115 research outputs found

    Keterampilan Sosial Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA Fisika melalui Penerapan Strategi Whole Brain Teaching di Kelas VII SMPN 29 Pekanbaru

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    This research is aimed to describe the social skills in class VII SMP 29 Pekanbaru through the implementation of Whole Brain Teaching strategy. The expected benefits of this research for the basis of further determine the success of students using many different learning approaches. This study was conducted in SMP 29 Pekanbaru in November 2015. The subjects were students VII6 totaling 42 students. The form of this research are used pre-experimental design form the One Shot Case Study. Data collection tools in this study was the social skills observation sheet. The results were obtained based on the indicators of social skills, they are; to encourage participation; taking turns and sharing of tasks; active listening, students have the social skills that are still categorized each meeting with the average percentage of each indicator to increase as high. It is possible with a whole brain teaching strategies can practice social skills class VII SMP 29 Pekanbaru on substances that change the subject and closed it

    Peningkatan Kecakapan Akademik (Academic Skill) Siswa dalam Penerapan Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing (Guided Inquiry Approach)

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    This research is motivated by the low student\u27s academic skills in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru, one of the learning that can be applied to improve the academic skill is guided inquiry approach because it can elaborate scientific thinking dan creativity. This research had been done in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru on October 2014 until January 2015 that purpose to know the enhancement of academic skill in guided inquiry approach. . The design of the research is Pre-experimental design form one group pretest-posttest with the subject is X4 class. Based of the results obtained that the academic skills have increased after the implementation of guided inquiry approach, it is identifying variabels, making hypotheses, planning and doing experiment, based of analyses each meeting have increased. In general the indicator academic skill is obtained normalized gain in the middle category, with the result is the implementation of guided inquiry approach is effective to increase student\u27s academic skill in class X SMA Muhammadiyah Pekanbar

    Keterampilan Proses Fisika Siswa melalui LKS Berbasis Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) pada Materi Pokok Suhu dan Kalor di SMAN 2 XIII Koto Kampar”.

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the results of the physics students learn the skills and know the difference between the skills students learn physics processes using worksheets based natural learnig (JAS) with students who learn using worksheets conventional. The research was conducted from February 2015 through June 2015 with a population of class X IPA and sample class X IPA 25 students and XIPA 2, 24 students. The design of this research is a form of pre-experimental design intact-group comparison. Instruments used test results of students' learning skills physics process which comprises 12 multiple choice questions. Data collection techniques in research is the provision of test results of physical processes of learning skills of students. Technical analysis of data used descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis of the average absorption of 80% class experiment with both categories while the control group was 74% in both categories. Based on the absorption of students it can be said the effectiveness of learning in the experimental class and control class is effective. Classical mastery learning students in the experimental class is 84% ​​complete and 62.5% control class is declared incomplete. Classical completeness indicators of process skills in the experimental class that is 100% complete and incomplete control class is 75%. Inferential analysis through statistical calculation t test SPSS 16. tcount = 2.1667 and ttable = 2.012. Based on the criteria of hypothesis testing tcount> ttable so that there is a significant difference against worksheets skills through a process physics-based Natural base learning Around with worksheets conventional level of 95%

    Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Siswa SMA dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual Menggunakan Media Simulasi Virtual Phet di Sman 10 Pekanbaru

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    Abstrack: This research aimed to describe and find out the improvement of the students motivation learning by using media simulated virtual PhET through contextual approach at SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. This type of research is a true-experimental, with the pretest posttest- control grup design. The subject of this research is students class VIII at SMPN 34 Pekanbaru, total of 96 students as divide into two class, experimental class and control class. The data in this research is a score of motivation before and after learning physics by implementation of media simulated virtual PhET through contextual approach approach at SMAN 10 Pekanbaru and analysis of the data uses descriptive analysis. Then, measured the improvement of the students motivation by The result of this research using SPSS 23. Score motivation of students at experimental class in high category and increase in the middle category with score 5,13, and the control class in the low category with score 3,24. Therefore, it can be concluded that the using of media simulated virtual PhET through contextual approach able to improve the motivation of students at SMAN 10 Pekanbar

    Penyelesaian Masalah Kontrol Optimum sebagai Masalah Syarat Batas Persamaan Diferensial Biasa dalam Scilab

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    Diuraikan penggunaan rutin bvode di lingkungan SCILAB untuk menyelesaikan masalah syarat batas sistem persamaan diferensial biasa untuk menyelesaikan masalah kontrol optimum (MKO). Tulisan ini bersifat pedagogis dengan tujuan di mana pengguna dapat mempergunakan solver bvode yang tersedia di lingkungan SCILAB untuk memecahkan masalah syarat batas secara numerik dari MKO, setelah membaca uraian penggunaan rutin pemecahan masalah syarat batas. Penggunaan rutin digambarkan dengan tiga contoh masalah syarat batas, salah satu diantaranya berasal dari MKO

    Hasil Belajar Kognitif IPA Fisika Siswa melalui Penerapan Strategi Bowling Campus di Kelas Viii6 SMPN 15 Pekanbaru

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    This research aims at describe cognitive learning outcomes science of physics through the implementation strategy Bowling Campus on light subject at SMPN 15 Pekanbaru. The expected benefits of this research is for students implementation Bowling Campus strategy can improve the cognitive learning to become a better student. For teachers can be used as an alternative teaching strategies to improve the quality of science physics teaching. This research was conducted in SMP 15 Pekanbaru precisely in March 2015 until June 2015 in class VIII6 totaling 39 students. The design of the research is Pre-experimental design shapes One Shot Case study. From the research results obtained by the average value of absorption of students by 76.53% and categorized as good. Based on the average value of absorption was also found that the effectiveness of learning by applying Bowling Campus declared effective strategy. Based on 20 indicators of achievement of competencies in a given light material, 14 indicators declared complete with a percentage of 70%. It can be concluded that the application of Bowling Campus strategy can be used as an alternative in order to achieve the learning outcomes of cognitive learning better students in the classroom VIII6 SMP 15 Pekanbaru

    High-temperature Oxidation Behaviour Of Fe11al Based Alloys

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    HIGH-TEMPERATURE OXIDATION BEHAVIOUR OF Fe11Al BASED ALLOYS. Thermomechanically treated Fe11Al based alloys were isothermally oxidised in air at 900, 1000 and 1100 °C respectively. Their oxidation behaviour was studied using thermogravimetric analyser (TGA), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), and scanning electron microscope (SEM). It was found that the oxide scales formed on alloys studied consisted mainly of α- and θ-Al2O3. Additions of 0.5 wt. % Nb and Mo significantly improved the oxidation resistance of the alloys

    Perbandingan Return dan Resiko Reksadana Syari\u27ah dengan Reksadana Konvensional Serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Dana Kelolaan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan kinerja reksa dana syariah dan reksa dana konvensional (dilihat dari return dan risiko, Sharpe Indeks dan Treynor Indeks serta dari Jensen Alpha) serta pengaruhnya terhadap dana kelolaan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah reksa dana syariah dan konvensional yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel penelitian adalah jenis reksa dana syariah dan reksadana konvensional selama periode 2011 sampai 2016. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji beda independent sample t-test dengan menggunakan program Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) ver. 17. Sedangkan data yang digunakan adalah Nilai Aktiva Bersih per Unit Penyertaan (NAB/Unit), Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) dan Indeks IHSG serta data suku bunga Sertifikat Bank Indonesia (SBI) dan Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah (SBIS) triwulan periode 2011- 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja reksa dana syariah dan konvensional berbeda signifikan dan berpengaruh cukup signifikan terhadap dana kelolaan. Secara bisnis kinerja reksa dana syariah tidak kalah menguntungkan dengan reksa dana konvensional, dan secara religius lebih dapat dipertanggung jawabkan, karena sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah

    Otomatisasi Sistem Kontrol Mesin Turning Head Ntvs-485 Berbasis Sistem Kendali Plc Omron Cs1g-cpu42h

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    Meningkatnya penjualan kendaraan berdampak pada meningkatnya permintaan produksi engine valve dari customer. Salah satu Perusahaan manufaktur produsen engine valve, melalui Maintenance Department melakukan rekondisi dan atau improvement terhadap beberapa mesin untuk memenuhi permintaan customer. Secara garis besar, proses pembuatan engine valve terdiri dari: forging, stellite welding, heat treatment, dan machining. Salah satu mesin pada proses machining adalah mesin turning head NTVS-485 yang dipakai untuk proses turning head di Seat Stellite Line. Sistem kontrol mesin berbasis relay akan diubah menjadi berbasis kendali PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). Kendali PLC yang akan digunakan adalah PLC Omron CS1G-CPU42H. Perubahan sistem kontrol meliputi: perancangan, pembuatan wiring komponen, dan pemrograman kendali PLC CS1G-CPU42H. Tujuan otomatisasi sistem kontrol ini adalah untuk memudahkan proses penyelesaian kerusakan pada sistem elektrikal sehingga mengurangi waktu downtime elektrikal. Waktu downtime elektrikal pada mesin turning head NTVS-485 rata-rata sepanjang bulan Juli-Desember 2013 adalah sebesar 159.5 menit/bulan, atau turun sebesar 81% menjadi 29 menit pada bulan Mei 2014 setelah dilakukan otomatisasi
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