126 research outputs found

    Wpływ dyskursu publicznego na dyskurs edukacyjny (na przykładzie wybranych podręczników do języka polskiego)

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00.

    Berkeley’s Theodicy in A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (1710)

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    In this article I attempt to reconstruct Berkeley’s views on the nature of God and his Providence, as well as the way he refers to the problem of evil and justice in the world. My analysis is based on one of the early works by Berkeley, i.e. Principles of Human Knowledge (1710). Its aim is to present Berkeley’s understanding of theodicy as different from the one suggested by Leibniz in Theodicy (1710)

    Religion and Politics George Berkeley’s Understanding of Ireland’s Wellbeing in Early and Late Editions of The Querist

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    The article is an analysis of the early (published in the 1730s) and late (published in the 1750s) editions of The Querist by George Berkeley. It is aimed at showing differences in Berkeley’s suggestions for improving the wellbeing of the inhabitants of Ireland as regards the religious and political diversity in the country in the first half of the 18th century. The article consists of two parts. In the first part Berkeley’s attitude towards Catholics and Protestants is studied. The second part includes an analysis of his understanding of the political relationship between Ireland and Great Britain in the 1730s and 1750s

    The ceremonial of reception of Albrycht Stanisław Radziwiłł and his stay at the courts of Western Europe as a royal envoy during the journey of Prince Władysław Vasa 1624-1625

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    Special Issue: Diplomats and diplomacy in the early modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (XVII Century) / ed. by Dorota Gregorowicz , Alessandro Boccolini.Despite numerous publications regarding the journey of Prince Władysław Vasa to Western Europe (Bohemia, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Italy) in 1624-1625, the topic still awaits its fully elaborated monography. One of the issues requiring in-depth reflection is the broadly understood diplomatic dimension of young Vasa’s peregrination. The prince, travelling incognito, was officially a member of Albrycht S. Radziwiłł’s diplomatic entourage. This arrangement caused many problems concerning diplomatic and ceremonial procedures in the ambassador-prince-host court triangle. This article aims to present relations in said arrangement, especially those related to preponderance during entries, stay and ceremonies taking place at the courts visited by the embassy. The analysis will be conducted primarily from the perspective of the role and functions of the ambassador. Therefore, its important component will also be the description of the political dimension of the journey, which will show Albrecht S. Radziwiłł’s activities in this area, including relations and meetings with the rulers visited, as well as the political elite and ambassadors present at a given court

    Jan Zawadzki’s mission to the North European courts in 1633 and the origin of the foreign policy of Wladyslaw IV Vasa

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    The main purpose of this article is to present the role of the diplomatic mission of Jan Zawadzki to the North European courts in 1633 and the role it played in shaping and implementing the foreign policy plans of Wladyslaw IV. In relation to the literature on the subject so far, an innovative approach to the subject of this mission is to transfer the perspective of research from Zawadzki’s stay at individual courts, in favor of a comprehensive analysis of his mission. Research conducted in this way shows that the king already had a very complexed vision of his actions on the European arena at the time of taking the throne of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as evidenced by the mission of Jan Zawadzki

    Irlandzki patriotyzm George’a Berkeleya w latach 1734–1753

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    Der Artikel verfolgt das Ziel, die Arbeiten des britischen Philosophen George Berkeley, die in der Zeit seines Aufenthalts in Cloyne in Irland in den Jahren 1743–1753 entstanden sind, unter dem Gesichtspunkt des protestantischen irischen Patriotismus in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts zu untersuchen. Im ersten Teil des Artikels wird die allgemeine Charakteristik des irischen Patriotismus in dem angegebenen Zeitraum geschildert. Im zweiten Teil wende ich mich dem Einsatz Berkeleys in die Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der irischen Gesellschaft zu. Es werden die Postulate des Philosophen hinsichtlich des religiösen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialpolitischen Lebens der irischen Gesellschaft untersucht. Infolge der Analyse wird Berkeleys Interpretation des irischen Patriotismus dargestellt, der auf dem Postulat des Strebens nach dem Gemeinschaftswohl begründet wurde. In der Auffassung des Philosophen war das Verständnis der Gemeinschaft von historischen Umständen bedingt. Theoretisch bedeutete die Gemeinschaft für ihn die Menschheit als solche, praktisch bedeutete sie die Gemeinschaft der anglikanischen Kirche, die territoriale Gemeinschaft und auch die Staatsgemeinschaft, die Irland mit Großbritannien im Rahmen des sich entwickelnden Britischen Imperiums bildete.Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Anna PastuszkaThe article provides an analysis of the works written by George Berkeley when he was a bishop of Cloyne in Ireland between 1734 and 1753. The analysis is conducted in the context of the Irish Protestant patriotism of the first half of the 18th century, the characteristic of which is provided in the first part of the article. The second part is devoted to Berkeley’s engagement in improving life of the society in Ireland in different aspects, i.e. religious, economic, and socio–political. The result of the analysis is an interpretation of the meaning of Berkeley’s Irish patriotism based on the concept of aiming at the good of the whole. Its reference differed for Berkeley in the particular moments of the contemporary history of Ireland. In theory it meant mankind as such. Practically, it referred to the Church of England, the territory of Ireland, or the British Empire.   Summarised by Marta Szymańska-LewoszewskaCelem artykułu jest analiza prac brytyjskiego filozofa George’a Berkeleya z okresu jego pobytu w Cloyne w Irlandii w latach 1734–1753 pod kątem protestanckiego patriotyzmu irlandzkiego w pierwszej połowie XVIII wieku. W pierwszej części artykułu zostanie przedstawiona ogólna charakterystyka protestanckiego patriotyzmu irlandzkiego we wskazanym okresie. W drugiej części artykułu odwołam się do zaangażowania Berkeleya w poprawę warunków życia społeczeństwa Irlandii. Analizie zostaną poddane postulaty filozofa w zakresie życia religijnego, gospodarczego i społeczno-politycznego społeczeństwa Irlandii. W wyniku analizy zostanie przedstawiona interpretacja Berkeleyowskiego patriotyzmu irlandzkiego, który był ufundowany na postulacie dążenia do dobra wspólnoty. W koncepcji filozofa jej rozumienie było zależne od okoliczności historycznych. W teoretycznym ujęciu wspólnota oznaczała dla niego ludzkość jako taką, w praktyce – wspólnotę Kościoła anglikańskiego, wspólnotę terytorialną, a także wspólnotę państwową, którą Irlandia tworzyła wraz z Wielką Brytanią w ramach rozwijającego się Imperium Brytyjskiego

    Remote Quality Management System Audit. Auditors’ and Auditees’ Perspective and Lessons Learned

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    Theoretical background: The pandemic situation affected the functioning of each organization, including the assessment of quality management systems. The implementation of remote audits, including remote internal audits, has become an urgent necessity.Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to present the results of research on potential difficulties in conducting remote internal audit, from the perspective of auditors and auditees. The auxiliary goal is to collect and organize definitions of remote audit and describe its essence in the light of scientific literature and other sources of a formal nature.Research methods: A review and critical analysis of the literature, the method of a diagnostic survey, and then the method of synthesis and logical reasoning were used.Main findings: Several bottlenecks related to certain difficulties can be identified. Both auditors and audited persons should not waste time searching for relevant documents or records. There is a need to check in advance to what extent the applied information technology is efficient, effective and available to all interested parties during the audit. It is necessary to clarify the roles and tasks before and during audits, and to make sure in advance that all resources, both tangible and intangible, are available during the audit