55 research outputs found

    Galois-gráf rajzolása számítógéppel

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    Separation window dependent multiple injection (SWDMI) for large scale analysis of therapeutic antibody N-glycans

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    There is a growing demand in the biopharmaceutical industry for large scale N-glycosylation analysis of biotherapeutics, especially monoclonal antibodies. To fulfill this high throughput analysis requirement with single column separation systems in most instances require finishing the entire analysis cycle including conditioning, injection and separation between sample injections. While in liquid chromatography it represents a challenge, multiple sample injection in capillary electrophoresis has already been demonstrated for one or two sample components by utilizing the concept of introducing sequential sample and buffer zones into the capillary tubing before the start of the separation process. It was also demonstrated in CEMS mode, mostly to follow one sample component, identified by precise mass measurement. Here we introduce a novel multiple injection approach for rapid large scale capillary electrophoresis analysis of samples with biopharmaceutical interest supporting multicomponent optical detection with laser induced fluorescence. In Separation Window Dependent Multiple Injection (SWDMI) mode, the samples are consecutively injected inpredefined time intervals, based on the window that covers the separation of all sample components. As a practical example, this newly developed SWDMI protocol was applied to rapid and large scale analysis of APTS labeled monoclonal antibody N-glycans using a short (20 cm effective length) capillary column. Full analysis of 96 samples (injected from a well plate) was obtained in 4 hours, in contrast to consecutive individual separation cycle processing of the same samples that required 12 hours

    Szövettekercselő egység tervezése

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    A szövettekercselés a légrugógyártás folyamatára készíti elő a félkész anyagot. A légrugók gumieleme több gumirétegből épül fel, melyek megfelelő egymásra építése az előírt rétegrendben határozza meg a vulkanizálást követő mechanikai tulajdonságokat. A szövettekercselés során a vágott gumielemet készítjük elő tekercsekben. A tekercselés minősége és teljesítménye alapvetően befolyásolja a gyártás kapacitását. A megnövekedett gyártási igények kielégítése érdekében szükséges volt egy korszerű, automatizált rendszerrel ellátott szövettekercselő egység kialakítására, amely ugyanakkor lehetővé teszi az ergonómiai feltételek javítását is. A dolgozatom célja ennek a berendezésnek a részletes megtervezése, valamint véges elemes szimulációkkal a szerkezeti megoldások ellenőrzése

    Design of a Fabric Winding Up Unit

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    For air-spring production the fabric winding is what prepares the semi-finished materials. The rubber body, that we called the membrane is made from using several layers of fabric and rubber. Building together these layers defines the mechanical properties. During the winding up, we prepare the cut rubber or fabric layers in rolls. Quality of rolling and the performance to make the semi-finished material, depend on the machine which is used for the winding. To satisfy the higher production capacity it was necessary to create a modern construction using automated systems. To assure the ergonomic expectations was a main viewpoint too. My thesis main goal is to explain, in detail, my design and to prove the device structural solutions using finite element analysis