45 research outputs found
Pinning Down versus Density
The pinning down number of a topological space is the smallest
cardinal such that for any neighborhood assignment
there is a set with for all . Clearly, c.
Here we prove that the following statements are equivalent:
(1) for each cardinal ;
(2) for each Hausdorff space ;
(3) for each 0-dimensional Hausdorff space .
This answers two questions of Banakh and Ravsky.
The dispersion character of a space is the smallest
cardinality of a non-empty open subset of . We also show that if
then has an open subspace with and
, moreover the following three statements are equiconsistent:
(i) There is a singular cardinal with , i.e.
Shelah's Strong Hypothesis fails;
(ii) there is a 0-dimensional Hausdorff space such that
is a regular cardinal and ;
(iii) there is a topological space such that is a regular
cardinal and .
We also prove that
for any locally compact Hausdorff space ;
for every Hausdorff space we have and
implies ;
for every regular space we have and moreover implies
Coloring Cantor sets and resolvability of pseudocompact spaces
Let us denote by the statement that , i.e. the Baire space of weight , has a coloring
with colors such that every homeomorphic copy of the Cantor set
in picks up all the colors.
We call a space {\em -regular} if it is Hausdorff and for every
non-empty open set in there is a non-empty open set such that
. We recall that a space is called {\em feebly
compact} if every locally finite collection of open sets in is finite. A
Tychonov space is pseudocompact iff it is feebly compact.
The main result of this paper is the following.
Theorem. Let be a crowded feebly compact -regular space and be
a fixed (finite or infinite) cardinal. If holds for all
then is -resolvable, i.e. contains
pairwise disjoint dense subsets. (Here is the smallest
cardinal such that does not contain many pairwise
disjoint open sets.)
This significantly improves earlier results of van Mill , resp.
Ortiz-Castillo and Tomita.Comment: 8 page
Anti-Urysohn spaces
All spaces are assumed to be infinite Hausdorff spaces. We call a space
"anti-Urysohn" AU in short iff any two non-emty regular closed sets in it
intersect. We prove that
for every infinite cardinal there is a space of size
in which fewer than many non-empty regular closed
sets always intersect;
there is a locally countable AU space of size iff .
A space with at least two non-isolated points is called "strongly
anti-Urysohn" SAU in short iff any two infinite closed sets in it
intersect. We prove that
if is any SAU space then ;
if then there is a separable, crowded,
locally countable, SAU space of cardinality ; \item if Cohen reals are added to any ground model then in the extension there
are SAU spaces of size for all ;
if GCH holds and are uncountable regular
cardinals then in some CCC generic extension we have ,
, and for every cardinal there is an SAU space of cardinality .
The questions if SAU spaces exist in ZFC or if SAU spaces of cardinality can exist remain open