19 research outputs found

    Locomotion modulates specific functional cell types in the mouse visual thalamus

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    The visual system is composed of diverse cell types that encode distinct aspects of the visual scene and may form separate processing channels. Here we present further evidence for that hypothesis whereby functional cell groups in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) are differentially modulated during behavior. Using simultaneous multi-electrode recordings in dLGN and primary visual cortex (V1) of behaving mice, we characterized the impact of locomotor activity on response amplitude, variability, correlation and spatiotemporal tuning. Locomotion strongly impacts the amplitudes of dLGN and V1 responses but the effects on variability and correlations are relatively minor. With regards to tunings, locomotion enhances dLGN responses to high temporal frequencies, preferentially affecting ON transient cells and neurons with nonlinear responses to high spatial frequencies. Channel specific modulations may serve to highlight particular visual inputs during active behaviors

    T current potentiation increases the occurrence and temporal fidelity of synaptically evoked burst firing in sensory thalamic neurons

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    A growing number of in vivo experiments shows that high frequency bursts of action potentials can be recorded in thalamocortical neurons of awake animals. The mechanism underlying these bursts, however, remains controversial, because they have been proposed to depend on T-type Ca2+ channels that are inactivated at the depolarized membrane potentials usually associated with the awake state. Here, we show that the transient potentiation of the T current amplitude, which is induced by neuronal depolarization, drastically increases the probability of occurrence and the temporal precision of T-channel-dependent high frequency bursts. The data, therefore, provides the first biophysical mechanism that might account for the generation of these high frequency bursts of action potentials in the awake state. Remarkably, this regulation finely tunes the response of thalamocortical neurons to the corticofugal excitatory and intrathalamic inhibitory afferents but not to sensory inputs

    Fast modulation of visual perception by basal forebrain cholinergic neurons

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    The basal forebrain provides the primary source of cholinergic input to the cortex, and it has a crucial function in promoting wakefulness and arousal. However, whether rapid changes in basal forebrain neuron spiking in awake animals can dynamically influence sensory perception is unclear. Here we show that basal forebrain cholinergic neurons rapidly regulate cortical activity and visual perception in awake, behaving mice. Optogenetic activation of the cholinergic neurons or their V1 axon terminals improved performance of a visual discrimination task on a trial-by-trial basis. In V1, basal forebrain activation enhanced visual responses and desynchronized neuronal spiking; these changes could partly account for the behavioral improvement. Conversely, optogenetic basal forebrain inactivation decreased behavioral performance, synchronized cortical activity and impaired visual responses, indicating the importance of cholinergic activity in normal visual processing. These results underscore the causal role of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in fast, bidirectional modulation of cortical processing and sensory perception.National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Grant RC1-MH088434)National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) (Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award F31NS059258

    Basal forebrain activation enhances cortical coding of natural scenes

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    The nucleus basalis (NB) of the basal forebrain is an essential component of the neuromodulatory system controlling the behavioral state of an animal, and it is thought to play key roles in regulating arousal and attention. However, the effect of NB activation on sensory processing remains poorly understood. Using polytrode recording in rat visual cortex, we show that NB stimulation causes prominent decorrelation between neurons and marked improvement in the reliability of neuronal responses to natural scenes. The decorrelation depends on local activation of cortical muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, while the increased reliability involves distributed neural circuits, as evidenced by NB-induced changes in thalamic responses. Further analysis showed that the decorrelation and increased reliability improve cortical representation of natural stimuli in a complementary manner. Thus, the basal forebrain neuromodulatory circuit, which is known to be activated during aroused and attentive states, acts through both local and distributed mechanisms to improve sensory coding

    Activity recall in a visual cortical ensemble

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    Cue-triggered recall of learned temporal sequences is an important cognitive function that has been attributed to higher brain areas. Here recordings in both anesthetized and awake rats demonstrate that after repeated stimulation with a moving spot that evoked sequential firing of an ensemble of primary visual cortex (V1) neurons, just a brief flash at the starting point of the motion path was sufficient to evoke a sequential firing pattern that reproduced the activation order evoked by the moving spot. The speed of recalled spike sequences may reflect the internal dynamics of the network rather than the motion speed. In awake rats, such recall was observed during a synchronized ('quiet wakeful') brain state having large-amplitude, low-frequency local field potential (LFP) but not in a desynchronized ('active') state having low-amplitude, high-frequency LFP. Such conditioning-enhanced, cue-evoked sequential spiking of a V1 ensemble may contribute to experience-based perceptual inference in a brain state-dependent manner