3,145 research outputs found

    Kinetics of copolymer localization at a selective liquid-liquid interface

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    The localization kinetics of a regular block-copolymer of total length NN and block size MM at a selective liquid-liquid interface is studied in the limit of strong segregation between hydrophobic and polar segments in the chain. We propose a simple analytic theory based on scaling arguments which describes the relaxation of the initial coil into a flat-shaped layer for the cases of both Rouse and Zimm dynamics. For Rouse dynamics the characteristic times for attaining equilibrium values of the gyration radius components perpendicular and parallel to the interface are predicted to scale with block length MM and chain length NN as τM1+2ν\tau_{\perp} \propto M^{1+2\nu} (here ν0.6\nu\approx 0.6 is the Flory exponent) and as τN2\tau_{\parallel} \propto N^2, although initially the characteristic coil flattening time is predicted to scale with block size as M\propto M. Since typically NMN\gg M for multiblock copolymers, our results suggest that the flattening dynamics proceeds faster perpendicular rather than parallel to the interface, in contrast to the case of Zimm dynamics where the two components relax with comparable rate, and proceed considerably slower than in the Rouse case. We also demonstrate that, in the case of Rouse dynamics, these scaling predictions agree well with the results of Monte Carlo simulations of the localization dynamics. A comparison to the localization dynamics of {\em random} copolymers is also carried out.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figure

    Field - Driven Translocation of Regular Block Copolymers through a Selective Liquid - Liquid Interface

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    We propose a simple scaling theory describing the variation of the mean first passage time (MFPT) τ(N,M)\tau(N,M) of a regular block copolymer of chain length NN and block size MM which is dragged through a selective liquid-liquid interface by an external field BB. The theory predicts a non-Arrhenian τ\tau vs. BB relationship which depends strongly on the size of the blocks, MM, and rather weakly on the total polymer length, NN. The overall behavior is strongly influenced by the degree of selectivity between the two solvents χ\chi. The variation of τ(N,M)\tau(N,M) with NN and MM in the regimes of weak and strong selectivity of the interface is also studied by means of computer simulations using a dynamic Monte Carlo coarse-grained model. Good qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions is found. The MFPT distribution is found to be well described by a Γ\Gamma - distribution. Transition dynamics of ring- and telechelic polymers is also examined and compared to that of the linear chains. The strong sensitivity of the ``capture'' time τ(N,M)\tau(N,M) with respect to block length MM suggests a possible application as a new type of chromatography designed to separate and purify complex mixtures with different block sizes of the individual macromolecules.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    On the basic mechanism of Pixelized Photon Detectors

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    A Pixelized Photon Detector (PPD) is a generic name for the semiconductor devices operated in the Geiger-mode, such as Silicon PhotoMultiplier and Multi-Pixel Photon Counter, which has high photon counting capability. While the internal mechanisms of the PPD have been intensively studied in recent years, the existing models do not include the avalanche process. We have simulated the multiplication and quenching of the avalanche process and have succeeded in reproducing the output waveform of the PPD. Furthermore our model predicts the existence of dead-time in the PPD which has never been numerically predicted. For serching the dead-time, we also have developed waveform analysis method using deconvolution which has the potential to distinguish neibouring pulses precisely. In this paper, we discuss our improved model and waveform analysis method.Comment: 4pages, 5figures, To appear in the proceedings of 5th International Conference on New Developments in Photodetection (NDIP08), Aix-les-Bains, France, 15-20 Jun 200

    Copolymer adsorption kinetics at a selective liquid-liquid interface: Scaling theory and computer experiment

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    We consider the adsorption kinetics of a regular block-copolymer of total length NN and block size MM at a selective liquid-liquid interface in the limit of strong localization. We propose a simple analytic theory based on scaling considerations which describes the relaxation of the initial coil into a flat-shaped layer. The characteristic times for attaining equilibrium values of the gyration radius components perpendicular and parallel to the interface are predicted to scale with chain length NN and block length MM as τM1+2ν\tau_{\perp} \propto M^{1+2\nu} (here ν0.6\nu\approx 0.6 is the Flory exponent) and as τN2\tau_{\parallel} \propto N^2, although initially the rate of coil flattening is expected to decrease with block size as M1\propto M^{-1}. Since typically NMN\gg M for multiblock copolymers, our results suggest that the flattening dynamics proceeds faster perpendicular rather than parallel to the interface. We also demonstrate that these scaling predictions agree well with the results of extensive Monte Carlo simulations of the localization dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submited to Europhys. Let

    A New Approach to Epistemic Logic

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    A new language for epistemic logic is introduced in which the epis- temic operators are of the form j x : x1 : : : xnj with the intended read- ing \x knows of x1 : : : xn that ...". Analogously we can express \t knows of t1 : : : tn that ... ", where t; t1 : : : tn are terms. An advantage of this approach is that we can quantify on the agents, \every y knows of x1 : : : xn that A" or \some expert knows of t1 : : : tn that A" can easily be expressed. The semantics we present for this language is a generalization of the transition semantics, called epistemic transition semantics in which the possible worlds are states of affairs compatible with the epistemic state of some agent. A calculus is presented and shown to be complete with respect to epistemic transition semantics

    Patterns in high-frequency FX data: Discovery of 12 empirical scaling laws

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    We have discovered 12 independent new empirical scaling laws in foreign exchange data-series that hold for close to three orders of magnitude and across 13 currency exchange rates. Our statistical analysis crucially depends on an event-based approach that measures the relationship between different types of events. The scaling laws give an accurate estimation of the length of the price-curve coastline, which turns out to be surprisingly long. The new laws substantially extend the catalogue of stylised facts and sharply constrain the space of possible theoretical explanations of the market mechanisms.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, 23 tables,2nd version (text made more concise and readable, algorithm pseudocode, results unchanged), 5-year datasets (USD-JPY, EUR-USD) provided at http://www.olsen.ch/more/datasets

    Sequent Calculus in the Topos of Trees

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    Nakano's "later" modality, inspired by G\"{o}del-L\"{o}b provability logic, has been applied in type systems and program logics to capture guarded recursion. Birkedal et al modelled this modality via the internal logic of the topos of trees. We show that the semantics of the propositional fragment of this logic can be given by linear converse-well-founded intuitionistic Kripke frames, so this logic is a marriage of the intuitionistic modal logic KM and the intermediate logic LC. We therefore call this logic KMlin\mathrm{KM}_{\mathrm{lin}}. We give a sound and cut-free complete sequent calculus for KMlin\mathrm{KM}_{\mathrm{lin}} via a strategy that decomposes implication into its static and irreflexive components. Our calculus provides deterministic and terminating backward proof-search, yields decidability of the logic and the coNP-completeness of its validity problem. Our calculus and decision procedure can be restricted to drop linearity and hence capture KM.Comment: Extended version, with full proof details, of a paper accepted to FoSSaCS 2015 (this version edited to fix some minor typos