67 research outputs found

    Construction Of CIBEST Model as Measurement of Poverty and Welfare Indices From Islamic Perspective

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    One of the major challenges faced by most of the Islamic countries is poverty. This paper attempts to construct the concept of poverty and welfare standards based on Islamic perspective.The study tries to cover both material and spiritual dimensions. These standards are based on CIBEST Quadrant, which is divided into four quadrants: welfare quadrant (I), material poverty quadrant (II), spiritual poverty quadrant (III) and absolute poverty quadrant (IV). Determination of these quadrants is resulted from criteria and indicators of basic material needs and basic spiritual needs. By using household as unit of analysis, this study is able to developCIBEST Model comprising welfare index,  material  poverty  index,  spiritual  poverty  index,  and  absolute  poverty index. Mathematical formula and illustration of the indices are also elaborated to strengthen the concept.DOI:10.15408/aiq.v7i1.136


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    This study attempts to identify dominant factors for banks to issue sukuk and emission features. Applying interviews and Analytic Network Process, this paper Found that the sub-elements which are dominant in influencing IB less interested in issuing sukuk, namely: averse selection/amount cost of fund (management), investment rating companies (investor), the results of using sukuk funds (regulation) and profitability condition (finance). Meanwhile, the sub-elements which are dominant in determining the features of the issuance of sukuk are: macroeconomic condition (emission values), expectations of investors (return)), the contract and the structure of sukuk (collateral), managing mismatch (period), and company liquidity (payment term).  The method used in this reseach is the Analytic Network Process (ANP). This study will identify the aspects of emission factors and features.***Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi faktor-faktor dominan dalam persoalan sukuk dan ciri-ciri pengeluarannya. Menerapkan teknik wawan­cara dan proses jejaring analitis, makalah ini menemukan bahwa sub-sub elemen yang dominan mempengaruhi kurang menariknya IB dalam persoalan sukuk, adalah: menolak seleksi/jumlah pembiayaan (manajemen), rating investasi perusahaan (investor), hasil-hasil penerapan pembiayaan sukuk (regulasi) dan kondisi profitabilitas (keuangan). Sementara itu, sub-sub elemen yang dominan dalam menentukan ciri-ciri pengeluaran sukuk adalah: kondisi makro ekonomi (nilai pengeluaran), ekspektasi dari investor (keuntungan), kontrak dan struktur sukuk (jaminan), pengelolaan yang tidak sebanding (waktu) dan likuiditas perusahaan (syarat-syarat pembayaran). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analytic Network Process (ANP). Penelitian ini akan mengidentifikasi aspek faktor emisi dan fitur. ANP adalah teori matematika dalam pengambilan keputusan yang mampu menganalisis pengaruh melalui asumsi untuk memecahkan berbagai masalah


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    This study aims to re-estimate the potential of zakat in Indonesia based on the classical and contemporary fiqh approaches, as well as including optimistic and realistic scenarios with different assumptions. Under the classical fiqh approach, the potential amount of zakat was calculated based on the zakatable assets that have been agreed upon by all scholars, including only zakat on savings. Meanwhile, using the contemporary fiqh approach, the zakat potential was calculated based on a new classification of zakatable assets agreed by contemporary scholars after considering the issue of economic development, including professional (household) zakat, corporate zakat and zakat on savings. The results show that, based on the classical fiqh approach, the potential zakat amount is IDR 69.57 trillion, or equivalent to 0.56% of GDP under the optimistic scenario, and it is IDR 13.26 trillion, or equivalent to 0.11% of GDP, under the realistic scenario. Meanwhile, based on the contemporary fiqh approach, the potential zakat amount is IDR 216.54 trillion, or equivalent to 1.75% of GDP, under the optimistic scenario, and it is IDR 74.87 trillion, or equivalent to 0.60% of GDP, under the realistic scenario. The estimated zakat potentials are still significantly higher than actual zakat collection recorded. However, the results of classical approach under the realistic scenario (0.11% of GDP) is the closest to the real 2018 zakat collection of 0.05% of GDP, which could be the indication that most Indonesian Muslims follow classical fiqh approach in calculating their zakat maal obligation

    Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Minat Masyarakat Berwakaf Uang/Melalui Uang dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Kota Bogor

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    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been interesting issue in this era. One of the ways to support these goals is by empowering cash waqf. The purpose of this research is to identify people perception on cash waqf to support sustainable development in Bogor City, to analyze the factors affecting people interest in cash waqf to support sustainable development in Bogor City, and to create formulas in order to increase the collection of cash waqf to support sustainable development in Bogor City. This research uses descriptive analysis, median analysis, Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) analysis, and strategic analysis. It is found that the most dominant indicator goes to “spending money for the needy can increase the spirit of religion, to support sustainable development”. It is also found that 64.86% indicators are included as good perception. Awareness, knowledge, attitude, and religiosity have positive and significant effect on people interest in cash waqf to support sustainable development in Bogor City, while promotion and socialization have positive effect but not significant. Improving on awareness, knowledge, attitude, and maintain religiosity should be taken as the main strategy to increase the collection of cash waqf to support sustainable development in Bogor City

    Pengaruh Zakat Terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia dan Tingkat Kemiskinan Mustahik : Studi Kasus Pendayagunaan BAZNAS Kota Bogor

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    This research aims at analyzing zakat distribution program of BAZNAS of Bogor City and its impact towards mustahik life based on the income changes after zakat and the values of post-zakat Human Development Index (HDI) and poverty reduction. By utilizing t-statistics, individual HDI, and poverty indicators, this study concludes that zakat has positive impact in increasing human development of mustahik in Bogor city. T-statistics result shows that theres is significant impact of zakat on the mustahik income. HDI value indicates that there is an increase from 47 to 49 in the presence of zakat. As for poverty indicators, all indices used portray significant reduction in the poverty level of mustahik. This could be observed from the reduction in the values of headcount ratio index (H), poverty gap index (P1), income gap indeks (I), and Sen indeks of poverty (P2), respectively

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Tingkat Kepatuhan Membayar Zakat: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Bogor

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    Poverty is one of major problems faced by Indonesia. The economic crisis occured within the country and around the world has lengthened the poverty disaster attacking Indonesia. To overcome these problems, zakat is likely to be an alternative solution that can be utilized by government. Zakat is a means legalized by Islam in capital formation. Capital formation is not solely based on utilization and development of natural resources, but also from obligatory contributions of the rich. Zakat is also playing significant role in improving the quality of human resources and the provision of facilities and infrastructure of production. The potential zakat of Indonesia exceeds Rp 217 trillion, but in reality the absorption of zakat funds reached Rp 1.5 trillion in 2010. The huge gap between the potential and the actual collection of zakat indicates that there are some Muslims who are less motivated to pay zakat. The purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect compliance level of paying zakat, and to identify the dominant factors, in order to more easily create optimal policy. Results from this study are expected to help increase acceptance of zakat, both at central and regional levels. Data is collected through a survey of 100 respondents in Bogor regency. The analytical method used is factor analysis. The program used to analyze the data is SPSS Statistics 17 for Windows. From these results, it is known that factors affecting willingness to pay the zakat are: religious factors, such as faith, religious understanding, and rewards; and other factors such as social awareness, self-satisfaction, and organizations. This also gives guidance that in order to increase zakat revenue, emphasis not only on religious aspect, but also on social, self-satisfaction, and organization aspects is very important. Among the variables that affect compliance level of paying zakat is the role of amil organization (OPZ). OPZ professionalism can strengthen regularity of zakat payer to pay zakat at OPZ. Improving the quality of OPZ in terms of transparency, socialization, and administration, will significantly affect the preferences of zakat payers to fufill their obligation at the amil institutions

    Determining Factors of Deposit Level of Islamic Bank in Indonesia

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    One Way to maintain the stability of banking industry is by applying the deposit insurance scheme. The application of the deposit insurance scheme has an impact by increasing the level of bank deposits. The objectives of the research are to identify the factors affecting the level of deposits of Islamic banks in Indonesia and managerial implications regarding to the functions of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS). The technique used is the panel data regression with fixed effect model using the data from the 11 Islamic banks for the period of 2011 -2015. The results show that the factors affecting the level of deposits of the Islamic banks in Indonesia significantly and positively include the size of banks and their non-performing financing (NPF); however, they influence the capital negatively. Based on these results, LPS is required to build or sharpen the surveillance systems as part of its early detection by doing the mapping based on the size and to monitor the bank capital structure and bank finance portfolio structure.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v9i2.515

    Designing Sharia Property Business Model for Real Estate Segment in PT Wika Realty

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    PT WIKA Realty engages property business in Indonesia, which has two core businesses, hotel and non-hotel. Real estate (non-hotel) revenue was only 25,24% of total 2021 revenues. Meanwhile, it has 67,59% of its assets from the whole company's assets. In contrast, the sharia property business grew exponentially during the pandemic. In Islam, Maqashid sharia purposes to spread goodness to people, so business etic is not only to gain profit. Therefore, this research aims to know the real estate business segment's performance, identify the advantages of developing a sharia property business model, and formulate a strategy for a sharia property business model in the real estate business segment of PT WIKA Realty. This research also benchmarked to Asosiasi Developer Properti Syariah and Warees Pte Ltd to observe the sharia property business's external situation after five years running. Business Model Canvas (BMC), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Porter's Five Forces are methods to determine corporate strategies. Seven experts with ten years of experience from PT WIKA Realty were questioned for importance and performance satisfaction; the index is 78,7%. There are three essential elements to improve such as Customer Segment, Key Resources and Customer Relationship with improvements: (1) Targeting Business to Beneficiaries as a new segment market target, (2) Enhancing employee competencies in sharia economy and business, (3) Committed to implementing sharia rules in PPU Realty syariah, (4) Cooperating with Lembaga Keuangan Syariah, (5) Developing PPU Realty Syariah and determining sharia property project, (6) Implementing Customer Relationship Management application. Keywords: BMC, IPA, porter's five forces, real estate segment, sharia propert

    Strategi Pemasaran Program Wakaf Yayasan Hutan Wakaf Bogor

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    The high rate of deforestation makes the forest waqf program attractive to be developed as a support for the reforestation program. The research will identify variables that can influence waqf decision-making. Data collection used a research questionnaire with a sample of 100 people using Judgment Sampling. The analytical tool used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results showed that registered buyers of forest waqf products at the Bogor Waqf Forest Foundation were dominated by millennials with single status and incomes between IDR 1,000,000 – IDR 2,000,000. Brand and customer trust affect the marketing effectiveness of trust in forest waqf products. The priorities for the marketing strategy for forest waqf products include strengthening brand image, increasing consumer confidence, conducting social activities, maintaining communication with consumers, and conducting regular data analysis and evaluation