704 research outputs found

    Excessive gas exchange impairment during exercise in a subject with a history of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and high altitude pulmonary edema

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    A 27-year-old male subject (V(O2 max)), 92% predicted) with a history of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and a clinically documented case of high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) was examined at rest and during exercise. Pulmonary function testing revealed a normal forced vital capacity (FVC, 98.1% predicted) and diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide (D(L(CO)), 91.2% predicted), but significant airway obstruction at rest [forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV(1)), 66.5% predicted; forced expiratory flow at 50% of vital capacity (FEF(50)), 34.3% predicted; and FEV(1) /FVC 56.5%] that was not reversible with an inhaled bronchodilator. Gas exchange worsened from rest to exercise, with the alveolar to arterial P(O2) difference (AaD(O2)) increasing from 0 at rest to 41 mmHg at maximal normoxic exercise (VO(2) = 41.4 mL/kg/min) and from 11 to 31 mmHg at maximal hypoxic exercise (VO(2) = 21.9 mL/kg/min). Arterial P(O2) decreased to 67.8 and 29.9 mmHg at maximal normoxic and hypoxic exercise, respectively. These data indicate that our subject with a history of BPD is prone to a greater degree of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia for a given VO(2) and F(I(O2)) than healthy age-matched controls, which may increase the subject's susceptibility to high altitude illness

    Using the Gene Ontology to Annotate Key Players in Parkinson's Disease

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    The Gene Ontology (GO) is widely recognised as the gold standard bioinformatics resource for summarizing functional knowledge of gene products in a consistent and computable, information-rich language. GO describes cellular and organismal processes across all species, yet until now there has been a considerable gene annotation deficit within the neurological and immunological domains, both of which are relevant to Parkinson's disease. Here we introduce the Parkinson's disease GO Annotation Project, funded by Parkinson's UK and supported by the GO Consortium, which is addressing this deficit by providing GO annotation to Parkinson's-relevant human gene products, principally through expert literature curation. We discuss the steps taken to prioritise proteins, publications and cellular processes for annotation, examples of how GO annotations capture Parkinson's-relevant information, and the advantages that a topic-focused annotation approach offers to users. Building on the existing GO resource, this project collates a vast amount of Parkinson's-relevant literature into a set of high-quality annotations to be utilized by the research community

    Self-control tames the coupling of reactive radicals

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    Highly reactive or unstable chemical reagents are challenging to prepare, store, and safely handle, so chemists frequently generate them in situ from convenient precursors. In an ideal case, the rate of release of the reagent would be matched to the rate of its “capture” in the desired chemical reaction, thereby preventing the reagent from accumulating and minimizing any opportunity for decomposition. However, this synchronization is rarely achieved or even attempted: The rate of release is usually dictated by the conditions of the reaction (1), rather than being regulated by capture of the reagent. In this issue, Tellis et al. (2) on page 433 and Zuo et al. (3) on page 437 independently report the use of iridium photocatalysis (4, 5) to supply highly reactive radical coupling partners (R⋅) to a nickel-catalyzed carbon-carbon bond-forming process (see the figure). Intriguingly, the two points of contact between the iridium and nickel cycles enforce autoregulated release of the radical, ensuring its efficient capture by nickel rather than its decomposition via other pathways

    Hypoxia, not pulmonary vascular pressure induces blood flow through intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses

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    Blood flow through intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses (IPAVA) is increased with exposure to acute hypoxia and has been associated with pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP). We aimed to determine the direct relationship between blood flow through IPAVA and PASP in 10 participants with no detectable intracardiac shunt by comparing: (1) isocapnic hypoxia (control); (2) isocapnic hypoxia with oral administration of acetazolamide (AZ; 250 mg, three times-a-day for 48 h) to prevent increases in PASP, and (3) isocapnic hypoxia with AZ and 8.4% NaHCO3 infusion (AZ+HCO3-) to control for AZ-induced acidosis. Isocapnic hypoxia (20 min) was maintained by end-tidal forcing, blood flow through IPAVA was determined by agitated saline contrast echocardiography and PASP was estimated by Doppler ultrasound. Arterial blood samples were collected at rest before each isocapnic-hypoxia condition to determine pH, [HCO3-], and PaCO2. AZ decreased pH (-0.08 ± 0.01), [HCO3-] (-7.1 ± 0.7 mmol/l), and PaCO2 (-4.5 ± 1.4 mmHg; p<0.01), while intravenous NaHCO3 restored arterial blood gas parameters to control levels. Although PASP increased from baseline in all three hypoxic conditions (p<0.05), a main effect of condition expressed an 11 ± 2% reduction in PASP from control (p<0.001) following AZ administration while intravenous NaHCO3 partially restored the PASP response to isocapnic hypoxia. Blood flow through IPAVA increased during exposure to isocapnic hypoxia (p<0.01) and was unrelated to PASP, cardiac output and pulmonary vascular resistance for all conditions. In conclusion, isocapnic hypoxia induces blood flow through IPAVA independent of changes in PASP and the influence of AZ on the PASP response to isocapnic hypoxia is dependent upon the H+ concentration or PaCO2. Abbreviations list: AZ, acetazolamide; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FIO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; FVC, forced vital capacity; Hb, total haemoglobin; HPV, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction; HR, heart rate; IPAVA, intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PASP, pulmonary artery systolic pressure; PETCO2, end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PETO2, end-tidal partial pressure of oxygen; PFO, patent foramen ovale; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; Q̇c, cardiac output; RVOT, right ventricular outflow tract; SpO2, oxyhaemoglobin saturation; SV, stroke volume; TRV, tricuspid regurgitant velocity; V̇E, minute ventilation; VTI, velocity-time integra

    Differential Brain and Muscle Tissue Oxygenation Responses to Exercise in Tibetans Compared to Han Chinese

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    The Tibetans’ better aerobic exercise capacity at altitude remains ill-understood. We tested the hypothesis that Tibetans display better muscle and brain tissue oxygenation during exercise in hypoxia. Using near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS) to provide indices of tissue oxygenation, we measured oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin ([O2Hb] and [HHb], respectively) responses of the vastus lateralis muscle and the right prefrontal cortex in ten Han Chinese and ten Tibetans during incremental cycling to exhaustion in a pressure-regulated chamber at simulated sea-level (air at 1 atm: normobaric normoxia) and 5,000 m (air at 0.5 atm: hypobaric hypoxia). Hypoxia reduced aerobic capacity by ∼22% in both groups (d = 0.8, p &lt; 0.001 vs. normoxia), while Tibetans consistently outperformed their Han Chinese counterpart by ∼32% in normoxia and hypoxia (d = 1.0, p = 0.008). We found cerebral [O2Hb] was higher in Tibetans at normoxic maximal effort compared Han (p = 0.001), while muscle [O2Hb] was not different (p = 0.240). Hypoxic exercise lowered muscle [O2Hb] in Tibetans by a greater extent than in Han (interaction effect: p &lt; 0.001 vs. normoxic exercise). Muscle [O2Hb] was lower in Tibetans when compared to Han during hypoxic exercise (d = 0.9, p = 0.003), but not during normoxic exercise (d = 0.4, p = 0.240). Muscle [HHb] was not different between the two groups during normoxic and hypoxic exercise (p = 0.778). Compared to Han, our findings revealed a higher brain tissue oxygenation in Tibetans during maximal exercise in normoxia, but lower muscle tissue oxygenation during exercise in hypoxia. This would suggest that the Tibetans privileged oxygenation of the brain at the expense of that of the muscle

    Reduced blood flow through intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses at rest and during exercise in lowlanders during acclimatization to high altitude

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    Blood flow through intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses (QIPAVA ) is elevated during exercise at sea level (SL) and at rest in acute normobaric hypoxia. Following high altitude (HA) acclimatization, resting QIPAVA is similar to SL, but it is unknown if this is true during exercise at HA. We reasoned that exercise at HA (5,050 m) would exacerbate QIPAVA due to heightened pulmonary arterial pressure. Using a supine cycle ergometer, seven healthy adults free from intracardiac shunts underwent an incremental exercise test at SL (25, 50, 75% of SL VO2peak ) and at HA (25, 50% of SL VO2peak ). Echocardiography was used to determine cardiac output (Q) and pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) and agitated saline contrast was used to determine QIPAVA (bubble score; 0-5). The principal findings were: (1) Q was similar at SL-rest (3.9 +/- 0.47 l min-1 ) compared with HA-rest (4.5 +/- 0.49 l min-1 ; P = 0.382), but increased from rest during both SL and HA exercise (P < 0.001); (2) PASP increased from SL-rest (19.2 +/- 0.7 mmHg) to HA-rest (33.7 +/- 2.8 mmHg; P = 0.001) and, compared with SL, PASP was further elevated during HA exercise (P = 0.003); (3) QIPAVA was increased from SL-rest (0) to HA-rest (median = 1; P = 0.04) and increased from resting values during SL exercise (P < 0.05), but were unchanged during HA exercise (P = 0.91), despite significant increases in Q and PASP. Theoretical modeling of microbubble dissolution suggests that the lack of QIPAVA in response to exercise at HA is unlikely caused by saline contrast instability

    VEGF promotes assembly of the p130Cas interactome to drive endothelial chemotactic signalling and angiogenesis

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    p130Cas is a polyvalent adapter protein essential for cardiovascular development, and with a key role in cell movement. In order to identify the pathways by which p130Cas exerts its biological functions in endothelial cells we mapped the p130Cas interactome and its dynamic changes in response to VEGF using high-resolution mass spectrometry and reconstruction of protein interaction (PPI) networks with the aid of multiple PPI databases. VEGF enriched the p130Cas interactome in proteins involved in actin cytoskeletal dynamics and cell movement, including actin-binding proteins, small GTPases and regulators or binders of GTPases. Detailed studies showed that p130Cas association of the GTPase-binding scaffold protein, IQGAP1, plays a key role in VEGF chemotactic signalling, endothelial polarisation, VEGF-induced cell migration, and endothelial tube formation. These findings indicate a cardinal role for assembly of the p130Cas interactome in mediating the cell migratory response to VEGF in angiogenesis, and provide a basis for further studies of p130Cas in cell movement

    AltitudeOmics: Baroreflex Sensitivity During Acclimatization to 5,260 m.

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    &lt;b&gt;Introduction:&lt;/b&gt; Baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) is essential to ensure rapid adjustment to variations in blood pressure (BP). Little is known concerning the adaptive responses of BRS during acclimatization to high altitude at rest and during exercise. &lt;b&gt;Methods:&lt;/b&gt; Twenty-one healthy sea-level residents were tested near sea level (SL, 130 m), the 1st (ALT1) and 16th day (ALT16) at 5,260 m using radial artery catheterization. BRS was calculated using the sequence method (direct interpretation of causal link between BP and heartrate). At rest, subjects breathed a hyperoxic mixture (250 mmHg O &lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; , end tidal) to isolate the preponderance of CO &lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; chemoreceptors. End-tidal CO &lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; varied from 20 to 50 mmHg to assess peripheral chemoreflex. Rebreathing provoked incremental increase in CO &lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; , increasing BP to assess baroreflex. During incremental cycling exercise to exhaustion, subjects breathed room air. &lt;b&gt;Results:&lt;/b&gt; Resting BRS decreased in ALT1 which was exacerbated in ALT16. This decrease in ALT1 was reversible upon additional inspired CO &lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; , but not in ALT16. BRS decrease during exercise was greater and occurred at lower workloads in ALT1 compared to SL. At ALT16, this decrease returned toward SL values. &lt;b&gt;Discussion/Conclusion:&lt;/b&gt; This study is the first to report attenuated BRS in acute hypoxia, exacerbated in chronic hypoxia. In ALT1, hypocapnia triggered BRS reduction whilst in ALT16 resetting of chemoreceptor triggered BRS reduction. The exercise BRS resetting was impaired in ALT1 but normalized in ALT16. These BRS decreases indicate decreased control of BP and may explain deteriorations of cardiovascular status during exposure to high altitude

    Signatures of the excitonic memory effects in four-wave mixing processes in cavity polaritons

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    We report the signatures of the exciton correlation effects with finite memory time in frequency domain degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) in semiconductor microcavity. By utilizing the polarization selection rules, we discriminate instantaneous, mean field interactions between excitons with the same spins, long-living correlation due to the formation of biexciton state by excitons with opposite spins, and short-memory correlation effects in the continuum of unbound two-exciton states. The DFWM spectra give us the relative contributions of these effects and the upper limit for the time of the exciton-exciton correlation in the unbound two-exciton continuum. The obtained results reveal the basis of the cavity polariton scattering model for the DFWM processes in high-Q GaAs microcavity.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur