25 research outputs found

    Nonnegative Rank Measures and Monotone Algebraic Branching Programs

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    Inspired by Nisan\u27s characterization of noncommutative complexity (Nisan 1991), we study different notions of nonnegative rank, associated complexity measures and their link with monotone computations. In particular we answer negatively an open question of Nisan asking whether nonnegative rank characterizes monotone noncommutative complexity for algebraic branching programs. We also prove a rather tight lower bound for the computation of elementary symmetric polynomials by algebraic branching programs in the monotone setting or, equivalently, in the homogeneous syntactically multilinear setting

    El Plan Prebisch de 1955, los dilemas del desarrollo argentino y las controversias en torno a los legados económicos del peronismo

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    This article analyses the controversies surrounding the Prebisch Plan of 1955 and Peron’s economic legacy. The paper studies the responses of economists and politicians from four ideological traditions (left, nationalism, liberalism and Peronism) to Raul Prebisch’s diagnosis of the state of the Argentine economy. It examines prevailing economic ideas in the Fifties and the limited understanding of the dilemmas of a semi-industrialized economy. It is argued that these debates defined an agenda that would last until the rise of Arturo Frondizi’s developmentalism in the late 1950s and, at the same time, have a lasting influence on the historical interpretations of Peronist economics.Este artículo analiza las controversias en torno a los legados económicos del peronismo que estallaron a partir de la presentación del Plan Prebisch de 1955. El trabajo estudia las respuestas que brindaron economistas y políticos de cuatro tradiciones ideológicas distintas (izquierdas, nacionalismo, liberalismo y peronismo), a los diagnósticos realizados por Raúl Prebisch sobre el estado de la economía argentina. Se examinan las ideas económicas predominantes en los años cincuenta y los límites con que los actores comprendieron los dilemas que enfrentaba la Argentina como economía semi-industrializada. Se sostiene que estos debates definieron una agenda que perduraría hasta el ascenso del desarrollismo de Arturo Frondizi en 1958 y, al mismo tiempo, tuvieron una prolongada influencia en las interpretaciones historiográficas sobre la economía peronista

    Argentina: Foreign relations and the new foreign policy agenda

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    Contains three papers from the conference 'Confronting the Future in Argentina: the second Menem administration', held by the Institute of Latin American Studies on 1-2 February, 1996. They are: "Foreign Policy and Argentina's National Interest" (Andres Cisneros); "Democratisation in Argentina and the End of the Cold War: The impact on Anglo-Argentine relations" (Jose Octavio Bordon); and "Britain, Argentina and the Islands: The potential for a solution" (Alastair Forsyth

    Frondizi: la politica del desconcierto

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    Argentina: the state we're in

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    Aquellas islas desde estas islas

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    'Que se Vayan Todos!' the struggle for democratic party politics in contemporary Argentina

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    The chapter explores the reasons for lack of party legitimacy in Argentina since the return to democracy in 1983, which led to the crisis of 2002 and demands 'to get rid of' all politicians