144 research outputs found

    Lokale waarden voor lokale energiesystemen

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    Recentelijk zijn in Nederland door burgers talrijke projecten gestart om lokaal energie op te wekken. Hoewel dergelijke initiatieven kansrijk zijn, ondervinden burgers dat overheid en markt onvoldoende rekening houden met lokale waarden, voorkeuren en krachtenvelden. Daardoor wordt het bestaan van lokale energie-initiatieven bedreigd. Onderzoekers van de Universiteit Twente hebben een interactief onderzoeksproject uitgevoerd waarbij samen met praktijkdeskundigen op zoek is gegaan naar oplossingsrichtingen. Daarbij stonden spelregels, het functioneren van lokale krachtenvelden, en coproductie centraal. De resultaten van het onderzoek geven aanleiding tot de ontwikkeling van nieuwe institutionele- en beleidsmodellen ter ondersteuning van lokale energieinitiatieve

    4MOST Consortium Survey 3: Milky Way Disc and Bulge Low-Resolution Survey (4MIDABLE-LR)

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    The mechanisms of the formation and evolution of the Milky Way are encoded in the orbits, chemistry and ages of its stars. With the 4MOST MIlky way Disk And BuLgE Low-Resolution Survey (4MIDABLE-LR) we aim to study kinematic and chemical substructures in the Milky Way disc and bulge region with samples of unprecedented size out to larger distances and greater precision than conceivable with Gaia alone or any other ongoing or planned survey. Gaia gives us the unique opportunity for target selection based almost entirely on parallax and magnitude range, hence increasing the efficiency in sampling larger Milky Way volumes with well-defined and effective selection functions. Our main goal is to provide a detailed chrono-chemo-kinematical extended map of our Galaxy and the largest Gaia follow-up down to G=19G = 19 magnitudes (Vega). The complex nature of the disc components (for example, large target densities and highly structured extinction distribution in the Milky Way bulge and disc area), prompted us to develop a survey strategy with five main sub-surveys that are tailored to answer the still open questions about the assembly and evolution of our Galaxy, while taking full advantage of the Gaia data.Comment: Part of the 4MOST issue of The Messenger, published in preparation of 4MOST Community Workshop, see http://www.eso.org/sci/meetings/2019/4MOST.htm

    Molecular data show conserved DNA locations distinguishing lung cancer subtypes and regulation of immune genes

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    Introduction: Non-small-cell lung cancer exhibits a range of transcriptional and epigenetic patterns that not only define distinct phenotypes, but may also govern immune related genes, which have a major impact on survival. Methods: We used open-source RNA expression and DNA methylation data of the Cancer Genome Atlas with matched non-cancerous tissue to evaluate whether these pretreatment molecular patterns also influenced genes related to the immune system and overall survival. Results: The distinction between lung adenocarcinoma and squamous c

    Modelling acquired resistance to DOT1L inhibition exhibits the adaptive potential of KMT2A-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    In KMT2A-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), an aggressive malignancy, oncogenic KMT2A-fusion proteins inappropriately recruit DOT1L to promote leukemogenesis, highlighting DOT1L as an attractive therapeutic target. Unfortunately, treatment with the first-in-class DOT1L inhibitor pinometostat eventually leads to non-responsiveness. To understand this we established acquired pinometostat resistance in pediatric KMT2A::AFF1+ B-ALL cells. Interestingly, these cells became mostly independent of DOT1L-mediated H3K79 methylation, but still relied on the physical presence of DOT1L, HOXA9 and the KMT2A::AFF1 fusion. Moreover, these cells selectively lost the epigenetic regulation and expression of various KMT2A-fusion target genes such as PROM1/CD133, while other KMT2A::AFF1 target genes, including HOXA9 and CDK6 remained unaffected. Concomitantly, these pinometostat-resistant cells showed upregulation of several myeloid-associated genes, including CD33 and LILRB4/CD85k. Taken together, this model comprehensively shows the adaptive potential of KMT2A-rearranged ALL cells upon losing dependency on one of its main oncogenic properties

    Modelling simple stellar populations in the near-ultraviolet to near-infrared with the X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL)

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    We present simple stellar population models based on the empirical X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL) from NUV to NIR wavelengths. The unmatched characteristics of relatively high resolution and extended wavelength coverage (350−2480350-2480 nm, R∼10 000R\sim10\,000) of the XSL population models bring us closer to bridging optical and NIR studies of intermediate and old stellar populations. It is now common to find good agreement between observed and predicted NUV and optical properties of stellar clusters due to our good understanding of the main-sequence and early giant phases of stars. However, NIR spectra of intermediate-age and old stellar populations are sensitive to cool K and M giants. The asymptotic giant branch, especially the thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch, shapes the NIR spectra of 0.5−20.5-2 Gyr old stellar populations; the tip of the red giant branch defines the NIR spectra of populations with ages larger than that. We construct sequences of the average spectra of static giants, variable-rich giants, and C-rich giants to include in the models separately. The models span the metallicity range −2.2<[Fe/H]<+0.2-2.2<[Fe/H]<+0.2 and ages above 50 Myr, a broader range in the NIR than in other models based on empirical spectral libraries. Our models can reproduce the integrated optical colours of the Coma cluster galaxies at the same level as other semi-empirical models found in the literature. In the NIR, there are notable differences between the colours of the models and Coma cluster galaxies. The XSL models expand the range of predicted values of NIR indices compared to other models based on empirical libraries. Our models make it possible to perform in-depth studies of colours and spectral features consistently throughout the optical and the NIR range to clarify the role of evolved cool stars in stellar populations.Comment: 30 pages, 26 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysics, models will be available on http://xsl.astro.unistra.fr/ upon publishin

    Experimental rat bladder urothelial cell carcinoma models

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    Bladder cancer is a major public health problem. Currently available therapeutic options seem to be unable to prevent bladder cancer recurrence and progression. To enable preclinical testing of new intravesical therapeutic agents, a suitable bladder tumor model that resembles human disease is highly desirable. The aim of this topic paper was to discuss the problems associated with current in vivo animal bladder tumor models, focusing on the orthotopic syngeneic rat bladder tumor model. In the second part of the paper the development of a potential new orthotopic rat bladder tumor model is described

    Fluoxetine Exerts Age-Dependent Effects on Behavior and Amygdala Neuroplasticity in the Rat

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    The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) Prozac® (fluoxetine) is the only registered antidepressant to treat depression in children and adolescents. Yet, while the safety of SSRIs has been well established in adults, serotonin exerts neurotrophic actions in the developing brain and thereby may have harmful effects in adolescents. Here we treated adolescent and adult rats chronically with fluoxetine (12 mg/kg) at postnatal day (PND) 25 to 46 and from PND 67 to 88, respectively, and tested the animals 7–14 days after the last injection when (nor)fluoxetine in blood plasma had been washed out, as determined by HPLC. Plasma (nor)fluoxetine levels were also measured 5 hrs after the last fluoxetine injection, and matched clinical levels. Adolescent rats displayed increased behavioral despair in the forced swim test, which was not seen in adult fluoxetine treated rats. In addition, beneficial effects of fluoxetine on wakefulness as measured by electroencephalography in adults was not seen in adolescent rats, and age-dependent effects on the acoustic startle response and prepulse inhibition were observed. On the other hand, adolescent rats showed resilience to the anorexic effects of fluoxetine. Exploratory behavior in the open field test was not affected by fluoxetine treatment, but anxiety levels in the elevated plus maze test were increased in both adolescent and adult fluoxetine treated rats. Finally, in the amygdala, but not the dorsal raphe nucleus and medial prefrontal cortex, the number of PSA-NCAM (marker for synaptic remodeling) immunoreactive neurons was increased in adolescent rats, and decreased in adult rats, as a consequence of chronic fluoxetine treatment. No fluoxetine-induced changes in 5-HT1A receptor immunoreactivity were observed. In conclusion, we show that fluoxetine exerts both harmful and beneficial age-dependent effects on depressive behavior, body weight and wakefulness, which may relate, in part, to differential fluoxetine-induced neuroplasticity in the amygdala
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