7 research outputs found

    Parvalbumin-neurons of the ventrolateral hypothalamic parvafox nucleus receive a glycinergic input: a gene-microarray study

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    The ventrolateral hypothalamic parvafox (formerly called PV1-Foxb1) nucleus is an anatomical entity of recent discovery and unknown function. With a view to gaining an insight into its putative functional role(s), we conducted a gene-microarray analysis and, armed with the forthcoming data, controlled the results with the Allen databases and the murine BrainStars (B*) database. The parvafox nucleus was specifically sampled by laser-capture microdissection and the transcriptome was subjected to a microarray analysis on Affymetrix chips. Eighty-two relevant genes were found to be potentially more expressed in this brain region than in either the cerebral cortex or the hippocampus. When the expression patterns of these genes were counterchecked in the Allen-Database of in-situ hybridizations and in the B*-microarray database, their localization in the parvafox region was confirmed for thirteen. For nine novel genes, which are particularly interesting because of their possible involvement in neuromodulation, the expression was verified by quantitative real time-PCR. Of particular functional importance may be the occurrence of glycine receptors, the presence of which indicates that the activity of the parvafox nucleus is under ascending inhibitory control

    Parvalbumin-expressing ependymal cells in rostral lateral ventricle wall adhesions contribute to aging-related ventricle stenosis in mice

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    Aging-associated ependymal-cell pathologies can manifest as ventricular gliosis, ventricle enlargement, or ventricle stenosis. Ventricle stenosis and fusion of the lateral ventricle (LV) walls is associated with a massive decline of the proliferative capacities of the stem cell niche in the affected subventricular zone (SVZ) in aging mice. We examined the brains of adult C57BL/6 mice and found that ependymal cells located in the adhesions of the medial and lateral walls of the rostral LVs upregulated parvalbumin (PV) and displayed reactive phenotype, similarly to injury-reactive ependymal cells. However, PV+ ependymal cells in the LV-wall adhesions, unlike injury-reactive ones, did not express glial fibrillary acidic protein. S100B+/PV+ ependymal cells found in younger mice diminished in the LV-wall adhesions throughout aging. We found that periventricular PV-immunofluorescence showed positive correlation to the grade of LV stenosis in nonaged mice (10-month-old) PV-knock out (PV-KO) mice. This suggests an involvement of PV+ ependymal cells in aging-associated ventricle stenosis. Additionally, we observed a time-shift in microglial activation in the LV-wall adhesions between age-grouped PV- KO and wild-type mice, suggesting a delay in microglial activation when PV is absent from ependymal cells. Our findings implicate that compromised ependymal cells of the adhering ependymal layers upregulate PV and display phenotype shift to “reactive” ependymal cells in aging-related ventricle stenosis; moreover, they also contribute to the progression of LV-wall fusion associated with a decline of the affected SVZ-stem cell niche in aged mice

    Parvalbumin expression in oligodendrocyte-like CG4 cells causes a reduction in mitochondrial volume, attenuation in reactive oxygen species production and a decrease in cell processes’ length and branching

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    Forebrain glial cells - ependymal cells and astrocytes -acquire upon injury- a “reactive” phenotype associated with parvalbumin (PV) upregulation. Since free radicals, e.g. reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis, and that PV-upregulation in glial cells is inversely correlated with the level of oxidative stress, we hypothesized that PV-upregulation might also protect oligodendrocytes by decreasing ROS production. Lentiviral transduction techniques allowed for PV overexpression in CG4 oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). Depending on the growth medium CG4 cells can be maintained in an OPC-like state, or induced to differentiate into an oligodendrocyte (OLG)-like phenotype. While increased levels of PV had no effect on cell proliferation and invasiveness in vitro, PV decreased the mitochondria volume in CG4 cell bodies, as well as the mitochondrial density in CG4 processes in both OPC-like and OLG-like states. In line with the PV-induced global decrease in mitochondrial volume, elevated PV levels reduced transcript levels of mitochondrial transcription factors involved in mitochondria biogenesis. In differentiated PV-overexpressing CG4 cells with a decreased mitochondrial volume, UV-induced ROS production was lower than in control CG4 cells hinting towards a possible role of PV in counteracting oxidative stress. Unexpectedly, PV also decreased the length of processes in undifferentiated CG4 cells and moreover diminished branching of differentiated CG4 cell processes, strongly correlated with the decreased density of mitochondria in CG4 cell processes. Thus besides conferring a protective role against oxidative stress, PV in a cell autonomous fashion additionally affects process’ growth and branching in CG4 cells

    The orbitofrontal cortex projects to the parvafox nucleus of the ventrolateral hypothalamus and to its targets in the ventromedial periaqueductal grey matter

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    Although connections between the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)—the seat of high cognitive functions—the lateral hypothalamus and the periaqueductal grey (PAG) have been recognized in the past, the precise targets of the descending fibres have not been identified. In the present study, viral tracer-transport experiments revealed neurons of the lateral (LO) and the ventrolateral (VLO) OFC (homologous to part of Area 13 in primates) to project to a circumscribed region in the ventrolateral hypothalamus, namely, the horizontally oriented, cylindrical parvalbumin- and Foxb1- expressing (parvafox) nucleus. The fine collaterals stem from coarse axons in the internal capsule and form excitatory synapses specifically with neurons of the parvafox nucleus, avoiding the rest of the hypothalamus. In its further caudal course, this contingent of LO/VLO-axons projects collaterals to the Su3- and the PV2 nuclei, which lie ventral to the aqueduct in the (PAG), where the terminals fields overlap those deriving from the parvafox nucleus itself. The targeting of the parvafox nucleus by the LO/VLO-projections, and the overlapping of their terminal fields within the PAG, suggest that the two cerebral sites interact closely. An involvement of this LO/VLO- driven circuit in the somatic manifestation of behavioural events is conceivable

    Entire confocal z-stack series as .tif image sequences

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    <p>The manuscript entitled "Parvalbumin-expressing ependymal cells in rostral lateral ventricle wall adhesions contribute to aging-related ventricle stenosis in mice" shows confocal z-stack maximum intensity projections and thin z-plane reconstructions in the figure plates. The entire confocal z-stack image series are provided here as .tif image sequences, respectively the confocal z-stacks of the negative controls as well. The file names refer to the figure numbers and position in the figure plates. For more information about the immunostaining and image acquisition, see the Materials & Methods and Figure legends in the manuscript.</p