88 research outputs found

    Histoire du LSD. De l’ergot de seigle à l’utilisation thérapeutique

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    National audienceLe LSD, de l’allemand Lysergsäurediethylamid, est une substance hallucinogène utilisée à but récréatif. Également connue sous le nom d’« acide », cette molécule à propriétés psychotropes est classée en France comme un stupéfiant illicite selon l’arrêté du 22 février 1990..

    Évaluation de la production écrite dans le cadre de l'Enquête européenne sur les compétences linguistiques (ESLC)

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    Trouble léger de la cognition : profils variés en compréhension de texte = Mild cognitive impairment: varied texts comprehension profiles

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    La compréhension de textes est une composante complexe qui requiert à la fois des compétences linguistiques et cognitives. Aussi, l’apparition d’un trouble léger de la cognition (TLC) est susceptible de générer des difficultés en compréhension de textes. Toutefois, l’hétérogénéité du profil cognitif de ces personnes suggère un profil de compréhension en lecture tout aussi hétérogène. L’objectif de cette étude est, d’une part, d’identifier, chez des participants avec TLC, les atteintes de la compréhension de textes en fonction de la demande cognitive des textes et, d’autre part, d’étudier les liens présents entre la compréhension de textes et leur profil cognitif. Méthodologie : Vingt participants avec TLC ont été inclus dans l’étude. Leur profil cognitif a été établi à l’aide de différents tests neuropsychologiques. Leur compréhension de textes a été évaluée à l’aide d’un test de compréhension de textes, le « T.C.T. », constitué de trois textes dont la charge sémantique varie et de trois questionnaires. Une analyse descriptive et qualitative des résultats a été faite ainsi qu’une analyse de corrélation entre les résultats aux tests neuropsychologiques et les résultats au T.C.T. Résultats : Une atteinte de la compréhension (détails et idées principales) dépendante de la charge sémantique a été retrouvée chez 12 participants. Des corrélations significatives ont été observées entre le rappel des idées principales et des détails de deux textes sur trois et la mémoire épisodique. Conclusion : Les résultats de cette étude permettent d’appréhender la variabilité des profils en compréhension de textes engendrée par un TLC et donc de mieux cibler les interventions possibles en orthophonie. Text comprehension is a complex component that requires both linguistic and cognitive abilities. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may cause difficulties in text comprehension. However, the heterogeneity of these individuals’ cognitive profiles also suggests heterogeneous reading comprehension profiles. The purpose of this study was, first, to identify the text comprehension impairments associated to the cognitive load of texts in participants with MCI, and second, to study the links between reading comprehension and cognitive profiles. Methods: Twenty participants with MCI were included in the study. The cognitive profile was assessed using various neuropsychological tests. Text comprehension was evaluated with the reading comprehension test, “ T.C.T.”, that included three texts with varied semantic load, and three questionnaires. A descriptive and qualitative analysis of the results was done, as well as a correlation analysis between the results of the neurosphychological tests and the T.C.T. test. Results: Text comprehension impairments (details and main ideas) were found to be dependant upon the semantic load in 12 participants. Significant correlations were observed between episodic memory and the recall of the main ideas and details in two of the three texts. Conclusion: The results of this study make it possible to understand the variability of text comprehension profiles in individuals with MCI. This may allow better-targeted speech-language interventions

    Quilamine HQ1-44, an iron chelator vectorized toward tumor cells by the polyamine transport system, inhibits HCT116 tumor growth without adverse effect

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    International audienceTumor cell growth requires large iron quantities and the deprivation of this metal induced by synthetic metal chelators is therefore an attractive method for limiting the cancer cell proliferation. The antiproliferative effect of the Quilamine HQ1-44, a new iron chelator vectorized toward tumor cells by a polyamine chain, is related to its high selectivity for the Polyamine Transport System (PTS), allowing its preferential uptake by tumoral cells. The difference in PTS activation between healthy cells and tumor cells enables tumor cells to be targeted, whereas the strong dependence of these cells on iron ensures a secondary targeting. Here, we demonstrated in vitro that HQ1-44 inhibits DNA synthesis and cell proliferation of HCT116 cells by modulating the intracellular metabolism of both iron and polyamines. Moreover, in vivo, in xenografted athymic nude mice, we found that HQ1-44 was as effective as cis-platin in reducing HCT116 tumor growth, without its side effects. Furthermore, as suggested by in vitro data, the depletion in exogenous or endogenous polyamines, known to activate the PTS, dramatically enhanced the antitumor efficiency of HQ1-44. These data support the need for further studies to assess the value of HQ1-44 as an adjuvant treatment in cance

    Risk perception and risk-taking among skateboarders

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    International audienceSkateboarding is considered to be a high risk activity. Although many studies have identified risk factors associated with skateboarding injuries, few have provided detailed in-depth knowledge on participants' psychological dispositions towards risk behaviors. The aim of this study was to identify individual factors associated with risk perception and risk-taking among skateboarders. Telephone interviews were conducted with 158 skateboarders (mean age = 18.1 years) recruited in 11 Montreal skateparks. Age, self-efficacy, previous injuries, fear of being injured, sensation seeking and experience level were all included in two linear regression models that were run for risk perception and risk-taking. Age, experience level, sensation seeking, and risk perception are significant explanatory variables of risk-taking. Results show that sensation seeking was the only significant factor associated with risk perception. These results allow for a better understanding of the behavior of skateboarders, they highlight the importance of impulsive sensation seeking in risk perception as well as risk-taking. This study characterizes skateboarders who take risks and provides additional information on interventions for injury prevention

    vanA in Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, and Enterococcus casseliflavus detected in French cattle.

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    The goal of this study was to assess the presence of enterococci species presenting van-mediated glycopeptide resistance in French cattle. Fecal samples were collected from healthy and sick animals, and enterococci were screened for vancomycin resistance. Vancomycin resistance was principally encountered in Enterococcus gallinarum and Enterococcus casseliflavus strains. However, glycopeptide resistance was detected in three different species of enterococci (E. faecalis, E. faecium, and E. casseliflavus). Molecular characterization of the genetic support proved that they all presented the prototypic VanA element. Interestingly, the E. casseliflavus strain displayed a remarkable VanB phenotype/vanA-vanC genotype. Transferability, associated resistances, and factors of vanA cotransfer were sought. This study proved that acquired vanA genes can still be detected in food-producing animals more than a decade after the avoparcin ban. Indeed, calves, which are recurrently exposed to antibiotics in France, may allow the re-emergence of glycopeptide resistance through coselection factors, and this might potentially be concerning for human health
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