knowledge (LEK) to explore the impacts of rapid expansion of eucalyptus agroforestry on water security in the Ethiopian highlands. Local knowledge about the impacts of changes in tree cover was collected from farmers (n = 30), extension staff (n = 2) and timber merchants (n = 2) in five kebeles within the Jeldu woreda. Jeldu has undergone significant land use change over the last forty years. The area was heavily deforested 20 years ago and farmers associate this time with a major change in the water dynamics. Recently the development of a new road to Goja, the main town, opened up the area as a source of timber for Addis Ababa. This has resulted in a substantial expansion of eucalyptus plots adjacent to roads on the upper plateau and in riparian areas where growth is accelerated. Poorer farmers have been displaced on to the sloping land (which used to be woodland) where there is now evidence of rapid soil degradation. The key findings were that farmers identified significant trade-offs at the plot scale between eucalyptus and adjacent crop fields. They also identified indicators suggesting the sudden increase in eucalyptus cover had accelerated declines in water availability at landscape scales. The study showed the value of using LEK for exploring immediate landscape scale dynamics in the absence of hydrological monitoring. Whilst there is a degree of uncertainty surrounding the impacts of eucalyptus, this research demonstrated local awareness associated of problems associated with unregulated expansion of eucalyptus woodlots on the water regulating capacity at immediate landscape scales in the Ethiopian highlands

    The effect of mountain bike wheel size on Cross-Country performance

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of different wheel size diameters on indicators of cross-country mountain bike time trial performance. Nine competitive male mountain bikers (age 34.7 ± 10.7 years; stature 177.7 ± 5.6 cm; body mass 73.2 ± 8.6 kg) performed 1 lap of a 3.48 km mountain bike (MTB) course as fast as possible on 26″, 27.5″ and 29″ wheeled MTB. Time (s), mean power (W), cadence (revs · min−1) and velocity (km · h−1) were recorded for the whole lap and during ascent and descent sections. One-way repeated measure ANOVA was used to determine significant differences. Results revealed no significant main effects for any variables by wheel size during all trials, with the exception of cadence during the descent (F(2, 16) = 8.96; P = .002; P2 = .53). Post hoc comparisons revealed differences lay between the 26″ and 29″ wheels (P = .02). The findings indicate that wheel size does not significantly influence performance during cross-country when ridden by trained mountain bikers, and that wheel choice is likely due to personal choice or sponsorship commitments