50 research outputs found

    CoNSEnsX: an ensemble view of protein structures and NMR-derived experimental data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In conjunction with the recognition of the functional role of internal dynamics of proteins at various timescales, there is an emerging use of dynamic structural ensembles instead of individual conformers. These ensembles are usually substantially more diverse than conventional NMR ensembles and eliminate the expectation that a single conformer should fulfill all NMR parameters originating from 10<sup>16 </sup>- 10<sup>17 </sup>molecules in the sample tube. Thus, the accuracy of dynamic conformational ensembles should be evaluated differently to that of single conformers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We constructed the web application CoNSEnsX (Consistency of NMR-derived Structural Ensembles with eXperimental data) allowing fast, simple and convenient assessment of the correspondence of the ensemble as a whole with diverse independent NMR parameters available. We have chosen different ensembles of three proteins, human ubiquitin, a small protease inhibitor and a disordered subunit of cGMP phosphodiesterase 5/6 for detailed evaluation and demonstration of the capabilities of the CoNSEnsX approach.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results present a new conceptual method for the evaluation of dynamic conformational ensembles resulting from NMR structure determination. The designed CoNSEnsX approach gives a complete evaluation of these ensembles and is freely available as a web service at <url>http://consensx.chem.elte.hu</url>.</p

    Broad metabolic sensitivity profiling of a prototrophic yeast deletion collection

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    Background: Genome-wide sensitivity screens in yeast have been immensely popular following the construction of a collection of deletion mutants of non-essential genes. However, the auxotrophic markers in this collection preclude experiments on minimal growth medium, one of the most informative metabolic environments. Here we present quantitative growth analysis for mutants in all 4,772 non-essential genes from our prototrophic deletion collection across a large set of metabolic conditions. Results: The complete collection was grown in environments consisting of one of four possible carbon sources paired with one of seven nitrogen sources, for a total of 28 different well-defined metabolic environments. The relative contributions to mutants' fitness of each carbon and nitrogen source were determined using multivariate statistical methods. The mutant profiling recovered known and novel genes specific to the processing of nutrients and accurately predicted functional relationships, especially for metabolic functions. A benchmark of genome-scale metabolic network modeling is also given to demonstrate the level of agreement between current in silico predictions and hitherto unavailable experimental data. Conclusions: These data address a fundamental deficiency in our understanding of the model eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its response to the most basic of environments. While choice of carbon source has the greatest impact on cell growth, specific effects due to nitrogen source and interactions between the nutrients are frequent. We demonstrate utility in characterizing genes of unknown function and illustrate how these data can be integrated with other whole-genome screens to interpret similarities between seemingly diverse perturbation types

    Underground metabolism as a rich reservoir for pathway engineering

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    Motivation: Bioproduction of value-added compounds is frequently achieved by utilizing enzymes from other species. However, expression of such heterologous enzymes can be detrimental due to unexpected interactions within the host cell. Recently, an alternative strategy emerged, which relies on recruiting side activities of host enzymes to establish new biosynthetic pathways. Although such low-level ‘underground’ enzyme activities are prevalent, it remains poorly explored whether they may serve as an important reservoir for pathway engineering. Results: Here, we use genome-scale modeling to estimate the theoretical potential of underground reactions for engineering novel biosynthetic pathways in Escherichia coli. We found that biochemical reactions contributed by underground enzyme activities often enhance the in silico production of compounds with industrial importance, including several cases where underground activities are indispensable for production. Most of these new capabilities can be achieved by the addition of one or two underground reactions to the native network, suggesting that only a few side activities need to be enhanced during implementation. Remarkably, we find that the contribution of underground reactions to the production of value-added compounds is comparable to that of heterologous reactions, underscoring their biotechnological potential. Taken together, our genome-wide study demonstrates that exploiting underground enzyme activities could be a promising addition to the toolbox of industrial strain development

    Bacterial evolution of antibiotic hypersensitivity.

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    The evolution of resistance to a single antibiotic is frequently accompanied by increased resistance to multiple other antimicrobial agents. In sharp contrast, very little is known about the frequency and mechanisms underlying collateral sensitivity. In this case, genetic adaptation under antibiotic stress yields enhanced sensitivity to other antibiotics. Using large-scale laboratory evolutionary experiments with Escherichia coli, we demonstrate that collateral sensitivity occurs frequently during the evolution of antibiotic resistance. Specifically, populations adapted to aminoglycosides have an especially low fitness in the presence of several other antibiotics. Whole-genome sequencing of laboratory-evolved strains revealed multiple mechanisms underlying aminoglycoside resistance, including a reduction in the proton-motive force (PMF) across the inner membrane. We propose that as a side effect, these mutations diminish the activity of PMF-dependent major efflux pumps (including the AcrAB transporter), leading to hypersensitivity to several other antibiotics. More generally, our work offers an insight into the mechanisms that drive the evolution of negative trade-offs under antibiotic selection

    ModuLand plug-in for Cytoscape: determination of hierarchical layers of overlapping network modules and community centrality

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    Summary: The ModuLand plug-in provides Cytoscape users an algorithm for determining extensively overlapping network modules. Moreover, it identifies several hierarchical layers of modules, where meta-nodes of the higher hierarchical layer represent modules of the lower layer. The tool assigns module cores, which predict the function of the whole module, and determines key nodes bridging two or multiple modules. The plug-in has a detailed JAVA-based graphical interface with various colouring options. The ModuLand tool can run on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS. We demonstrate its use on protein structure and metabolic networks. Availability: The plug-in and its user guide can be downloaded freely from: http://www.linkgroup.hu/modules.php. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary information is available at Bioinformatics online.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure and a Supplement with 9 figures and 10 table

    Genome-wide analysis captures the determinants of the antibiotic cross-resistance interaction network

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    Understanding how evolution of antimicrobial resistance increases resistance to other drugs is a challenge of profound importance. By combining experimental evolution and genome sequencing of 63 laboratory-evolved lines, we charted a map of cross-resistance interactions between antibiotics in Escherichia coli, and explored the driving evolutionary principles. Here, we show that (1) convergent molecular evolution is prevalent across antibiotic treatments, (2) resistance conferring mutations simultaneously enhance sensitivity to many other drugs and (3) 27% of the accumulated mutations generate proteins with compromised activities, suggesting that antibiotic adaptation can partly be achieved without gain of novel function. By using knowledge on antibiotic properties, we examined the determinants of cross-resistance and identified chemogenomic profile similarity between antibiotics as the strongest predictor. In contrast, cross-resistance between two antibiotics is independent of whether they show synergistic effects in combination. These results have important implications on the development of novel antimicrobial strategies

    Network-level architecture and the evolutionary potential of underground metabolism

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    A central unresolved issue in evolutionary biology is how metabolic innovations emerge. Low-level enzymatic side activities are frequent and can potentially be recruited for new biochemical functions. However, the role of such underground reactions in adaptation toward novel environments has remained largely unknown and out of reach of computational predictions, not least because these issues demand analyses at the level of the entire metabolic network. Here, we provide a comprehensive computational model of the underground metabolism in Escherichia coli. Most underground reactions are not isolated and 45% of them can be fully wired into the existing network and form novel pathways that produce key precursors for cell growth. This observation allowed us to conduct an integrated genome-wide in silico and experimental survey to characterize the evolutionary potential of E. coli to adapt to hundreds of nutrient conditions. We revealed that underground reactions allow growth in new environments when their activity is increased. We estimate that at least similar to 20% of the underground reactions that can be connected to the existing network confer a fitness advantage under specific environments. Moreover, our results demonstrate that the genetic basis of evolutionary adaptations via underground metabolism is computationally predictable. The approach used here has potential for various application areas from bioengineering to medical genetics

    Proteome-wide landscape of solubility limits in a bacterial cell

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    Proteins are prone to aggregate when expressed above their solubility limits. Aggregation may occur rapidly, potentially as early as proteins emerge from the ribosome, or slowly, following synthesis. However, in vivo data on aggregation rates are scarce. Here, we classified the Escherichia coli proteome into rapidly and slowly aggregating proteins using an in vivo image-based screen coupled with machine learning. We find that the majority (70%) of cytosolic proteins that become insoluble upon overexpression have relatively low rates of aggregation and are unlikely to aggregate co-translationally. Remarkably, such proteins exhibit higher folding rates compared to rapidly aggregating proteins, potentially implying that they aggregate after reaching their folded states. Furthermore, we find that a substantial fraction (similar to 35%) of the proteome remain soluble at concentrations much higher than those found naturally, indicating a large margin of safety to tolerate gene expression changes. We show that high disorder content and low surface stickiness are major determinants of high solubility and are favored in abundant bacterial proteins. Overall, our study provides a global view of aggregation rates and hence solubility limits of proteins in a bacterial cell