558 research outputs found

    Effective dynamics of the closed loop quantum cosmology

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    In this paper we study dynamics of the closed FRW model with holonomy corrections coming from loop quantum cosmology. We consider models with a scalar field and cosmological constant. In case of the models with cosmological constant and free scalar field, dynamics reduce to 2D system and analysis of solutions simplify. If only free scalar field is included then universe undergoes non-singular oscillations. For the model with cosmological constant, different behaviours are obtained depending on the value of Λ\Lambda. If the value of Λ\Lambda is sufficiently small, bouncing solutions with asymptotic de Sitter stages are obtained. However if the value of Λ\Lambda exceeds critical value Λc=3mPl22Ï€Îł3≃21mPl2\Lambda_{\text{c}} =\frac{\sqrt{3}m^2_{\text{Pl}}}{2\pi\gamma^3} \simeq 21 m^2_{\text{Pl}} then solutions become oscillatory. Subsequently we study models with a massive scalar field. We find that this model possess generic inflationary attractors. In particular field, initially situated in the bottom of the potential, is driven up during the phase of quantum bounce. This subsequently leads to the phase of inflation. Finally we find that, comparing with the flat case, effects of curvature do not change qualitatively dynamics close to the phase of bounce. Possible effects of inverse volume corrections are also briefly discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Beyond deficiency:Potential benefits of increased intakesof vitamin K for bone and vascular health

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    Vitamin K is wellknown for its role in the synthesisof a number of blood coagulationfactors.During recent years vitaminK-dependent proteins werediscovered to be of vital importancefor bone and vascular health.Recommendations for dietary vitaminK intake have been made onthe basis of the hepatic requirementsfor the synthesis of bloodcoagulation factors.Accumulatingevidence suggests that the requirementsfor other functions thanblood coagulation may be higher.This paper is the result of a closedworkshop (Paris,November 2002)in which a number of Europeanvitamin K experts reviewed theavailable data and formulated theirstandpoint with respect to recommendeddietary vitamin K intakeand the use of vitamin K-containingsupplements

    The status of Quantum Geometry in the dynamical sector of Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    This letter is motivated by the recent papers by Dittrich and Thiemann and, respectively, by Rovelli discussing the status of Quantum Geometry in the dynamical sector of Loop Quantum Gravity. Since the papers consider model examples, we also study the issue in the case of an example, namely on the Loop Quantum Cosmology model of space-isotropic universe. We derive the Rovelli-Thiemann-Ditrich partial observables corresponding to the quantum geometry operators of LQC in both Hilbert spaces: the kinematical one and, respectively, the physical Hilbert space of solutions to the quantum constraints. We find, that Quantum Geometry can be used to characterize the physical solutions, and the operators of quantum geometry preserve many of their kinematical properties.Comment: Latex, 12 page

    Loop Quantum Cosmology corrections to inflationary models

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    In the recent years the quantization methods of Loop Quantum Gravity have been successfully applied to the homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space-times. The resulting theory, called Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC), resolves the Big Bang singularity by replacing it with the Big Bounce. We argue that LQC generates also certain corrections to field theoretical inflationary scenarios. These corrections imply that in the LQC the effective sonic horizon becomes infinite at some point after the bounce and that the scale of the inflationary potential implied by the COBE normalisation increases. The evolution of scalar fields immediately after the Bounce becomes modified in an interesting way. We point out that one can use COBE normalisation to establish an upper bound on the quantum of length of LQG.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, plain Late

    Closed FRW model in Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    The basic idea of the LQC applies to every spatially homogeneous cosmological model, however only the spatially flat (so called k=0k=0) case has been understood in detail in the literature thus far. In the closed (so called: k=1) case certain technical difficulties have been the obstacle that stopped the development. In this work the difficulties are overcome, and a new LQC model of the spatially closed, homogeneous, isotropic universe is constructed. The topology of the spacelike section of the universe is assumed to be that of SU(2) or SO(3). Surprisingly, according to the results achieved in this work, the two cases can be distinguished from each other just by the local properties of the quantum geometry of the universe. The quantum hamiltonian operator of the gravitational field takes the form of a difference operator, where the elementary step is the quantum of the 3-volume derived in the flat case by Ashtekar, Pawlowski and Singh. The mathematical properties of the operator are studied: it is essentially self-adjoint, bounded from above by 0, the 0 itself is not an eigenvalue, the eigenvectors form a basis. An estimate on the dimension of the spectral projection on any finite interval is provided.Comment: 19 pages, latex, no figures, high quality, nea

    EPI-001, A Compound Active against Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer, Targets Transactivation Unit 5 of the Androgen Receptor

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank J. M. Valverde (IRB) as well as the NMR facilities of the University of Barcelona (CCiT UB) and the Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano (IQFR, CSIC) for their assistance in, respectively, protein production and NMR. This work was supported by IRB, ICREA (X.S.), Obra Social “la Caixa” (Fellowship to E.D.M. and CancerTec grants to X.S.) MICINN (CTQ2009-08850 to X.S.), MINECO (BIO2012-31043 to X.S.; CTQ2014-56361-P to A.R), Marató de TV3 (102030 to X.S. and 102031 to E.E.P) the COFUND programme of the European Commission (C.T.W.P., A. R. and X.S.), the European Research Council (CONCERT, contract number 648201, to X.S.), the Ramón y Cajal program of MICINN (RYC-2011-07873 to C.W.B.) the Serra Hunter Programme (E.E.P.) and AGAUR (SGR-2014-56RR14 to E.E.P). IRB Barcelona is the recipient of a Severo Ochoa Award of Excellence from MINECO (Government of Spain)Peer reviewedPostprin

    Quantum constraints, Dirac observables and evolution: group averaging versus Schroedinger picture in LQC

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    A general quantum constraint of the form C=−∂T2⊗B−I⊗HC= - \partial_T^2 \otimes B - I\otimes H (realized in particular in Loop Quantum Cosmology models) is studied. Group Averaging is applied to define the Hilbert space of solutions and the relational Dirac observables. Two cases are considered. In the first case, the spectrum of the operator (1/2)π2B−H(1/2)\pi^2 B - H is assumed to be discrete. The quantum theory defined by the constraint takes the form of a Schroedinger-like quantum mechanics with a generalized Hamiltonian B−1H\sqrt{B^{-1} H}. In the second case, the spectrum is absolutely continuous and some peculiar asymptotic properties of the eigenfunctions are assumed. The resulting Hilbert space and the dynamics are characterized by a continuous family of the Schroedinger-like quantum theories. However, the relational observables mix different members of the family. Our assumptions are motivated by new Loop Quantum Cosmology models of quantum FRW spacetime. The two cases considered in the paper correspond to the negative and, respectively, positive cosmological constant. Our results should be also applicable in many other general relativistic contexts.Comment: RevTex4, 32 page

    Numerical calculations of effective elastic properties of two cellular structures

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    Young's moduli of regular two-dimensional truss-like and eye-shape-like structures are simulated by using the finite element method. The structures are the idealizations of soft polymeric materials used in the electret applications. In the simulations size of the representative smallest units are varied, which changes the dimensions of the cell-walls in the structures. A power-law expression with a quadratic as the exponential term is proposed for the effective Young's moduli of the systems as a function of the solid volume fraction. The data is divided into three regions with respect to the volume fraction; low, intermediate and high concentrations. The parameters of the proposed power-law expression in each region are later represented as a function of the structural parameters, unit-cell dimensions. The presented expression can be used to predict structure/property relationship in materials with similar cellular structures. It is observed that the structures with volume fractions of solid higher than 0.15 exhibit the importance of the cell-wall thickness contribution in the elastic properties. The cell-wall thickness is the most significant factor to predict the effective Young's modulus of regular cellular structures at high volume fractions of solid. At lower concentrations of solid, eye-like structure yields lower Young's modulus than the truss-like structure with the similar anisotropy. Comparison of the numerical results with those of experimental data of poly(propylene) show good aggreement regarding the influence of cell-wall thickness on elastic properties of thin cellular films.Comment: 7 figures and 2 table
