256 research outputs found

    Voice Hacking Proof of Concept: Using Smartphones to Spread Ransomware to Traditional PCs

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    This paper presents a working proof of concept that demonstrates the ability to deploy a sequence of hacks, triggered by speaking a smartphone command, to launch ransomware and other destructive attacks against vulnerable Windows computers on any wireless network the phone connects to after the voice command is issued. Specifically, a spoken, broadcast, or pre-recorded voice command directs vulnerable Android smartphones or tablets to a malicious download page that compromises the Android device and uses it as a proxy to run software designed to scan the Android device’s local area network for Windows computers vulnerable to the EternalBlue exploit, spreading a ransomware-like application to those PCs, and executing it remotely. In addition to describing the proof-of-concept attack in detail, the authors propose several remedies individuals and organizations can use to prevent such attacks

    Hijacking Wireless Communications using WiFi Pineapple NANO as a Rogue Access Point

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    Wireless access points are an effective solution for building scalable, flexible, mobile networks. The problem with these access points is often the lack of security. Users regularly connect to wireless access points without thinking about whether they are genuine or malicious. Moreover, users are not aware of the types of attacks that can come from “rogue” access points set up by attackers and what information can be captured by them. Attackers use this advantage to gain access to users’ confidential information. The objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of the WiFi Pineapple NANO used as a rogue access point (RAP) in tricking users to connect to it. As part of the preliminary study, a brief survey was provided to users who connected to the Pineapple to evaluate the reasons why users connect to RAPs. The result of the cybersecurity pilot study indicated that lack of awareness played an important role. Specifically, users unknowingly connect to rogue wireless access points that put at risk not only their devices, but the whole network. The information collected in this research could be used to better educate users on identifying possible RAPs and the dangers of connecting to them

    Antimicrobial activities of a novel biflavonoid and other constituents from Rhus natalensis

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    Phytochemical studies on Rhus natalensis root bark collected from Kenya led to the isolation and identification of a new biflavonoid (3-(1-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,3-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-oxopropan-2- yl)-7-methoxy-4H-chromone-4-one (1), named rhuschromone, in addition to two other known compounds; 2',4'-dihydroxychalcone-(4-O-5''')-4'',2''',4'''-trihydroxychalcone (2) and 3-((Z)-heptadec-13- enyl) benzene-1,2-diol (3). The chemical structures of the isolated compounds were established using spectroscopic techniques including high field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The total extracts and the isolated compounds were tested for their antimicrobial activities against different strains of bacteria

    Ent-kaurene and ent-beyerene diterpenoids and other constituents of Thecacoris batesii

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    Two novel diterpenoids, thecacorins A (1) and B (2), were isolated from Thecacoris batesii and their structures were established as ent-3b,20-epoxy-16-kaurene-3a,12b-diol and ent-15-beyerene-2b,3b-diol, respectively, on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analysis, especially, 1D NMR spectra, in conjunction with 2D experiments, COSY, NOESY, HMQC and HMBC. KEY WORDS: Diterpenoids, Thecacorin A, Thecacorin B, Ent-3b,20-epoxy-16-kaurene-3a,12b-diol, Ent-15-beyerene-2b,3b-diol, Thecacoris batesii  Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2007, 21(1), 89-94

    Scaling of cardiac morphology is interrupted by birth in the developing sheep Ovis aries.

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    Scaling of the heart across development can reveal the degree to which variation in cardiac morphology depends on body mass. In this study, we assessed the scaling of heart mass, left and right ventricular masses, and ventricular mass ratio, as a function of eviscerated body mass across fetal and postnatal development in Horro sheep Ovis aries (~50-fold body mass range; N = 21). Whole hearts were extracted from carcasses, cleaned, dissected into chambers and weighed. We found a biphasic relationship when heart mass was scaled against body mass, with a conspicuous 'breakpoint' around the time of birth, manifest not by a change in the scaling exponent (slope), but rather a jump in the elevation. Fetal heart mass (g) increased with eviscerated body mass (Mb , kg) according to the power equation 4.90 Mb0.88 ± 0.26 (± 95%CI) , whereas postnatal heart mass increased according to 10.0 Mb0.88 ± 0.10 . While the fetal and postnatal scaling exponents are identical (0.88) and reveal a clear dependence of heart mass on body mass, only the postnatal exponent is significantly less than 1.0, indicating the postnatal heart becomes a smaller component of body mass as the body grows, which is a pattern found frequently with postnatal cardiac development among mammals. The rapid doubling in heart mass around the time of birth is independent of any increase in body mass and is consistent with the normalization of wall stress in response to abrupt changes in volume loading and pressure loading at parturition. We discuss variation in scaling patterns of heart mass across development among mammals, and suggest that the variation results from a complex interplay between hard-wired genetics and epigenetic influences

    NEAT: An efficient network enrichment analysis test

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    Background: Network enrichment analysis is a powerful method, which allows to integrate gene enrichment analysis with the information on relationships between genes that is provided by gene networks. Existing tests for network enrichment analysis deal only with undirected networks, they can be computationally slow and are based on normality assumptions. Results: We propose NEAT, a test for network enrichment analysis. The test is based on the hypergeometric distribution, which naturally arises as the null distribution in this context. NEAT can be applied not only to undirected, but to directed and partially directed networks as well. Our simulations indicate that NEAT is considerably faster than alternative resampling-based methods, and that its capacity to detect enrichments is at least as good as the one of alternative tests. We discuss applications of NEAT to network analyses in yeast by testing for enrichment of the Environmental Stress Response target gene set with GO Slim and KEGG functional gene sets, and also by inspecting associations between functional sets themselves. Conclusions: NEAT is a flexible and efficient test for network enrichment analysis that aims to overcome some limitations of existing resampling-based tests. The method is implemented in the R package neat, which can be freely downloaded from CRAN ( https://cran.r-project.org/package=neat )


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    Background: The plant, Chrysophyllum albidum is indigenous to Nigeria and its stem-bark has found relevance in folkloric medicine for infections and oxidative stress linked diseases medicaments. The study targets to isolate the chemical constituents accountable for the antioxidant and antibacterial actions of the plant stem-bark to substantiate some of its ethnomedicinal uses. Materials and Methods: Stem-bark extract of Chrysophyllum albidum was obtained from 80 % ethanol was partitioned in sequence with ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and n-butanol. The solvent fractions and isolated compounds were verified for antioxidant chattels utilizing 2-2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl. Antibacterial actions were also assessed by agency of agar-diffusion and broth micro dilution methods. EtOAc fraction was on many occasions chromatographed on silica and Sephadex LH-20 column to afford four compounds and their chemical structures were proven with the employment of NMR (1D and 2D) and MS. Results: Chromatographic fractionation of EtOAc fraction with the premier antioxidant and antimicrobial activities afforded stigmasterol (1), epicatechin (2), epigallocatechin (3) and procyanidin B5 (4). Procyanidin B5 isolated for the first time from Chrysophyllum genus proven the supreme antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 8.8 µM and 11.20 µM in DPPH and nitric oxide assays respectively and equally established the ultmost inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli (MIC 156.25 μg/mL), Staphylococcus aureus (MIC 156.25 μg/mL), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MIC 625 μg/mL) and Bacillus subtilis (MIC 156.25 μg/mL). Conclusion: The antibacterial and antioxidant activities of epicatechin, epigallocatechin and procyanidin B5 isolated from Chrysophyllum albidum stem-bark substantiate the folkloric use

    Spatio-temporal land use/cover dynamics and its implication for sustainable land use in Wanka watershed, northwestern highlands of Ethiopia

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    Long-term land use and land cover (LULC) dynamics information is essential to understand the trends and make necessary land management interventions, such as in the highlands of Ethiopia. This study analyzed six decades of LULC dynamics of Wanka watershed, Northwestern Ethiopian highlands. Two sets of aerial photographs (1957 and 2017), SPOT 5 and sentinel satellite imageries were analyzed. In addition, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and field observations were used to identify the drivers and impact of LULC change. It was found that cultivated and rural settlement land (CRSL), bare land, and urban built up area have been continuously expanded at the expenses of mainly forest and shrub lands. Over the entire study period (1957–2017) while the bare land and CRSL have increased by about 59% and 20% respectively, forest and shrub lands have declined by 59% and 57% respectively. Urban built up area has also expanded. The impact of popula- tion pressure and expansion of CRSL land were considerable. The trend of LULC dynamics in the study watershed implies adverse impact on the quality and quantity of the land resource. Hence, appropriate land use planning and strategies that reduce expansion of cultivated land need to be practiced

    Surveillance of Transmitted Antiretroviral Drug Resistance among HIV-1 Infected Women Attending Antenatal Clinics in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe

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    The rapid scale-up of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and use of single dose Nevirapine (SD NVP) for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (pMTCT) have raised fears about the emergence of resistance to the first line antiretroviral drug regimens. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of primary drug resistance (PDR) in a cohort of young (<25 yrs) HAART-naïve HIV pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe. Whole blood was collected in EDTA for CD4 counts, viral load, serological estimation of duration of infection using the BED Calypte assay and genotyping for drug resistance. Four hundred and seventy-one women, mean age 21 years; SD: 2.1 were enrolled into the study between 2006 and 2007. Their median CD4 count was 371cells/µL; IQR: 255–511 cells/µL. Two hundred and thirty-six samples were genotyped for drug resistance. Based on the BED assay, 27% were recently infected (RI) whilst 73% had long-term infection (LTI). Median CD4 count was higher (p<0.05) in RI than in women with LTI. Only 2 women had drug resistance mutations; protease I85V and reverse transcriptase Y181C. Prevalence of PDR in Chitungwiza, 4 years after commencement of the national ART program remained below WHO threshold limit (5%). Frequency of recent infection BED testing is consistent with high HIV acquisition during pregnancy. With the scale-up of long-term ART programs, maintenance of proper prescribing practices, continuous monitoring of patients and reinforcement of adherence may prevent the acquisition and transmission of PDR
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