11 research outputs found

    Munawir Syadzali (Sejarah Pemikiran Dan Kontribusinya Bagi Perkembangan Pemikiran Islam Indonesia Kontemporer)

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    This article discusses the prominency of Munawir Sjadzali and his thoughts in the vast forest of Indonesia's contemporary Islamic legal thoughts. He was widely famous for the opinion and thoughts he offered suddenly interested public spotlight. Indeed, controversies over his thoughts took places and inevitably came about. However, the building concept of the Re-actualization of (Law) of Islam which is geneanologically “derivative” of his thought remains a major leap forward ideas for grounding Islamic values of the archipelago on earth, so that Islam is not only known as “Arab”. Islam is a universal religion that is not monopolized by one group of people (Arabs), but each (Muslim) is entitled and has the legitimate right to believe and practice what one believed to be true despite the teachings of Islam they are believing and performing look different from a similar practice in the other hemisphere. Therefore, the reform of tenets (law) of Islam according to the socio-historical background is a sunnatullah. The main points of this paper is focused on introducing the prominency of Munawir Sjadzali and his thoughts, then the explanation expanded to look at the socio-political background in which he gave rise his views. The study concludes with a historical analysis in the light of tarikh tasyri‘ as the first base of Munawir Sjadzali's full flaged views and thoughts


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    This article  discusses  the prominency  of Munawir  Sjadzali  and his thoughts in the vast forest of Indonesia’s contemporary  Islamic legal thoughts.  He  was  widely  famous  for  the  opinion  and  thoughts  he offered  suddenly  interested  public  spotlight.  Indeed,  controversies over his thoughts  took places and inevitably  came about. However, the building concept of the Re-actualization  of (Law) of Islam which is geneanologically  “derivative” of his thought remains a major leap forward  ideas  for  grounding  Islamic  values  of  the  archipelago  on earth, so that Islam is not only known as “Arab”. Islam is a universal religion that is not monopolized by one group of people (Arabs), but each (Muslim) is entitled and has the legitimate right to believe and practice what one believed to be true despite the teachings of Islam they are believing and performing look different from a similar practice in the other hemisphere. Therefore, the reform of tenets (law) of Islam according  to the socio-historical  background  is a sunnatullah.  The main points of this paper is focused on introducing the prominency of Munawir Sjadzali and his thoughts, then the explanation expanded to look at the socio-political background in which he gave rise his views. The study concludes  with a historical  analysis in the light of tarikh tasyri‘ as the first base of Munawir  Sjadzali’s  full flaged views and thoughts


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    Higher Education of Islamic Religion (PTKI) become an integral part of the development of Islamic civilization in Indonesia. According to the reason, it is needed a renewal of education system that can produce graduates who are globally competitive, have social skills, and have multicultural character. This research attempts to formulate an integration model of science and religion in Islamic studies at PTKI to create ideal graduates who are aspired. By tracking literature and using a philosophical approach to the theory of spider webs by Amin Abdullah, it can be concluded that Islamic studies at PTKI that focused on the study of religious sciences ('ulūm al-dīn), it must be held a dialogue with modern scientific disciplines and must always in critical-analytic studies. Practically this integration is realized in the form of reinterpretation of religious texts in order to answer complex social problems. Thus, besides having academic provision, graduates of PTKI are expected to have social intelligence, diversity character, and not rigid to differences.أصبحت التربية الإسلامية في المرحلة الجامعية جزءا لا يتجزّء في بناء الثقافة الإسلامية في إندونيسيا. بهذا تحتاج الحالة إلى التغيير والتجديد في نظام التربية المطبقة لتخريج  الخرّيجين ذوي روح المنافسة العالمية، والقدرات الاجتماعية، والخلق المتعدد الثقافات. حاولت هذه الدراسة وضع نموذج التمزيج بين العلوم والدين في الدراسات الإسلامية    في الجامعات الإسلامية بهدف تخريج الخرّجين المثاليين.  فبدراسة أنواع من المصادر والمراجع وبالمدخل الفلسفي ونظرية شبكة العنكبوت لأمين عبد الله، يمكن الاستنتاج أن الدراسات الإسلامية في الجامعات الإسلامية المرتكزة على دراسة العلوم الدينية لابد من ربطها بالعلوم العصرية ولابد أن تكون الدراسة في ظل الدراسة النقدية والتحليلية. وفي الواقع، كان هذا التمزيج يتمثّل في استنباط المعنى الجديد من النصوص الدينية لحل المشاكل الاجتماعية التى أصبحت متعقدة. بهذا فعلى خريج الجامعات الإسلامية أن يستولوا على البضائع الأكاديكية وبجانب ذلك أن يكون لهم الذكاء الإجتماعي وقبول التنوّعات  وسماحة لمواجهة الاختلافا

    A Study of Human Resources Planning at a Private Madrasah School in Lampung

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    This study aims to identify and reveal human resource planning in MTs (Wali Songo, al- Muhajirin, and Nurul Huda Madukoro, North Lampung). It uses an interpretive paradigm with a qualitative-descriptive method. While the approach used is phenomenologicalnaturalistic, the techniques used in data collection are in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document studies. In this study, the interview material was adjusted to the research focus through the following steps: 1) determining the person to be interviewed, 2) preparing questions that will be the subject of discussion, 3) initiating and opening the direction of the conversation, 4) conducting interviews, 5) recording or recording the results of the interview, 6) communicating the results of the interview, 7) copying the interview results into notes by making a selection. Observations were made using participant observation, where the researcher was directly involved with the activities of the object being studied. Document studies are used to strengthen data from interviews and observations. The results show the implementation of human resource planning in MTs with a closed and open planning system. Careful planning of human resources is the spearhead for the success of education, especially in madrasa schools. Keywords: Education in Indonesia, Human Resources, Madrasa

    The Effectiveness of E-Learning on Learning Activities and Achievements Arabic Students | Faa’iliyyah At Ta’lim Al Iliktruniy Fii Muwajahah Ansyithoh Wa Injjaazaat Ath Thulaab Lita’lim Al Lughoh Al ‘Arobiyyah: فاعلية التعلم الإلكتروني في مواجهة أنشطة وإنجازات الطلاب لتعلم اللغة العربية

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    The background of this research is that learning Arabic is a lesson that is full of memorization, so it is likely that boredom will arise, and in learning activities and student achievement is still low. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of implementing e-learning media on students' Arabic learning activities and achievements at MAN 2 Bandar Lampung. The type of research used is quantitative research with an associative approach, namely research that looks for a causal relationship between one x variable and 2 y variables. The population in this study were students of class X. The sample in this study used the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. The samples in this study were 84 students. Data collection techniques, observation, questionnaires, tests and documentation. The results of the study show that there is an influence of the application of e-learning media on student learning activities and achievements. Research results show the normality and homogeneity prerequisite tests: the significance value of Asiymp. Sig (2-tailed) for e-learning 0.200 is greater than 0.05, the value of learning activities is 0.066 greater than 0.05 and for learning achievement 0.200 is greater than 0, 05. It is concluded that the data is normally distributed. The results of the homogeneity test of the probability value of distributing the questionnaire before using e-learning is sig. 0.308 which means greater than 0.05 while the distribution of questionnaires after the use of e-learning is 0.434 which means greater than 0.05. And the probability value of the questionnaire before using e-learning for learning activities is sig. 0.926 which means greater than 0.05 while the distribution of questionnaires after using e-learning produces a value of 0.678 which means greater than 0.05

    Learning Arabic Using Moodle Application Based E-Learning for Madrasah Aliyah│Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dengan Menggunakan E-Learning Berbasis Aplikasi Moodle untuk Madrasah Aliyah

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    Moodle Based E-Learning in Arabic Language Learning can increase students' interest in learning. This study aims to produce e-learning based learning media with moodle applications. This research is a type of research and development research using the ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation). The data in this study were obtained through questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. Questionnaires were given to class X MA Al Ma'ruf Margodadi students, interviews were conducted with teachers and several students, observations were made in class during product trials, then documentation was obtained from student learning out comes. Then to test the feasibility of the product the researcher got help from the validators in this study were material experts, media experts, and Arabic subject teachers. The data collection method in this study used pre-test and post-test data. The statistical analysis used to analyze the pre-test and post-test data is the T-test. The results of this study are: The process of developing e-learning media based on the Moodle application for learning Arabic in class X in odd semesters.The feasibility results of the developed media are very feasible with a percentage of 84% by material experts, and very feasible with a percentage of 95% by media experts and 89% by Arabic teacher experts. The students' response to the developed media is very feasible with a percentage of 85% The effectiveness of the product can be seen from the average pre-test (preliminary test) score of students of 65.294 and the average post-test (final test) score of 80.882 with a student progress score of 15.588 with the results of the T-test analysis t 0 = 8.89 > t.table = 1.66. It can be concluded that the e-learning media based on the Moodle application for learning Arabic class X which was developed is very feasible and very effective for learning Arabic

    Constructivist Didactics Of Leadership Management In The Covid 19 Pandemic Era To Improve Work Communication In Educational Institution

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    World Bank mentioned that the COVID-19 pandemic is threatening and hasgreat potential to make education worse. The pandemic has had a hugeimpact on education by closing schools. However, in overcoming thisdisruption, crises can become opportunities. The first step to successfullyaddressing school closures by protecting health and safety is to preventstudents from losing their learning using distance learning. At the same time,countries need to start planning for school reopening. That meanspreventing dropouts, ensuring healthy school conditions, and using newtechniques to promote rapid learning recovery in key areas once studentsreturn to school. The purpose of this study was to analyze the leadershipmanagement in the COVID-19 pandemic era to improve workplacecommunication. This study used the qualitative case study method. Theinstruments used were observation, interview, and documentation

    Madrasah Head Leadership Strategy in Post Coronavirus Disease Pandemic (Covid-19)

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    This study aims to determine the strategy of the Head of the Madrasa after the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method uses a phenomenological qualitative research approach and information data collection techniques research is carried out using interview techniques, observation (observation), and documentation. The instrument used is in the form of a list of interview questions, furthermore, in this research, guaranteeing the reliability of the data obtained is checking the validity of the data, which is carried out based on certain criteria. These criteria are the degree of trust/credibility, transferability, dependency/dependability, and certainty/confirmability. Data analysis in the Miles and Huberman model can go through three main processes, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The research results show a). Environmental Analysis in managing East Lampung MIN after the Covid-19 pandemic, East Lampung MIN analyzed the madrasa's internal and external environment using Swot analysis. Then, madrasas used power strategy, persuasive strategy and normative re-education strategy by involving stakeholders, including the Ministry of Religion, supervisors, madrasa heads, teachers and parents and guardians of students to determine the next work program. b). The formulation of a post-pandemic strategy for East Lampung MIN was formulated or developed a strategy based on the policies of the Ministry of Religion and Permendiknas No. 19 of 2007. It was adjusted to the school's vision, mission and goals that had been prepared according to the East Lampung MIN work plan. c). The implementation of the MIN management strategy after the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the formulation of a strategy prepared according to the East Lampung MIN work plan, was divided into each short, medium and long-term programs. d). Evaluation of the East Lampung MIN management strategy after the Covid-19 pandemic, including direct observation and supervision, e). Strategy-based Management Development. Model character education can be applied to madrasas after the Covid-19 pandemic because it focuses on restoring teacher character and building student character through habituation from the components in the management strategy itself


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    This study aims to determine the development process, feasibility, response, and effectiveness of soft skills-based video game learning media in mastering mufrodat. This research is a type of development research (R&D). By using the five steps of the ADDIE development model, namely 1) analysis, 2) design, 3) development, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observations, questionnaires and tests. The research data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. This research results in a soft skill-based video game Learning Media for mufrodat acquisition. Based on the validation that has been done by material and language experts, media experts and 8th-grade Arabic teachers, the average score is 4.63 with the category "very feasible". Based on the small group trial, the average score was 4.47, and in the large group, the average score was 4.61 with the interpretation of "very good" feasibility. In the pretest results of students' mastery of mufrodat, the average result was 42.44, and the average posttest score after using the developed media was 88.09. Thus, the soft skill-based video game learning media is feasible and effective for learning mufrodat of grade VIII students