117 research outputs found


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    Abstract State-of-the-art X-ray photon science with modern freeelectron lasers (FEL) like FLASH (free-electron laser in Hamburg) and the upcoming European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility (XFEL) requires timing with femtosecond accuracy. For this purpose a sophisticated pulsed optical synchronization system distributes precise timing via lengthstabilized fiber links throughout the entire FEL. Stations to be synchronized comprise bunch arrival time monitors (BAM's), RF stations and optical cross-correlators (OXC) for external lasers. The different requirements of all those stations have to be met by one optical link stabilization unit (LSU) design, compensating drifts and jitter in the distribution system down to a fs-level. Five years of LSU operation at FLASH have led to numerous enhancements resulting in an elaborate system. This paper presents these enhancements, their impact on synchronization performance and the latest state of the LSUs

    STEM nanoanalysis of Au/Pt/Ti-Si3N4 interfacial defects and reactions during local stress of SiGe HBTs

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    A new insight on the behavior of metal contact-insulating interfaces in SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor is given by high-performance aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) analysis tools equipped with sub-nanometric probe size. It is demonstrated that the presence of initial defects introduced during technological processes play a major role in the acceleration of degradation mechanisms of the structure during stress. A combination of energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy analysis with high angle annular dark field STEM and energy dispersive spectroscopy provides strong evidence that migration of Au-Pt from the metal contacts to Ti/Si3N4 interface is one of the precursors to species interdiffusion and reactions. High current densities and related local heating effects induce the evolution of the pure Ti initial layer into mixture layer composed of Ti, O, and N. Local contamination of Ti layers by fluorine atoms is also pointed out, as well as rupture of TiN thin barrier layer

    Participatory Action Research (PAR) in Middle School: Opportunities, Constraints, and Key Processes

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    Late childhood and early adolescence represent a critical transition in the developmental and academic trajectory of youth, a time in which there is an upsurge in academic disengagement and psychopathology. PAR projects that can promote youthā€™s sense of meaningful engagement in school and a sense of efficacy and mattering can be particularly powerful given the challenges of this developmental stage. In the present study, we draw on data from our own collaborative implementation of PAR projects in secondary schools to consider two central questions: (1) How do features of middle school settings and the developmental characteristics of the youth promote or inhibit the processes, outcomes, and sustainability of the PAR endeavor? and (2) How can the broad principles and concepts of PAR be effectively translated into specific intervention activities in schools, both within and outside of the classroom? In particular, we discuss a participatory research project conducted with 6th and 7th graders at an urban middle school as a means of highlighting the opportunities, constraints, and lessons learned in our efforts to contribute to the high-quality implementation and evaluation of PAR in diverse urban public schools

    Spectral characterization of broadband THz antennas by photoconductive mixing: toward optimal antenna design

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    The spectral characterization of a broadband antenna using a pump-probe photomixing continuous-wave (CW) terahertz (THz) system is presented. The high dynamic range of the system, comparable to or better than that of similar pump-probe systems reported in the literature, provides an accurate means of antenna characterization. The planar antenna exhibits a log-periodic behavior at low frequencies, a bow-tie behavior at high frequencies, and a resonance characteristic in between, well in agreement with the antenna geometry. It is predicted that an improved geometry that extends the log-periodic behavior to higher frequencies would contribute significantly in enhancing the broadband performance of antenna-coupled photomixers

    CW Laser Based Phase Reference Distribution for Particle Accelerators

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    We present a cost-effective solution for the synchronization of RF signal sources separated by tens of kilometers with the femtosecond accuracy. For the synchronization a phase reference distribution system (PRDS) is developed, which is comprised of a CW optical transmitter connected via single mode fiber-optic links to remote receivers. This technique enables to use only one transmitter for multiple receivers and removes the necessity of active stabilization units (e.g. piezo-driven fiber stretchers or laser wavelength tuning), which reduces considerably the system cost. The concept of the new RF reference distribution, parameters of crucial components, phase drift detection and correction techniques are introduced, which lead to low noise and long-term stable PRDS operation. Detrimental effects of various linear and nonlinear fiber impairments are discussed. One of the most important elements is the phase detector, which is based on a direct RF-sampling ADC and it features a femtosecond measurement precision over 2pi phase change. Finally, the long-term performance of the designed PRDS is shown, which was evaluated with a 500-m single-mode fiber and an RF signal of 1.3 GHz

    Operation of resonant-tunnelling-diode oscillators beyond tunnel-lifetime limit at 564ā€‰GHz

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    We present resonant-tunnelling-diode (RTD) oscillators, which are operating at frequencies up to 564ā€‰GHz. Due to heavy doping of the collector side of our diodes, the oscillators are operating beyond the tunnel-lifetime (Ļ„) and relaxation-time (Ļ„rel) limits of RTDs. At 564ā€‰GHz we achieve Ļ‰Ļ„ā‰ˆ1.2 and Ļ‰Ļ„relā‰ˆ2.6, the highest previously reported value of Ļ‰Ļ„ at frequencies >150ā€‰GHz was ā‰ˆ0.6. Our study indicates that operating frequencies of RTD oscillators could be significantly increased and RTDs should be capable of operating at frequencies of several THz
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