834 research outputs found

    Evaluation of anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and thyroid stimulating hormone level in cases of recurrent early pregnancy loss

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    Background: Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is by far the most frequent cause of hypothyroidism in women in reproductive age. The prevalence of hypothyroidism in the general population of reproductive age is 2-3%. The objective of this study was to evaluate maternal anti-thyroglobulin (ATG) concentrations and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level in cases of recurrent miscarriage.Methods: 200 female patients divided into two groups. Group A: 100 female patients with history of recurrent miscarriage. Group B: 100 female patients with at least 2 living children and without history of recurrent early miscarriage.  Antithyroglobulin antibodies using chemilumeniscence immunoassay (normal level up to 115 IU/ml) and TSH level using chemilumeniscence immunoassay (normal level 0.350-2 U/ml) were assessed.Results: 8.0% of cases (n = 100) and 2.0% of control group (n = 100) were positive for anti TG antibodies. There was no significant relationship between the presence of anti TG antibodies and RPL (p = 0.052).  19% of cases (n = 100) were positive for TSH level. On the other hand, 14% of control group (n = 100) were positive for TSH level there was no significant relation between recurrent pregnancy loss and TSH, (P = 0.34).Conclusions: Neither TSH nor ATG showed significant difference in cases with recurrent miscarriage

    Molluscicidal Activity of Some Solanum Species Extracts against the Snail Biomphalaria alexandrina

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    Background. Snails' species are associated with transmission parasitic disease as intermediate host. Biological control stands to be a better alternative to the chemical controls aimed against snails. The search of herbal preparations that do not produce any adverse effects in the non-target organisms and are easily biodegradable remains a top research issue for scientists associated with alternative molluscicides control. Method. Solvent extracts of fresh mature leaves of S. nigrum, S. villosum, and S. sinaicum were tested against Biomphalaria alexandrina, a common intermediate host of schistosoma mansoni. A phytochemical analysis of chloroform: ethanol extract was performed to search for active toxic ingredient. The lethal concentration was determined. Results. Extracts isolated from mature leaves of Solanum species were found to be having molluscicidal properties. S. nigrum extract was recorded as the highest mortality rate. When the mortality of different solvent extracts was compared, the maximum (P < .05) mortality was recorded at a concentration of 90 ppm of ethanol extract of S. nigrum. Conclusion. Extract of mature leaves of S. nigrum exhibited molluscicidal activity followed by S. sinaicum and the less one was S. villosum. The study provides considerable scope in exploiting local indigenous resources for snails' molluscicidal agents

    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran Buah Duku (suatu Kasus di Desa Karanganyar Kecamatan Cijeungjing Kabupaten Ciamis)

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan (1) untuk mengetahui saluran pemasaran buah duku dari produsen atau petani sampai ke konsumen (2) untuk mengetahui marjin, biaya, keuntungan pemasaran buah duku. Serta (3) perbandingan harga yang diterima petani (Farmer share). Penelitian ini melibatkan 31 orang responden dari pihak petani dan 12 orang respondendari pihak pedagang perantara. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan :1. Saluran pemasaran buah duku di Desa Karanganyar terdapat tiga saluran pemasaran a) Petani buah duku Pedagang pengumpul (Desa Karanganyar) pedagang pengecer (Desa Karangkamulyan) Konsumen.b) Petani buah duku Pedagang pengumpul (Desa Karanganyar) Pedagang Besar(Pasar Ciamis) Pedagang Pengecer konsumen.c) Petani buah duku pedagang pengumpul (Desa Karanganyar)Broker Pedagang besar (Cibitung) Pedagang pengecer (wilayah Cibitung)konsumen.2. Total marjin, biaya dan keuntungan pemasaran buah duku sebagai berikut :a) Total marjin pemasaran pada saluran 1 sebesar Rp 3.700 per kilogram, pada saluran 2 sebesar Rp 4.000 per kilogram, pada saluran 3 sebesar Rp 4.400 per kilogram.b) Total biaya pemasaran pada saluran 1 sebesar Rp 1.100 per kilogram, pada saluran 2 sebesar Rp 1.655 per kilogram, pada saluaran 3 sebesar Rp 1.815 per kilogram.c) Total keuntungan pemasaran pada saluran 1 sebesar Rp 2.600 per kilogram, pada saluran 2 sebesar Rp 2.345 per kilogram, pada saluran 3 sebesar Rp 2.585 per kilogram.3. harga yang diterima petani atau Farmer share pada saluran pemasaran 1sebesar 57,47 % per kilogram, pada saluran pemasaran 2 sebesar 55,56% per kilogram, pada saluran pemasaran 3sebesar 52,63% per kilogram

    Epidemiology of brain tumors in the United Arab Emirates: A National Registry Cross-sectional Study

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    © 2020 The Author(s). Background: Cancer is the third leading cause of death in the United Arab Emirates (UAE); brain cancer ranks 10th among the cancers, with 2.9% of the primary cancers originating from the nervous system. The epidemiology of brain cancers has not been explored. The unique population dynamics of UAE make it a fertile ground for analyzing the epidemiology of brain cancer. In this study, we aim to look at the frequency patterns and distribution of malignant primary brain tumors in the UAE. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out using data obtained from the Tawam Hospital Cancer Registry for the years 1984-2017. The sample size included 756 diagnosed cases of malignant primary brain tumors in the UAE. Using SPSS and Excel software, frequencies, mean ages, histological type frequencies, average annual crude incidence rates and average annual age adjusted incidence rates were analyzed. Results: The expatriate population had higher percentage of brain tumors (72%) than the locals. The mean age at diagnosis was 33.48 years (± 21.14 years) with a male to female ratio of 1.69. Diffuse astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumors were the most commonly diagnosed tumors overall. Older adults had more cases of lymphoma while embryonal and ependymal tumors were most commonly seen in younger age groups. The overall average annual crude incidence rate for 2013-2016 for all primary brain tumors was 0.56 per 100,000 population. Conclusion: This is the first cancer registry study in the UAE that describes histological types of primary brain tumors based on the WHO 2016 classification of brain tumors and highlights their incidence rates. Through this study, several patterns of incidence trends for brain tumors in the UAE, according to histological types, sex and age groups have been recognized. Comparative studies would help identify the influence of potential changes in lifestyle, environmental or occupational risk factors on primary brain tumors


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    This study aims to investigate how investors' perceptions of risk impact the stock prices of energy companies listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE) from 2016 to 2023. Investors' belief in the future financial stability of the companies they invest in influences their risk perception. Therefore, if investors hold pessimistic views, they will decrease their investment in these companies, causing share prices to drop, and vice versa. The Zmijewski x-score model is utilized in this study as a measure of risk to assess the financial stability of Kuwaiti energy companies and its impact on their stock prices. The study employs ordinary least square regression (OLS) to analyze the correlation between the x-score and share prices. Results from this research indicated that there was no statistically significant relation between Zmijewski's x-score and stock price and that investors look at other factors when choosing their investments. This is evident because the company with the greatest bankruptcy risk in the following two years also had the second-highest share price. JEL: G1, G4, M21  Article visualizations

    Regional and Seasonal Variation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water and Mollusca at Quarna North of Shatt AL-Arab River

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    Distribution and seasonal variations and sources of of the sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was studied in surface water and and  fuor species of molluscs (Theodoxus Jordani, Melanoides taberculata Melanopsis nodosa, Bellamya bengalensis ) from three stations at Al-Quarna in Shatt Al Arab river during the low tide period from September, 2018 to March, 2019 . Liquid-liquid extraction was used for water samples, while PAHs in molluscs were extracted using Soxhlet Extraction and finally analyzed by means of gas chromatography.  physical and chemical parameter were measured such as . Water Temperature range from (13°C to 39°C), Dissolved oxygen range from (6.5 mg/l to 3.84 mg/l),PH range from (8.15-7.17) and Electrical conductivity (2.59 ms/cm- 4.75 ms/cm). Results of PAHs in water samples was ranged from (1.4754ng / l) during summer in the first station to (3.4215ng / l) during winter at the third station. While the total PAHs in molluscs range from  0.876 ng/g dry weight in the T.jordani in station 1during summer to 9.093 ng/g dry weight in the B.bengalensis during winter . The Highest concentration of PAHs in  the four species were arranged as fellow :Bellamya bengalensis ˃ Melanopsis nodosa ˃ Melanoides taberculata ˃ Theodoxus Jordani. When we compares the concentration  TPHs in water and molluscs with other study it allies within these concentration. Keywords: PAH, water, Mollusca, Pollution,Qurna,ShattAL-Arab River,Basrah,Iraq DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-14-05 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Perbandingan Perencanaan Sambungan Kayu Dengan Baut Dan Paku Berdasarkan Pkki 1961 Ni-5 Dan Sni 7973:2013

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    Seiring perkembangan teknologi, manusia mulai beralih menggunakan material baja dan beton, tetapi di daerah yang sulit untuk membuat bangunan dari beton atau baja, solusinya dapat menggunakan material kayu. Kayu memiliki kelemahan yaitu mempunyai panjang yang terbatas sehingga diperlukan sambungan. Sambungan baut dan paku telah diatur dalam PKKI 1961 NI-5 dan disempurnakan dalam SNI 7973:2013.Struktur yang ditinjau berupa sambungan batang kayu dan diasumsikan sebagai atap rangka batang yang terlindung dan balok yang terlindung. Beban yang diberikan berupa beban terpusat dan beban merata, yang terdiri dari beban mati, beban hidup di atas atap, beban hidup, beban hujan, dan beban angin. Semakin besar diameter baut dan paku yang digunakan maka jumlah baut dan paku akan sama dengan peraturan PKKI 1961 NI-5 dan SNI 7973:2013 (untuk DTI). Sedangkan semakin kecil diameter baut yang digunakan dengan SNI 7973:2013 (untuk DFBK) maka jumlah baut akan lebih sedikit dari PKKI 1961 NI-5 dan semakin kecil diameter paku yang digunakan dengan PKKI 1961 NI-5 maka jumlah paku akan lebih sedikit dari SNI 7973:2013 (untuk DFBK)

    The new distribution (Topp Leone Marshall Olkin-Weibull) properties with an application

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    The few standard probability distributions available are insufficient for modelling naturally occurring events. Most especially, normal distribution is not ideal for modelling asymmetrical data. Generalizing a new distribution is an important area in probability theory. It is known that we can improve the performance of the distributions by adding a new parameters. So, in this paper, we introduce Topp Leone Marshall Olkin-Weibull distribution as new method with four parameters based on recently proposed family (Topp Leone Marshall-Olkin of distributions). Accordingly, mathematical properties such as quantile function, moments generating functions, entropy, and order statistics have been investigated. The estimation of four parameters by maximum likelihood method was implemented. Application for real data based on the proposed method can be employed to show the best fitting as compared with the other models


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    Salah satu pelayanan yang diberikan oleh Puskesmas adalah upaya pemulihan kesehatan dan pelayanan pengobatan. Dalam melakukan pengobatan dan pemulihan kesehatan, memerlukan ketersediaan obat yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelayanan. Pelayanan Kefarmasian adalah suatu pelayanan langsung dan bertanggung jawab kepada pasien yang berkaitan dengan Sediaan Farmasi untuk meningkatkan mutu kehidupan pasien. Tujuan dari Penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh informasi yang lebih mendalam mengenai proses pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas Minanga, dilihat dari aspek perencanaan, permintaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pendistribusian, pemusnahan, pengendalian, pencatatan dan pelaporan obat. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan yaitu rancangan penelitian kualitatif. Informan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian berjumlah 5 orang dengan menggunakan triangulasi. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari pedoman wawancara, alat tulis-menulis, dan alat perekam suara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas Minanga dilihat dari aspek penyimpanan, pencatatan dan pelaporan obat telah memenuhi standar pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas, sementara untuk perencanaan, permintaan, penerimaan, pendistribusian, pemusnahan, pengendalian obat belum sesuai standar pelayanan kefarmasian. Untuk penerimaan obat tidak sesuai dengan permintaan dari Puskesmas. Sehingga dari hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas Minanga harus lebih ditingkatkan dan menjadi perhatian supaya dapat terlaksana sesuai dengan Permenkes mengenai Standar pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas untuk kelancaran pelayanan kesehatan. Disarankan kepada pihak Puskesmas, agar dapat mempertahankan pelayanan kefarmasian yang sudah sesuai standar dan melakukan perbaikan bagi yang masih kurang. Kata kunci: Kefarmasian, Pelayanan, Puskesmas ABSTRACTOne of the services provided by Puskesmas is health recovery efforts and treatment services. In treatment services and health recovery, requires the availability of drugs that are in accordance with existing service needs. Pharmaceutical Services is a direct and responsible service to patients related to Pharmaceutical Preparations with the aim of achieving definite results to improve the quality of life of patients. The purpose of this research is to obtain more in-depth information out the pharmaceutical service process in Puskesmas Minanga, which is seen from the aspects of planning, demand, receipt, storage, distribution, destruction, control, recording and reporting of drugs. This type of research is a qualitative research design with a descriptive approach. Informants obtained in this study amounted to 5 people using triangulation. Data collection was conducted through interviews and direct observation. The research instrument used consisted of interview guidelines, stationery, and voice recording devices. The results showed that pharmaceutical services in Puskesmas Minanga are seen from the aspect of storage and recording and reporting of drugs that have met the pharmaceutical service standards at the Puskesmas, As for planning, demand, acceptance, distribution, destruction, control of drugs are not in accordance with pharmaceutical service standards. The receipt of the drug is not in accordance with the request from the Puskesmas. So from the results of the study, it can be concluded that pharmaceutical services in Puskesmas Minanga must be further improved and be considered so that they can be carried out in accordance with Permenkes regarding Pharmaceutical service standards at the Health Center for the smooth running of health services. It is recommended to the Puskesmas, in order to be able to maintain pharmaceutical services that are in accordance with the standards and make improvements for those who are still lacking. Keywords: Pharmaceutical, Services, Puskesma