10 research outputs found

    Environmental Studies at Newton Lake, Illinois: Tasks 4, 5, and 7

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    ID: 8658; issued March 1, 1991INHS Technical Report prepared for Marathon Oil Compan

    Landscapes of Ecological Importance in Illinois

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    This project used a series of landscape-scale characteristics related to biotic and landscape integrity to identify lands with the potential capacity to be restored to natural area quality with modern restoration techniques. The best ones would be those that occur in a landscape context that could be viable over the long-term once restore. In a pilot project for Northeastern Illinois, we developed Landscape Integrity and Restorability parameters and identified statewide datasets for Illinois. We used a three-level system: Ecological, Spatial and Threat parameters, and had INHS mammologists, ornithologists, herpetologists, and botanists assess the value of the parameter and suggest weights used in the final ranking. These criteria and datasets were used to perform a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis of undeveloped lands in all of the state of Illinois. This GIS analysis identified lands that, if restored, have the potential for long-term ecological integrity. These landscape integrity and restorability criteria have been aligned with the qualifying size criteria for registration of lands as Illinois Land and Water Reserves (a state designation resulting in protections almost as strong as Illinois Nature Preserve Dedication), to identify large areas of lower grade that could currently qualify or could be restored to qualify for designation as Land and Water Reserves. This analysis provides a score that is used in a ranking system, to establish a hierarchical assessment of the intrinsic capacity of landscapes to sustainably support native flora and fauna with restoration. The scattered pattern of modern development not only consumes an excessive amount of land, it fragments the landscape. Numerous studies have shown the negative ecological effects of forest fragmentation in the landscape (Wilcox and Murphy, 1985, Robertson et al, 1995). As forest areas are divided and isolated by roads and development, interior habitat decreased. This coupled with increased human disturbance and the spreading of opportunistic edge species results in the populations of many animals becoming too small to persist. Besides the negative effect on animal populations through the loss of wildlife habitat and migration corridors, normal ecosystem functions such as absorption of nutrients, recharging of water supplies and replenishment of soil are disturbed or destroyed (Saunders et al., 1991). Water quality has been degraded in many rivers and streams and many of Illinois’ remaining wetlands have been altered by filling, drainage and impoundment, livestock grazing, logging, direct discharges of industrial wastes and municipal sewage, and indirect pollution from urban and agricultural runoff. Today, with urban land continuing to sprawl into the surrounding landscape, there is an even more urgent need to accurately identify and protect the most important unprotected natural lands in the state before they are lost. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), and Conservation and Forest Preserve Districts have many programs for land acquisition, easements, and other forms of land and resource protection. Timely knowledge of where key lands and corridors are situated would facilitate these processes. A spatial analysis was proposed as a way of assessing the landscape quickly, efficiently, and frequently. Using existing statewide digital data and Geographic Information System (GIS) software allows for periodic review of the landscape and as additional statewide data becomes available, adjustments in the ranking system can be made. Indeed, the use of GIS software and landscape ecology has been a proven tool to aid the locating of remaining areas of ecological significance.Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundationunpublishednot peer reviewe

    Quantifying Riparian Habitat for Wildlife in the Vermilion Basin: An Evaluation of the Illinois Stream Information System and Other Geographic Data for Statewide Classification of Riparian Habitat

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    INHS Technical Report prepared for Ram Reddy, Project Manager, Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Affairs Divisio

    Development of a Natural Areas Integrity and Restorability Index and Application to Lands of the Chicago Region

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    This project was conceived during the Rapid Implementation Phase of the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI) project. A series of workshops were held where county Conservation District (CD) and Forest Preserve District (FPD) staff from Northeastern Illinois participated. Staff at these agencies expressed the belief that, due to the rapid pace of development, few new areas will be found in the Chicago Region that can meet the standards of the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory. They expressed a need for identification of lands that have the capacity to be restored to natural area quality using modern restoration techniques, and also that occur in a landscape context that will allow them to be viable over the long-term once restored. They argued that this process should be conducted by an independent, objective, scientific team and be endorsed by the State of Illinois to ensure acceptance by their boards and their communities. The county CD and FPD staff also reiterated the necessity of identifying this “next tier” of lands worthy of public investment before most of these opportunities are lost. The goal of this project was to identify a series of landscape-scale characteristics related to biotic and landscape integrity that could be used to quickly identify potential areas for protection. “Landscape Integrity Criteria” were used to identify data to perform a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis of undeveloped lands in the Chicago Region. This GIS analysis identified lands that, if restored, have the potential for long-term ecological integrity. These landscape integrity and restorability criteria were aligned with the qualifying size criteria for registration of lands as Illinois Land and Water Reserves (a state designation resulting in protections almost as strong as Illinois Nature Preserve Dedication), to identify “large grade C‟s” that could currently qualify or be restored to qualify for designation as Land and Water Reserves. Smaller areas of undeveloped land of other community types were included if adjacent to larger qualifying parcels for the purposes of building a “connected system of conservation lands. This analysis provides a score that is used in a ranking system, developed in conjunction with INHS Scientists, to establish a hierarchical assessment of the intrinsic capacity of landscapes to sustainably support native flora and fauna with restoration. A “Restorability Index” was also developed that would allow the analysis of the relative potential for restoration of undeveloped lands on a case by case basis. Armed with the “Inventory of Landscapes of Ecological Importance” and the “Restorability Index,” land managers can identify opportunities and priorities for large-scale restoration in the context of their unique management and restoration capacities. There has been some early interest in the products of this study. The scope and methods of this project was discussed with James Anderson, Natural Resource Manager at the Lake County Forest Preserve and Jesse Elam, Senior Planner at the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation, 35 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2600, Chicago, IL 60606 Grant/Contract No: 1-556283unpublishednot peer reviewe