133 research outputs found

    Characterization of the meningococcal DNA glycosylase Fpg involved in base excision repair

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Neisseria meningitidis</it>, the causative agent of meningococcal disease, is exposed to high levels of reactive oxygen species inside its exclusive human host. The DNA glycosylase Fpg of the base excision repair pathway (BER) is a central player in the correction of oxidative DNA damage. This study aimed at characterizing the meningococcal Fpg and its role in DNA repair.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The deduced <it>N. meningitidis </it>Fpg amino acid sequence was highly homologous to other Fpg orthologues, with particularly high conservation of functional domains. As for most <it>N. meningitidis </it>DNA repair genes, the <it>fpg </it>gene contained a DNA uptake sequence mediating efficient transformation of DNA. The recombinant <it>N. meningitidis </it>Fpg protein was over-expressed, purified to homogeneity and assessed for enzymatic activity. <it>N. meningitidis </it>Fpg was found to remove 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-formamidopyrimidine (faPy) lesions and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8oxoG) opposite of C, T and G and to a lesser extent opposite of A. Moreover, the <it>N. meningitidis fpg </it>single mutant was only slightly affected in terms of an increase in the frequency of phase variation as compared to a mismatch repair mutant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Collectively, these findings show that meningococcal Fpg functions are similar to those of prototype Fpg orthologues in other bacterial species.</p

    Novel Quinoline-Based Thiosemicarbazide Derivatives: Synthesis, DFT Calculations, and Investigation of Antitubercular, Antibacterial, and Antifungal Activities

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    The discovery of new antimicrobial agents as a means of treating drug-resistant microbial pathogens is of utmost significance to overcome their immense risk to human well-being. The current investigation involves the development, synthesis, and assessment of the antimicrobial efficacy of novel quinoline derivatives incorporating a thiosemicarbazide functionality. To design the target compounds (QST1–QST14), we applied the molecular hybridization approach to link various thiosemicarbazides to the quinoline core with a sulfonyl group. Upon the synthesis and completion of structural characterization via spectroscopic techniques (1H NMR, 13C NMR, 15N NMR, IR, and HRMS), the title molecules were extensively evaluated for their potential antitubercular, antibacterial, and antifungal activities. N-(3-Chlorophenyl)-2-(quinolin-8-ylsulfonyl)hydrazine-1-carbothioamide (QST4), the most effective compound against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, was also tested on isoniazid-resistant clinical isolates with katG and inhA promoter mutations. Based on molecular docking studies, QST4 was also likely to demonstrate its antimycobacterial activity through inhibition of the InhA enzyme. Furthermore, three derivatives (QST3, QST4, and QST10) with preferable antimicrobial and drug-like profiles were also shown to be nontoxic against human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. All compounds were optimized by the density functional theory method using B3LYP with the 6-31+G(d,p) basis set. Structural analysis, natural bond orbital calculations of donor–acceptor interactions, molecular electrostatic potential analysis, and frontier molecular orbital analysis were carried out. Quantum chemical descriptors and charges on the atoms were determined to compare the strengths of the intramolecular hydrogen bonds formed and their stabilities. We determined that the sulfur atom forms a stronger intramolecular hydrogen bond than the nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine atoms in these sulfonyl thiosemicarbazide derivatives

    Genome dynamics in major bacterial pathogens

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    Pathogenic bacteria continuously encounter multiple forms of stress in their hostile environments, which leads to DNA damage. With the new insight into biology offered by genome sequences, the elucidation of the gene content encoding proteins provides clues toward understanding the microbial lifestyle related to habitat and niche. Campylobacter jejuni, Haemophilus influenzae, Helicobacter pylori, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogenic Neisseria, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus are major human pathogens causing detrimental morbidity and mortality at a global scale. An algorithm for the clustering of orthologs was established in order to identify whether orthologs of selected genes were present or absent in the genomes of the pathogenic bacteria under study. Based on the known genes for the various functions and their orthologs in selected pathogenic bacteria, an overview of the presence of the different types of genes was created. In this context, we focus on selected processes enabling genome dynamics in these particular pathogens, namely DNA repair, recombination and horizontal gene transfer. An understanding of the precise molecular functions of the enzymes participating in DNA metabolism and their importance in the maintenance of bacterial genome integrity has also, in recent years, indicated a future role for these enzymes as targets for therapeutic intervention

    Characterization of the major formamidopyrimidine–DNA glycosylase homolog in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its linkage to variable tandem repeats

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    The ability to repair DNA damage is likely to play an important role in the survival of facultative intracellular parasites because they are exposed to high levels of reactive oxygen species and nitrogen intermediates inside phagocytes. Correcting oxidative damage in purines and pyrimidines is the primary function of the enzymes formamidopyrimidine (faPy)–DNA glycosylase (Fpg) and endonuclease VIII (Nei) of the base excision repair pathway, respectively. Four gene homologs, belonging to the fpg/nei family, have been identified in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. The recombinant protein encoded by M. tuberculosis Rv2924c, termed Mtb-Fpg1, was overexpressed, purified and biochemically characterized. The enzyme removed faPy and 5-hydroxycytosine lesions, as well as 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8oxoG) opposite to C, T and G. Mtb-Fpg1 thus exhibited substrate specificities typical for Fpg enzymes. Although Mtb-fpg1 showed nearly complete nucleotide sequence conservation in 32 M. tuberculosis isolates, the region upstream of Mtb-fpg1 in these strains contained tandem repeat motifs of variable length. A relationship between repeat length and Mtb-fpg1 expression level was demonstrated in M. tuberculosis strains, indicating that an increased length of the tandem repeats positively influenced the expression levels of Mtb-fpg1. This is the first example of such a tandem repeat region of variable length being linked to the expression level of a bacterial gene

    Structure–function relationships of the competence lipoprotein ComL and SSB in meningococcal transformation

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    Neisseria meningitidis, the meningococcus, is naturally competent for transformation throughout its growth cycle. The uptake of exogenous DNA into the meningococcus cell during transformation is a multi-step process. Beyond the requirement for type IV pilus expression for efficient transformation, little is known about the neisserial proteins involved in DNA binding, uptake and genome integration. This study aimed to identify and characterize neisserial DNA binding proteins in order to further elucidate the multi-factorial transformation machinery. The meningococcus inner membrane and soluble cell fractions were searched for DNA binding components by employing 1D and 2D gel electrophoresis approaches in combination with a solid-phase overlay assay with DNA substrates. Proteins that bound DNA were identified by MS analysis. In the membrane fraction, multiple components bound DNA, including the neisserial competence lipoprotein ComL. In the soluble fraction, the meningococcus orthologue of the single-stranded DNA binding protein SSB was predominant. The DNA binding activity of the recombinant ComL and SSB proteins purified to homogeneity was verified by electromobility shift assay, and the ComL–DNA interaction was shown to be Mg2+-dependent. In 3D models of the meningococcus ComL and SSB predicted structures, potential DNA binding sites were suggested. ComL was found to co-purify with the outer membrane, directly interacting with the secretin PilQ. The combined use of 1D/2D solid-phase overlay assays with MS analysis was a useful strategy for identifying DNA binding components. The ComL DNA binding properties and outer membrane localization suggest that this lipoprotein plays a direct role in neisserial transformation, while neisserial SSB is a DNA binding protein that contributes to the terminal part of the transformation process

    Identification of neisserial DNA binding components

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    Neisseria meningitidis, a causative agent of meningitis and septicaemia, expresses type IV pili, a feature correlating with the uptake of exogenous DNA from the environment by natural transformation. The outer membrane complex PilQ, through which pili are extruded and retracted, has previously been shown to bind DNA in its pore region. In order to further elucidate how DNA is transported across the membranes, we searched for DNA binding proteins within the meningococcal inner membrane. Inner membrane fractions from a panel of neisserial strains were subjected to a solid-phase overlay assay with DNA substrates, and MS was subsequently employed to identify proteins that bind DNA. A number of DNA binding components were detected, including the pilus biogenesis component PilG, the competence protein ComL, and the cell division ATP-binding protein FtsE, as well as two hypothetical proteins. The DNA binding activity of these components was not dependent on the presence of the neisserial DNA uptake sequence. Null mutants, corresponding to each of the proteins identified, were constructed to assess their phenotypes. Only mutants defective in pilus biogenesis were non-competent and non-piliated. The DNA binding activity of the pilus biogenesis components PilQ and PilG and the phenotypes of their respective null mutants suggest that these proteins are directly involved as players in natural transformation, and not only indirectly, through pilus biogenesis

    Lipid droplets and the transcriptome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from direct sputa: a literature review

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the main etiology of tuberculosis (TB), is predominantly an intracellular pathogen that has caused infection, disease and death in humans for centuries. Lipid droplets (LDs) are dynamic intracellular organelles that are found across the evolutionary tree of life. This review is an evaluation of the current state of knowledge regarding Mtb-LD formation and associated Mtb transcriptome directly from sputa. Based on the LD content, Mtb in sputum may be classified into three groups: LD positive, LD negative and LD borderline. However, the clinical and evolutionary importance of each state is not well elaborated. Mounting evidence supports the view that the presence of LD positive Mtb bacilli in sputum is a biomarker of slow growth, low energy state, towards lipid degradation, and drug tolerance. In Mtb, LD may serve as a source of chemical energy, scavenger of toxic compounds, prevent destruction of Mtb through autophagy, delay trafficking of lysosomes towards the phagosome, and contribute to Mtb persistence. It is suggest that LD is a key player in the induction of a spectrum of phenotypic and metabolic states of Mtb in the macrophage, granuloma and extracellular sputum microenvironment. Tuberculosis patients with high proportion of LD positive Mtb in pretreatment sputum was associated with higher rate of poor treatment outcome, indicating that LD may have a clinical application in predicting treatment outcome. The propensity for LD formation among Mtb lineages is largely unknown. The role of LD on Mtb transmission and disease phenotype (pulmonary TB vs extra-pulmonary TB) is not well understood. Thus, further studies are needed to understand the relationships between LD positivity and Mtb lineage, Mtb transmission and clinical types

    Restriction and Sequence Alterations Affect DNA Uptake Sequence-Dependent Transformation in Neisseria meningitidis

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    Transformation is a complex process that involves several interactions from the binding and uptake of naked DNA to homologous recombination. Some actions affect transformation favourably whereas others act to limit it. Here, meticulous manipulation of a single type of transforming DNA allowed for quantifying the impact of three different mediators of meningococcal transformation: NlaIV restriction, homologous recombination and the DNA Uptake Sequence (DUS). In the wildtype, an inverse relationship between the transformation frequency and the number of NlaIV restriction sites in DNA was observed when the transforming DNA harboured a heterologous region for selection (ermC) but not when the transforming DNA was homologous with only a single nucleotide heterology. The influence of homologous sequence in transforming DNA was further studied using plasmids with a small interruption or larger deletions in the recombinogenic region and these alterations were found to impair transformation frequency. In contrast, a particularly potent positive driver of DNA uptake in Neisseria sp. are short DUS in the transforming DNA. However, the molecular mechanism(s) responsible for DUS specificity remains unknown. Increasing the number of DUS in the transforming DNA was here shown to exert a positive effect on transformation. Furthermore, an influence of variable placement of DUS relative to the homologous region in the donor DNA was documented for the first time. No effect of altering the orientation of DUS was observed. These observations suggest that DUS is important at an early stage in the recognition of DNA, but does not exclude the existence of more than one level of DUS specificity in the sequence of events that constitute transformation. New knowledge on the positive and negative drivers of transformation may in a larger perspective illuminate both the mechanisms and the evolutionary role(s) of one of the most conserved mechanisms in nature: homologous recombination

    Enzymatic Activities and DNA Substrate Specificity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA Helicase XPB

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    XPB, also known as ERCC3 and RAD25, is a 3′→5′ DNA repair helicase belonging to the superfamily 2 of helicases. XPB is an essential core subunit of the eukaryotic basal transcription factor complex TFIIH. It has two well-established functions: in the context of damaged DNA, XPB facilitates nucleotide excision repair by unwinding double stranded DNA (dsDNA) surrounding a DNA lesion; while in the context of actively transcribing genes, XPB facilitates initiation of RNA polymerase II transcription at gene promoters. Human and other eukaryotic XPB homologs are relatively well characterized compared to conserved homologs found in mycobacteria and archaea. However, more insight into the function of bacterial helicases is central to understanding the mechanism of DNA metabolism and pathogenesis in general. Here, we characterized Mycobacterium tuberculosis XPB (Mtb XPB), a 3′→5′ DNA helicase with DNA-dependent ATPase activity. Mtb XPB efficiently catalyzed DNA unwinding in the presence of significant excess of enzyme. The unwinding activity was fueled by ATP or dATP in the presence of Mg2+/Mn2+. Consistent with the 3′→5′ polarity of this bacterial XPB helicase, the enzyme required a DNA substrate with a 3′ overhang of 15 nucleotides or more. Although Mtb XPB efficiently unwound DNA model substrates with a 3′ DNA tail, it was not active on substrates containing a 3′ RNA tail. We also found that Mtb XPB efficiently catalyzed ATP-independent annealing of complementary DNA strands. These observations significantly enhance our understanding of the biological roles of Mtb XPB