1,341 research outputs found

    The Electroweak Interactions as a Confinement Phenomenon

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    We consider a model for the electroweak interactions based on the assumption that physical particles are singlets under the gauge group SU(2). The concept of complementarity explains why the standard model works with such an extraordinary precision although the fermions and bosons of the model can be viewed as composite objects of some more fundamental fermions and bosons. We study the incorporation of QED in the model. Furthermore we consider possible deviations from the standard model at very high energies, e.g. excited states of the weak bosons.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Physics Letters

    Flavor Democracy and Type-II Seesaw Realization of Bilarge Neutrino Mixing

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    We generalize the democratic neutrino mixing Ansatz by incorporating the type-II seesaw mechanism with S(3) flavor symmetry. We find that bilarge neutrino mixing can naturally appear if the flavor democracy contribution is strongly suppressed due to significant cancellation between the conventional seesaw and triplet mass terms. Explicit S(3) symmetry breaking yields successful neutrino phenomenology and various testable correlations between the neutrino mass and mixing parameters. Among the results are a normal neutrino mass ordering, 0.005Ue30.0570.005 \le |U_{e3}| \le 0.057, 1sin22θ230.0051 - \sin^2 2\theta_{23} \ge 0.005, positive JCPJ_{\rm CP} and moderate cancellation in the effective mass of the neutrinoless double beta decay.Comment: LaTex 12 pages (2 figures included). More discussions added. Accepted for publication in PL

    The scalar glueball spectrum

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    We discuss scenarios for scalar glueballs using arguments based on sum rules, spectral decomposition, the 1Nc\frac{1}{N_c} approximation, the scales of the strong interaction and the topology of the flux tubes. We analyze the phenomenological support of those scenarios and their observational implications. Our investigations hint a rich low lying glueball spectrum.Comment: 11 pages: New title, figure, table and a more detailed comparison with experiment

    Nearly Bi-Maximal Neutrino Mixing, Muon g-2 Anomaly and Lepton-Flavor-Violating Processes

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    We interpret the newly observed muon g-2 anomaly in the framework of a leptonic Higgs doublet model with nearly degenerate neutrino masses and nearly bi-maximal neutrino mixing. Useful constraints are obtained on the rates of lepton-flavor-violating rare decays τμγ\tau \to \mu \gamma, μeγ\mu \to e \gamma and τeγ\tau \to e \gamma as well as the μ\mu-ee conversion ratio RμeR_{\mu e}. We find that Γ(μeγ)\Gamma (\mu \to e \gamma), Γ(τeγ)\Gamma (\tau \to e \gamma) and RμeR_{\mu e} depend crucially on possible non-zero but samll values of the neutrino mixing matrix element Ve3V_{e3}, and they are also sensitive to the Dirac-type CP-violating phase. In particular, we show that Γ(τμγ)/mτ5\Gamma (\tau \to \mu \gamma)/m^5_\tau, Γ(μeγ)/mμ5\Gamma (\mu \to e \gamma)/m^5_\mu and Γ(τeγ)/mτ5\Gamma (\tau \to e \gamma)/m^5_\tau are approximately in the ratio 1:2Ve32:2Ve321: 2|V_{e3}|^2: 2|V_{e3}|^2 if Ve3|V_{e3}| is much larger than O(102){\cal O}(10^{-2}), and in the ratio 2(Δmatm2)2:(Δmsun2)2:(Δmsun2)22 (\Delta m^2_{\rm atm})^2: (\Delta m^2_{\rm sun})^2:(\Delta m^2_{\rm sun})^2 if Ve3|V_{e3}| is much lower than O(103){\cal O}(10^{-3}), where Δmatm2\Delta m^2_{\rm atm} and Δmsun2\Delta m^2_{\rm sun} are the corresponding mass-squared differences of atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillations.Comment: LaTex 6 pages (2 PS figures). Phys. Rev. D (in printing

    Towards a new determination of the QCD Lambda parameter from running couplings in the three-flavour theory

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    We review our new strategy and current status towards a high precision computation of the Lambda parameter from three-flavour simulations in QCD. To reach this goal we combine specific advantages of the Schr\"odinger functional and gradient flow couplings.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory; 23-28 June, 2014, Columbia University, New Yor

    Predictions from the Fritzsch-Type Lepton Mass Matrices

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    We revisit the Fritzsch-type lepton mass matrix models confronted with new experiments for neutrino mixings. It is shown that the model is viable and leads to a rather narrow range of free parameters. Using empirical mixing information between νe\nu_e and νμ\nu_\mu, and between νμ\nu_\mu and ντ\nu_\tau, it is predicted that the mixing angle between nuenu_e and ντ\nu_\tau is in the range 0.04<U13<0.200.04<|U_{13}|<0.20, consistent with the CHOOZ experiment and the lightest neutrino mass is 0.0004<m1<0.00300.0004<m_1<0.0030 eV. The range of the effective mass measured in double beta decay is 0.002<0.0070.002<0.007 eV.Comment: Latex file with 13 pages, 6 eps file

    Democratic Neutrino Mixing and Radiative Corrections

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    The renormalization effect on a specific ansatz of lepton mass matrices, arising naturally from the breaking of flavor democracy for charged leptons and that of mass degeneracy for light neutrinos, is studied from a superhigh energy scale M_0 \sim 10^{13} GeV to the electroweak scale in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. We find that the democratic neutrino mixing pattern obtained from this ansatz may in general be instable against radiative corrections. With the help of similar flavor symmetries we prescribe a slightly different scheme of lepton mass matrices at the scale M_0, from which the democratic mixing pattern of lepton flavors can be achieved, after radiative corrections, at the experimentally accessible scales.Comment: RevTex 8 pages. Phys. Rev. D (in printing

    Hierarchy and Up-Down Parallelism of Quark Mass Matrices

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    In view of the quark mass hierarchy and in the assumption of the up-down parallelism, we derive two phenomenologically-favored patterns of Hermitian quark mass matrices from the quark flavor mixing matrix. We compare one of them with two existing {\it Ansa¨\it\ddot{a}tze} proposed by Rosner and Worah and by Roberts {\it et al}, and find that only the latter is consistent with the present experimental data.Comment: RevTex 9 pages. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Quark masses and mixings in the RS1 model with a condensing 4th generation

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    We study the hierarchy of quark masses and mixings in a model based on a 5-dimensional spacetime with constant curvature of Randall-Sundrum type with two branes, where the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking is caused dynamically by the condensation of a 4th generation of quarks, due to underlying physics from the 5D bulk and the first KK gluons. We first study the hierarchy of quark masses and mixings that can be obtained from purely adjusting the profile localizations, finding that realistic masses are not reproduced unless non trivial hierarchies of underlying 4-fermion interactions from the bulk are included. Then we study global U(1) symmetries that can be imposed in order to obtain non-symmetric modified Fritzsch-like textures in the mass matrices that reproduce reasonably well quark masses and CKM mixings.Comment: Minor changes. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Deep inelastic scattering and factorization in the 't Hooft Model

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    We study in detail deep inelastic scattering in the 't Hooft model. We are able to analytically check current conservation and to obtain analytic expressions for the matrix elements with relative precision O(1/Q^2) for 1-x >> \beta^2/Q^2. This allows us to compute the electron-meson differential cross section and its moments with 1/Q^2 precision. For the former we find maximal violations of quark-hadron duality, as it is expected for a large N_c analysis. For the latter we find violations of the operator product expansion at next-to-leading order in the 1/Q^2 expansion.Comment: 55 pages, 16 figure