6,782 research outputs found

    Raising Student Achievement Levels Through Target-setting and Academic Monitoring: A Case Study of Developments at Key Stage 3 in a Secondary School

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    Evidence for the conclusions and recommendations are based on interviews with tutors and students from Year 8 conducted by the Head of Year, who then provides an overview from her perspective. The findings are contrasted against the examples of effective target-setting provided by the DfEE Standards and Effectiveness Unit (DfEE, 1998b) and the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted, 1996). The new scheme is also reviewed in the light of the call for equal opportunities by, amongst others, the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE, 1998c) and against the body of evidence provided by the research on school improvement (e.g. Stoll and Mortimore, 1995; Creemers, 1997

    Ultrafast spatio-temporal dynamics of terahertz generation by ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses in gases

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    We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of spatio-temporal propagation effects in terahertz (THz) generation in gases using two-color ionizing laser pulses. The observed strong broadening of the THz spectra with increasing gas pressure reveals the prominent role of spatio-temporal reshaping and of a plasma-induced blue-shift of the pump pulses in the generation process. Results obtained from (3+1)-dimensional simulations are in good agreement with experimental findings and clarify the mechanisms responsible for THz emission

    Strange Quark PDFs and Implications for Drell-Yan Boson Production at the LHC

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    Global analyses of Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) have provided incisive constraints on the up and down quark components of the proton, but constraining the other flavor degrees of freedom is more challenging. Higher-order theory predictions and new data sets have contributed to recent improvements. Despite these efforts, the strange quark PDF has a sizable uncertainty, particularly in the small x region. We examine the constraints from experiment and theory, and investigate the impact of this uncertainty on LHC observables. In particular, we study W/Z production to see how the s-quark uncertainty propagates to these observables, and examine the extent to which precise measurements at the LHC can provide additional information on the proton flavor structure.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, added reference

    Observations of the Crab Nebula with H.E.S.S. Phase II

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    The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) phase I instrument was an array of four 100m2100\,\mathrm{m}^2 mirror area Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) that has very successfully mapped the sky at photon energies above 100\sim 100\,GeV. Recently, a 600m2600\,\mathrm{m}^2 telescope was added to the centre of the existing array, which can be operated either in standalone mode or jointly with the four smaller telescopes. The large telescope lowers the energy threshold for gamma-ray observations to several tens of GeV, making the array sensitive at energies where the Fermi-LAT instrument runs out of statistics. At the same time, the new telescope makes the H.E.S.S. phase II instrument. This is the first hybrid IACT array, as it operates telescopes of different size (and hence different trigger rates) and different field of view. In this contribution we present results of H.E.S.S. phase II observations of the Crab Nebula, compare them to earlier observations, and evaluate the performance of the new instrument with Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherland

    Konsekvensvurdering av utslipp av olje fra kabelbrudd i Drøbaksundet, Oslofjord

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    Årsliste 2008NIVA har vurdert miljøkonsekvensene av utslipp av 4000 l høyraffinert mineralolje fra Statnetts undersjøiske kabel mellom Solberg og Brenntangen i Drøbaksundet. Utslippet skjedde i perioden 17-26 april 2008 og var synlig som tynn oljefilm som spredte seg i flere retninger. Stranding ble observer på østsiden mellom Brenntangen og Emmerstad. Kabeloljen er lite vannløselig, regnes ikke som miljøfarlig, men er lite nedbrytbar og kan muligens bioakkumulere. Toksisitetstester med brukt kabelolje viste lav giftighet og det er liten sannsynlighet for skade på det pelagiske økosystemet. Det var ingen synlig tilgrising av strender og liten sannsynlighet for økologisk skade i strandsonen, men lokale blåskjell viste svake tegn til å ha akkumulert oljerelatert PAH. Det er ingen rapport om skadet sjøfugl. Videre tiltak mot oljesølet og oppfølgende miljøovervåking ansees å være lite nyttig.Statnett S

    Kinetic Inductance of Josephson Junction Arrays: Dynamic and Equilibrium Calculations

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    We show analytically that the inverse kinetic inductance L1L^{-1} of an overdamped junction array at low frequencies is proportional to the admittance of an inhomogeneous equivalent impedance network. The ijthij^{th} bond in this equivalent network has an inverse inductance Jijcos(θi0θj0Aij)J_{ij}\cos(\theta_i^0-\theta_j^0-A_{ij}), where JijJ_{ij} is the Josephson coupling energy of the ijthij^{th} bond, θi0\theta_i^0 is the ground-state phase of the grain ii, and AijA_{ij} is the usual magnetic phase factor. We use this theorem to calculate L1L^{-1} for square arrays as large as 180×180180\times 180. The calculated L1L^{-1} is in very good agreement with the low-temperature limit of the helicity modulus γ\gamma calculated by conventional equilibrium Monte Carlo techniques. However, the finite temperature structure of γ\gamma, as a function of magnetic field, is \underline{sharper} than the zero-temperature L1L^{-1}, which shows surprisingly weak structure. In triangular arrays, the equilibrium calculation of γ\gamma yields a series of peaks at frustrations f=12(11/N)f = \frac{1}{2}(1-1/N), where NN is an integer 2\geq 2, consistent with experiment.Comment: 14 pages + 6 postscript figures, 3.0 REVTe

    Discovering a junction tree behind a Markov network by a greedy algorithm

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    In an earlier paper we introduced a special kind of k-width junction tree, called k-th order t-cherry junction tree in order to approximate a joint probability distribution. The approximation is the best if the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the true joint probability distribution and the approximating one is minimal. Finding the best approximating k-width junction tree is NP-complete if k>2. In our earlier paper we also proved that the best approximating k-width junction tree can be embedded into a k-th order t-cherry junction tree. We introduce a greedy algorithm resulting very good approximations in reasonable computing time. In this paper we prove that if the Markov network underlying fullfills some requirements then our greedy algorithm is able to find the true probability distribution or its best approximation in the family of the k-th order t-cherry tree probability distributions. Our algorithm uses just the k-th order marginal probability distributions as input. We compare the results of the greedy algorithm proposed in this paper with the greedy algorithm proposed by Malvestuto in 1991.Comment: The paper was presented at VOCAL 2010 in Veszprem, Hungar

    Status and Plans for the Array Control and Data Acquisition System of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next-generation atmospheric Cherenkov gamma-ray observatory. CTA will consist of two installations, one in the northern, and the other in the southern hemisphere, containing tens of telescopes of different sizes. The CTA performance requirements and the inherent complexity associated with the operation, control and monitoring of such a large distributed multi-telescope array leads to new challenges in the field of the gamma-ray astronomy. The ACTL (array control and data acquisition) system will consist of the hardware and software that is necessary to control and monitor the CTA arrays, as well as to time-stamp, read-out, filter and store -at aggregated rates of few GB/s- the scientific data. The ACTL system must be flexible enough to permit the simultaneous automatic operation of multiple sub-arrays of telescopes with a minimum personnel effort on site. One of the challenges of the system is to provide a reliable integration of the control of a large and heterogeneous set of devices. Moreover, the system is required to be ready to adapt the observation schedule, on timescales of a few tens of seconds, to account for changing environmental conditions or to prioritize incoming scientific alerts from time-critical transient phenomena such as gamma ray bursts. This contribution provides a summary of the main design choices and plans for building the ACTL system.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589