17 research outputs found

    G. H. Mead's original role-concept and its later distortions

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    In the social psychology of the ‘60s the notion of role probably enjoyed the greatest popularity besides that of attitude. Although this popularity has markedly decreased by the ‘90s, role theories still have a substantial influence on the thinking of social science. When pondering the viability of the scientific notion, one does well to recount the history of how it was spread and transferred with special regard to the original role concept of G. H. Mead, the father of symbolic interactionism. As the author’s historical and theoretical analysis reveals, just in the period when the popularity of the role concept was at its peak, the context in which role phenomena were examined, were significantly more superficial than Mead’s original attempts at its interpretation. This enabled deepening of the relation between role and action. Neglecting this has meant that social psychology and sociology have practically severed themselves from the one possibility of better understanding of changes of roles and the emergence of new roles

    Az észlelt-megélt mozgástér, a társak és a személyes tényezők szerepe hazai értelmiségiek pálya- és életútjának alakulásában = The role of perceived-lived space of movement, of peers and of the personal factors in formation of the professional- and life-trajectories of Hungarian professionals

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    1971-73-ban kezdő építészek/orvosok pályaattitűdjét, értékorientációját kognitív szociálpszichológiai módszerekkel vizsgáltam, majd 3 évig követtem őket munkahelyeiken. Eredményeit 1981-es könyvem mutatja be. Az építészeket a 80-as, 90-es években rokon témákban is vizsgáltam. A jelenlegi téma a longitudinális kutatás befejezése, ám mégis új, megváltozott társadalmi térben fókuszált a pályaattitűdök alakulására. Követte a család, az egzisztencia, a társak, szakmai ideálok hatását, a mozgástér észlelését és a korábbi vizsgáló eljárások használhatóságát. Ezeket és az új orientálódást mélyinterjúk tárták fel. Az adatbázis kiegészült szakmai kritikák dokumentációival. Esettanulmány készült 30 építész pályaútjáról. A legérdekesebb 15, zömmel Ybl- és Pro Architectura-díjas építészről írt esettanulmány "Építészprofilok" címen 2006 juniusában jelenik meg a TERC Szakkönyv Kiadó-nál 34 ívnyi terjedelemben. | In 1971-73 I studied professional attitudes of beginner architects+ physicians by methods of cognitive social psyhology and by a 3 years follow-up. Results were published in a book in 1981. The same architects were studied in ?80s and ?90s. The present study is the final phase of this long follow-up research. In a way it is a new study, focusing on the stability of professional attitudes within the changed social space. It followed the family, living, different roles, professional competence, influence of peers, professional ideals, perception of the space of movement, responsibility and new orientations. These were revealed from the depth-interviews. Data-basis also contained professional reviews. Case studies were made on 30 participants. The most interesting 15 studies on architects, awarded by Ybl and Pro Architecture prizes and other relevant studies will be published entitled "Architects-profiles" in June 2006 by the TERC Szakkönyv Kiadó (34 printed sheets)

    Social representations of success in different professional strata

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    In societies heading for modernization, culture‑ and stratum‑specific cognitive representations of social success also undergo change, but it is by no means indifferent to the process of development how they change. Nor is Hungary an exception, where after the changes of the early 1990s the findings of research which give an insight into the images of social and personal success among professionals who play a decisive role in modernization might be of special interest, and perhaps utility. These images are indicators of status as well as motivations in the given process of modernization. The investigation described in this paper used cognitive social psychology to explore the social representations of success among would‑be and practicing members from three professional fields (agricultural engineers, architects and economists) who had and still have varying chances of success after the political changes. The present study only enlarges upon a part of the complex questionnaire survey,specifically the alleged factors and traits (causal attributes) that underlie the success of a) successful persons that respondents’ personally know, and b) generalized Hungarian successful persons, together with the factors that structure the social representations of success, as well as significant differences in these by gender, professional field and generation. The most conspicuous of our findings relates to negative emotional perceptions about the generalized successful Hungarian man, especially in the subsample of students. Known successful people are almost exclusively male and come from the world of business, which is a remarkable sign of the survival of earlier beliefs, even if otherwise no comprehensive difference was detected between the genders. Neither was a difference specific to the field of specialisation identified, in contrast to generation‑specific divergences (particularly concerning the more complex approach of earning professionals to achievement, staying well‑informed and communicative skills)

    Note on symmetric alteration of knots of B-spline curves

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    The shape of a B-spline curve can be influenced by the modification of knot values. Previously the effect caused by symmetric alteration of two knots have been studied on the intervals between the altered knots. Here we show how symmetric knot alteration influences the shape of the B-spline curve over the rest of the domain of definition in the case k = 3. Key Words: B-spline curve, knot modification, path AMS Classification Number: 68U0

    A szimbolizmus és az avantgarde kora az orosz művészeti kultúrában (kétnyelvű dokumentumgyűjtemény) = The age of symbolism and avant-garde in russian art (a bilingual textbook)

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    A kétnyelvű dokumentumgyűjteményben a tematikusan csoportosított anyagok a XIX-XX század fordulóját (a szimbolizmus és a szecesszió kora) és az 1910-20-as évek (a posztszimbolizmus és az avantgarde kora) időszakát követik végig. A bemutatott korszak nem csupán a festészeti kultúra virágkorát, a művészi módszerek kísérleti megújítását jelentette az orosz művészetben, hanem a művészi gyakorlat kritikai és elméleti reflexiójának, a művészetkritikai és művészetfilozófiai gondolkodásnak a virágkorát is. Ennek a korszaknak az átfogó bemutatása eddig még nem valósult meg a hazai művészettörténeti és szlavisztikai szakkutatásokban. A válogatás koncepcióját a kötet szaklektorai nemzetközi vonatkozásban is jelentősnek minősítették. Az eredeti szövegek magyar nyelvű fordítása az ELTE Orosz Irodalmi Doktori Programjának műhelyében készült. A kötetben szereplő szövegeket a doktori program tanárai és hallgatói fordították 500 oldal terjedelemben. A szövegeket mintegy 400 kép illusztráció kíséri. A dokumentumok közlését jegyzetapparátus és ajánló bibliográfia egészíti ki. A dokumentumgyűjtemény az egyetemi alapfokú és posztgraduális képzés területén hasznosítható a művészettörténet, az esztétika és a szlavisztika szakokon; a szélesebb olvasóközönség körében is népszerűsíthető. Mivel a kötet az eredeti orosz nyelvű forrásanyagot is tartalmazza, ezért nemzetközi érdeklődésre is számot tarthat. | Materials in the bilingual textbook are classified thematically in chronological order to follow the main trends of art criticism at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries (the age of Symbolism and Art Nouveau) as well as in the 1910s and 1920s (the age of Post-Symbolism and Avant-Garde). The described period marked not only the golden age of painting culture, the experimental renewal of artistic principles, but also the golden age of the critical and theoretical thinking. An all-embracing presentation of this period has not been accomplished so far in special research into Art History and Slavonic studies in Hungary. The translation of primary texts into Hungarian and the elaboration on up-to-date and easy-to-understand special terminology was prepared as a result of teamwork in the workshop of the PhD Program in Russian Literature at the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest. The texts in the book were translated by the Professors and Students of the PhD program. The documents are complemented by 400 pictures illustrating the main trends of the period, and are accompanied by an extensive scholarly apparatus and a selected bibliography. The bilingual textbook illustrated with pictures can be used first of all as a university reference book in graduate and postgraduate education in Art History, Aesthetics, and Slavonic Studies. Since the bilingual book also contains the primary source material in Russian, it will arouse international interest