9 research outputs found

    Medycyna i Społeczeństwo. Materiały konferencyjne

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    Ze wstępu: "Z inicjatywy i pod patronatem Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie odbyła się w styczniu 2003 r. konferencja naukowa lekarzy, farmaceutów, biochemików, filozofów, fizjopatologów, farmakologów i klinicystów, których rozważania skupiały się wokół obszernego tematu „MED YCYNAISPOŁECZEŃSTWO Spotkanie otworzył JM Rektor Prof. KSW dr hab. Zbigniew Maciąg. Rektor wyraził podziękowanie wykładowcom i wyraził głęboką nadzieję, że kolejny numer wydawnictwa Szkoły Acta Academiae Modrevianae, złożony z wybranych prac prezentowanych na konferencji, służył będzie społeczeństwu."(...

    Should people of science tolerate stupidity?

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    Direito ë gratidìo

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    Few matters in medical ethics give rise to such passionate disputes and discussions as the issues of doctors' acceptances of diverse kinds of gifts, services or favours from grateful patients or pharmaceutical companies interested in acquiring a physicians endorsement. Gratitude is a fundamental moral value. Modern philosophy proposes three different, rival models of gratitude. Appropriate social rules determine what, when and under what conditions counts as a reciprocation of a gift. The moral sphere between doctor and patient is incredibly complex: there appear to be four types of possible attitudes that a patient can adopt towards a physician. The art of giving is as complex as the art of receiving.Pocos temas de .tica médica despiertan tantas apasionadas disputas y discusiones como el de la aceptación, por parte de los médicos, de distintos tipos de regalos, servicios o favores de pacientes agradecidos, o de compañías farmacéuticas interesadas en obtener su visto bueno. La gratitud es un valor moral fundamental. La filosofía moderna propone tres modelos de gratitud, diferentes y rivales. Reglas sociales claras pueden determinar qué., cuando y bajo cu.les condiciones algo cuenta como reciprocidad a un regalo. La esfera moral entre médico y paciente es increíblemente compleja: existen, aparentemente, cuatro actitudes posibles que un paciente puede adoptar frente a un médico. El arte de dar es tan complejo como el de recibir.Poucos temas de ética médica despertam tantas e apaixonadas disputas e discussôes como o da aceitaçâo, por parte dos médicos, de distintos tipos de presentes, serviços ou favores de pacientes agradecidos ou de industrias farmacéuticas. A gratido é um valor moral fundamental. A filosofia moderna propôe três modelos de gratidâo, diferentes e rivais. Regras sociais claras podem determinar o que, quando e em que condiçôes algo conta como reciprocidade para um presente. A esfera moral entre médico e pacinte . incrivelmente complexa: existem aparentemente quatro atitudes possíveis que um pacinte pode adotar frente a um médico. A arte de dar é tâo complexa como a de receber.

    A report from Poland treatment and non‐treatment of defective newborns

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    Though it is evident that seriously and irreversibly defective infants are born in Poland, as well as in other socialist countries we do not know really what is the existing medical practice concerning their treatment or non-treatment. No representative empirical investigations were conducted with respect to it. We believe, however, that for the majority of doctors this is not a genuine moral problem at all. They feel simply morally, legally, and professionally obliged to treat those unhappy creatures without any regard to economic and moral cost of treatment. It is highly plausible that this attitude is common to all socialist countries. All the factors mentioned in this paper (religion, ideology, medical education, paternalism, remembrance of Nazi doctors’ criminal practice, the legal situation, and the health care system) have a direct influence on the moral beliefs and attitudes of doctors in socialist countries. And even in those countries in which there are different religious traditions (like the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, or the German Democratic Republic) there is a deeply-entrenched belief that preserving any human life is the principal and absolute duty of a doctor, one which must be fulfilled at any cost. We should also keep in mind that in this part of the world hardly any distinction at all is made between euthanasia and ordinary murder

    Stewards of Integrity: Institutional Approaches to Promote and Safeguard Good Research Practice in Europe

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    56 pages.In December 2000, the European Science Foundation published a Science Policy Briefing entitled Good Scientific Practice in Research and Scholarship. The time was not coincidental. During the 1990s, there were many major cases of research misconduct that were widely publicised in both the scientific and general media.As research organisations in various countries were undertaking efforts to tackle the problem, there was a need to learn from each other’s experiences and with the idea of the European Research Area (ERA) then burgeoning, discussions began on whether there should be coordinated efforts at the European level.The ESF Science Policy Briefing No. 10 surveyed the then existing policies and practices in Europe and discussed the responsibilities of researchers and research organisations. It called upon ESF Member Organisations, to act, in their diverse roles, as stewards of research integrity.To this end, the European Science Foundation collected information from its Member Organisations and other relevant bodies, and this resulting report presents the policies, approaches and practices to foster good scientific practice found in several European countries.Although the report is not exhaustive both in terms of countries and institutions covered, it provides a basis for an overview of mechanisms to promote good research practice and to handle cases of alleged research misconduct that exist in different European countries.This work and publication was part-funded by the European Commission (Contract No GNBL-2007-00002).Peer reviewe