99 research outputs found

    Aspectos dramatúrgicos do teatro de bonecos popular

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    A análise que apresentamos referente aos aspectos da dramaturgia do Teatro de Bonecos Popular considera características em comum entre diferentes contextos. Como breve estudo de caso, abordamos o Mamulengo Riso do Povo, de Mestre Zé de Vina, para exemplificar como o ‘texto’ em cena pode indicar procedimentos codificados. Palavras-chave: Mamulengo; teatro de bonecos popular; dramaturgia.Abstract: The analysis of the main aspects of the Popular Puppet Theatre dramaturgy presented here considers common characteristics found in different contexts. As a brief case study, we look at the Mamulengo Riso do Povo, by Master Zé de Vina, to illustrate how the “text” in scene can indicate coded procedures.Key-words: Mamulengo; popular puppet pheatre; dramaturgy

    Narrow band imaging for the detection of gastric intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia during surveillance endoscopy

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    Background: Surveillance of premalignant gastric lesions relies mainly on random biopsy sampling. Narrow band imaging (NBI) may enhance the accuracy of endoscopic surveillance of intestinal metaplasia (IM) and dysplasia. We aimed to compare the yield of NBI to white light endoscopy (WLE) in the surveillance of patients with IM and dysplasia. Methods: Patients with previously identified gastric IM or dysplasia underwent a surveillance endoscopy. Both WLE and NBI were performed in all patients during a single procedure. The sensitivity of WLE and NBI for the detection of premalignant lesions was calculated by correlating endoscopic findings to histological diagnosis. Results: Forty-three patients (28 males and 15 females, mean age 59 years) were included. IM was diagnosed in 27 patients; 20 were detected by NBI and WLE, four solely by NBI and three by random biopsies only. Dysplasia was detected in seven patients by WLE and NBI and in two patients by random biopsies only. Sixty-eight endoscopically detected lesions contained IM: 47 were detected by WLE and NBI, 21 by NBI only. Nine endoscopically detected lesions demonstrated dysplasia: eight were detected by WLE and NBI, one was detected by NBI only. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for detection of premalignant lesions were 71, 58, 65 and 65% for NBI and 51, 67, 62 and 55% for WLE, respectively. Conclusions: NBI increases the diagnostic yield for detection of advanced premalignant gastric lesions compared to routine WLE

    Prevalence of airflow limitation in subjects undergoing comprehensive health examination in Japan: Survey of Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease Patients Epidemiology in Japan

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    Hisamitsu Omori,1 Toshihiko Kaise,2 Takeo Suzuki,2 Gerry Hagan3 1Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, 2Development and Medical Affairs Division, GlaxoSmithKline, Tokyo, Japan; 3Independent Consultant, Marbella, Spain Purpose: There are still evidence gaps on the prevalence of airflow limitation in Japan. The purpose of this survey was to estimate the prevalence of airflow limitation among healthy subjects in Japan and to show what proportion of subjects with airflow limitation had been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Subjects and methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional survey targeting multiple regions of Japan. Subjects aged 40 years or above who were undergoing comprehensive health examination were recruited from 14 centers in Japan. Airflow limitation was defined as having forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity less than 70%.Results: In a total of 22,293 subjects, airflow limitation was most prevalent in subjects aged over 60 years (8.7%), but was also observed in subjects aged 50–59 years (3.1%) and 40–49 years (1.7%). Overall prevalence was 4.3%. Among subjects with smoking history (n=10,981), the prevalence of airflow limitation in each age group (12.8% in those aged over 60 years, 4.4% in those aged 50–59 years, and 2.2% in those aged 40–49 years) and overall prevalence (6.1%) were higher than that of total subjects. Of the smokers with airflow limitation, 9.4% had been diagnosed with COPD/emphysema and 27.3% with other respiratory diseases.Conclusion: Among smokers undergoing comprehensive health examination, prevalence of airflow limitation reached 12.8% in those aged over 60 years and airflow limitation was observed in subjects aged 40–59 years as well, though their prevalence was lower than that in subjects aged over 60 years. We demonstrated that a significant proportion of smokers with airflow limitation had not been diagnosed with COPD/emphysema, suggesting that some of them can be diagnosed with COPD or other respiratory diseases by a detailed examination after comprehensive health examination. Screening for subjects at risk of COPD by spirometry in comprehensive health examination starting at 40 years of age, followed by a detailed examination, may be an effective approach to increase the diagnosis of COPD. Keywords: spirometry, lung function, screening, smoking, general populatio

    Clinical significance of barriers to blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes patients with insufficient glycemic control

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    Takeo Suzuki,1 Ryoko Takei,2 Toyoshi Inoguchi,2,3 Noriyuki Sonoda,2,3 Shuji Sasaki,2 Toshihiko Kaise,1 Ryoichi Takayanagi21Development and Medical Affairs Division, GlaxoSmithKline K.K., Tokyo, 2Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, 3Innovation Center for Medical Redox Navigation, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JapanBackground: The purpose of this study was to assess actual barriers to blood glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and to investigate barrier-related factors in an exploratory manner.Methods: This cross-sectional study assessed patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated as outpatients at medical institutions within Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Barriers to blood glucose control were examined in patients with glycated hemoglobin ≥6.9% using a nine-item questionnaire. Answers were also obtained from physicians in charge of the patients for seven of nine questions.Results: Seven hundred and thirteen patients answered the questionnaire. Many physicians and patients described barriers that involved difficulty in complying with diet therapy. For six of the seven barriers, patient awareness was lower than physician awareness. Patient-reported lack of concern for diabetes mellitus was more prevalent among patients with macrovascular complications. Patients who reported difficulty in compliance with exercise therapy and fear of hypoglycemia were more likely to suffer from microvascular complications.Conclusion: For many of the barriers to blood glucose control, patients were less aware than physicians, suggesting that we need to take action to raise patient awareness. Of interest are the observations that the relevant barriers differed for macrovascular and microvascular complications and that the relationship between presence of macrovascular complications and lack of concern about diabetes mellitus.Keywords: epidemiology, patient education, patient behavior, patient awareness, diabetic complication