191 research outputs found

    Tris(methyl 3-oxobutanoato-κ2 O,O′)aluminium(III)

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    In the title compound, [Al(C5H7O3)3], three acac-type ligands (methyl 3-oxobutanoate anions) chelate to the aluminium(III) cation in a slightly distorted AlO6 octa­hedral coordination geometry. Electron delocalization occurs within the chelating rings

    An Efficient Hybrid Protocol Framework for DDoS Attack Detection and Mitigation Using Evolutionary Technique, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2022, nr 4

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    The ever-increasing use of the Internet has created massive amounts network traffic, causing problems related to its scalability, controllability, and manageability. Sophisticated network-based denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks increasingly pose a future threat. The literature proposes various methods that may help stop all HTTP DoS/DDoS assaults, but no optimal solution has been identified so far. Therefore, this paper attempts to fill the gap by proposing an alternative solution known as an efficient hybrid protocol framework for distributed DoS attack detection and mitigation (E-HPFDDM). Such an architecture addresses all aspects of these assaults by relaying on a three-layer mechanism. Layer 1 uses the outer advanced blocking (OAB) scheme which blocks unauthorized IP sources using an advanced backlisted table. Layer 2 is a validation layer that relies on the inner service trackback (IST) scheme to help determine whether the inbound request has been initiated by a legitimate or an illegitimate user. Layer 3 (inner layer) uses the deep entropy based (DEB) scheme to identify, classify and mitigate high-rate DDoS (HR-DDoS) and flash crowd (FC) attacks. The research shows that in contrast to earlier studies, the structure of the proposed system offers effective defense against DoS/DDoS assaults for web applications

    Clinical features, predisposing factors and radiological study of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: experience from a tertiary care center in Southern India

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    Background: Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is a less common cause of stroke with a wide range of clinical presentations, predisposing factors, radiological features and outcomes. A high index of suspicion is absolutely essential to diagnose cerebral venous thrombosis. In this article, we have reviewed the clinical spectrum and radiological profile of patients with cerebral venous thrombosis and attempted to identify the specific predisposing factors for developing cerebral venous thrombosis particularly in this region of India.Methods: 116 patients hospitalized from January 2015 to March 2017 with a final diagnosis of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis which was confirmed by imaging (MRI/MRV or CT angiography) were included. Patients who were initially diagnosed as CVT but imaging were not suggestive of the same were excluded.Results: The mean age of the study population was 35.21 years, with most patients aged between 21-30 years. 18.1% of the study population were puerperal women, much lower than earlier series. 54.54% of the men had a significant history of alcohol consumption and 10.34% of the non-puerperal women revealed a history of consuming oral contraceptive pills. Among men, seizures were the most common presenting symptom followed by headache. Women presented with headache followed by vomiting. Superior sagittal sinus, transverse sinus, cortical veins and sigmoid sinus involvement were quite common in comparison to the other sinuses.Conclusions: Accurate and prompt diagnosis of CVT is crucial because timely and appropriate therapy can reverse the disease process and significantly reduce the risk of acute complications and long-term sequelae. In this article, we have reviewed the epidemiology, causative factors, clinical features and as well as radiological pattern of CVT from an Indian perspective. Over the last decade, a relatively high incidence of CVT in fairly young individuals warrants further evaluation towards genetic predisposition for pro-thrombotic states particularly in this region of India

    Prescription pattern of anti-hypertensive drugs among hypertensive patients at district hospital

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    Background: To conduct a prospective observational study on prescribing pattern of anti-hypertensive drug in the department of general medicine in Government District hospital, Gulbarga. In this study it was aimed to evaluate the current practice of anti-hypertensive drug by comparing with JNC-8 guidelines in population. Objectives: The objective of our study is to determine the prescription pattern of antihypertensive drugs and adherence to JNC8 guidelines and to find out the most prescribed anti-hypertensive drugs. Methods: A Prospective Observational Study of 06 months was conducted. Undertaken 174 patients data collection form of all the patients of inpatient department of age 18 ≥ years of hypertensive with or without co-morbidities. Result: The results of this analysis suggests that out of the total 174 hypertensive patients included in the study, 92 patients were males while 82 patients were females, indicating the higher prevalence of hypertension in male population than in female population, that is 10% higher prevalence in males than in females. Out of the total study subjects, 169 hypertensive patients were found to have other co morbid conditions. Considering out of the total 174 patients, majority of the patients received monotherapy (129) while remaining patients receiving the Combinational therapy are 45. However in the case of overall utilization pattern of antihypertensive agents, CCBs are the most frequently prescribed class of drugs, followed by ARBs , BBs and finally ACEIs

    Studies on Certain Serum Metabolites in non Pregnant and Pregnant Bannur Ewes

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    Abstract A study was undertaken with the objective of making an insight in to the changes with respect to the level of certain metabolites in non pregnant and pregnant Bannur ewes which are indicative of their nutritional status and physiological well being. Eighteen Bannur ewes maintained under identical managemental conditions in a semi-intensive rearing farm which were of two to four years of age are categorized in to three groups, comprising of six animals in each group, such as non pregnant (Group I), early pregnant (Group II, at 20 to 35 days of pregnancy) and late pregnant (Group III, at 105 to 120 days of pregnancy) ewes based upon ultrasound imaging technique. The metabolites such as serum levels of β-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, total protein, blood urea nitrogen and lipid profile components were determined at 0, 7 and 15 th day of sample collection. The biochemical parameters did not vary significantly (P>0.05) between the groups except for the glucose levels which were significantly (P<0.05) lower in Group III compared to Group I and Group II. It was concluded that, all the parameters studied in Bannur breed of ewes during non pregnancy, early pregnancy and late pregnancy were within the normal reference range described for sheep and it was suggestive that none of the ewes in the present study suffered from any kind of metabolic disorders

    A De Novo Mutation in the Sodium-Activated Potassium Channel KCNT2 Alters Ion Selectivity and Causes Epileptic Encephalopathy.

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    Early infantile epileptic encephalopathies (EOEE) are a debilitating spectrum of disorders associated with cognitive impairments. We present a clinical report of a KCNT2 mutation in an EOEE patient. The de novo heterozygous variant Phe240Leu SLICK was identified by exome sequencing and confirmed by Sanger sequencing. Phe240Leu rSlick and hSLICK channels were electrophysiologically, heterologously characterized to reveal three significant alterations to channel function. First, [Cl-]i sensitivity was reversed in Phe240Leu channels. Second, predominantly K+-selective WT channels were made to favor Na+ over K+ by Phe240Leu. Third, and consequent to altered ion selectivity, Phe240Leu channels had larger inward conductance. Further, rSlick channels induced membrane hyperexcitability when expressed in primary neurons, resembling the cellular seizure phenotype. Taken together, our results confirm that Phe240Leu is a "change-of-function" KCNT2 mutation, demonstrating unusual altered selectivity in KNa channels. These findings establish pathogenicity of the Phe240Leu KCNT2 mutation in the reported EOEE patient

    Human BCAS3 Expression in Embryonic Stem Cells and Vascular Precursors Suggests a Role in Human Embryogenesis and Tumor Angiogenesis

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    Cancer is often associated with multiple and progressive genetic alterations in genes that are important for normal development. BCAS3 (Breast Cancer Amplified Sequence 3) is a gene of unknown function on human chromosome 17q23, a region associated with breakpoints of several neoplasms. The normal expression pattern of BCAS3 has not been studied, though it is implicated in breast cancer progression. Rudhira, a murine WD40 domain protein that is 98% identical to BCAS3 is expressed in embryonic stem (ES) cells, erythropoiesis and angiogenesis. This suggests that BCAS3 expression also may not be restricted to mammary tissue and may have important roles in other normal as well as malignant tissues. We show that BCAS3 is also expressed in human ES cells and during their differentiation into blood vascular precursors. We find that BCAS3 is aberrantly expressed in malignant human brain lesions. In glioblastoma, hemangiopericytoma and brain abscess we note high levels of BCAS3 expression in tumor cells and some blood vessels. BCAS3 may be associated with multiple cancerous and rapidly proliferating cells and hence the expression, function and regulation of this gene merits further investigation. We suggest that BCAS3 is mis-expressed in brain tumors and could serve as a human ES cell and tumor marker

    Diagnosis of Esophagitis Based on Face Recognition Techniques

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    Face recognition technology has evolved over years with the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method being the benchmark for recognition efficiency. The face recognition techniques take care of variation of illumination, pose and other features of the face in the image. We envisage an application of these face recognition techniques for classification of medical images. The motivating factor being, given a condition of an organ it is represented by some typical features. In this paper we report the use of the face recognition techniques to classify the type of Esophagitis, a condition of inflammation of the esophagus. The image of the esophagus is captured in the process of endoscopy. We test PCA, Fisher Face method and Independent Component Analysis techniques to classify the images of the esophagus. Esophagitis is classified into four categories. The results of classification for each method are reported and the results are compared