3 research outputs found

    Sinergisitas antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah Serta Swasta dan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (Rusunawa) di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Tenayan Raya)

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    This research is motivated by Act No. 25 of 2004 on the National Development Planning system. Then followed the Law No. 20 of 2011 on the Flats. The problems in the implementation of development Rusunawa Pekanbaru city because the city has the problem of slums and urban spatial planning issues, so that the city government is based on real conditions in the field to submit a proposal to the central government in order Rusunawa development. The process of construction of rental flats are finished but until now have not been able to the public housing buildings inhabited, it is in because the central government had not occupy the contents of the draft agreement in the public housing development agreement, which explained that if the delivery of public housing construction is completed, the building is handed over kepemerintah center in conjunction with a budget that has been agreed, but after the construction is completed rusunawa occupy the central government can not draft the agreement so that the private sector can not be handed over to the central government.Based on the analysis and observation in the field can be concluded that the synergy of the central government, local government, private sector and communities to the development of a simple flat rental (public housing) in the city of Pekanbaru (case study in the district Tenayan highway) is not maximized carried. While the factors that inhibit synergy central government, local government, private sector and communities to the development of a simple flat rental (public housing) in the city of Pekanbaru (case study in the district Tenayan highway) is a system of central government funding, weak local government resources humans, whereas the private sector constraints in terms of building public housing handover with the central government.Keywords: Synergy, Development, Rusunaw

    Push And Pull Factors From Asahan Fisherman Do Migration In Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut Pasir Limau Kapas Subdistrict Rokan Hilir Regency Of Riau Province

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    This study conduted in november 2016 in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut Pasir Limau Kapas subdistrict Rokan Hilir Regency of Riau Province. This study aims to determinate, the factors are encouraging fishermen to migration in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut Pasir Limau Kapas subdistrict regency of Rokan Hilir, to determinate the factors are interesting fishermen to migration in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut Pasir Limau Kapas subdistrict regency of Rokan Hilir. The method used in this study is a survey method. The population in this study is all migrant fishermen who have lived in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut with the total population 15 respondents.Based on the results of the study that is the driving factor of fishermen to migrate due to reduced yield head seaward with an average 6,4 kg each day, the decrease of fisherman income in the area of origin with average fisherman income rp. 1.244.666/ month, the rights of fishermen are restricted so that the fishermen feel depressed and driven to get out of the area of origin, the establishment of communication between migrant fishermen with prospective migrant fishermen pushed out of the area of origin when hearing the potential news of the destination. Fishermen pull factors for migration in the region is many fishing catches with an average of 12.7 kg each day, high income in the destination area with an average rp. 3.534.000/month, freedom of fishermen in the destination area without any pressure, family factors that cause migrant fishermen are interested to move to an area of interest for their temporary shelter when migrant fishermen have not yet found employment