344 research outputs found

    Missed Work Due to Occupational Illness Among Hispanic Horse Workers

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    Occupational illnesses are inadequately reported for agriculture, an industry dominated by a vulnerable Hispanic population and high fatal and nonfatal injury rates. Work-related illnesses can contribute to missed work, caused by a combination of personal and work factors, with costs to the individual, employer, and society. To better understand agricultural occupational illnesses, 225 Hispanic horse workers were interviewed via community-based convenience sampling. Descriptive statistics, bivariate analyses, and log binomial regression modeling were used to: (1) describe the prevalence of missed work due to work-related illnesses among Hispanic horse workers, (2) examine work-related and personal factors associated with missed work, and (3) identify health symptoms and work-related characteristics potentially associated with missed work. Key findings reveal that having at least one child (PR = 1.71, 95% CI = 1.03, 2.84), having poor self-reported general health (PR = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.48, 1.08), experiencing stress during a typical workday (PR = 2.58, 95% CI = 1.25, 5.32), or spending less time with horses (PR = 1.87, 95% CI = 1.15, 3.05) are significant predictors of missing work. Interventions can be designed to identify workers most susceptible to missing work and provide resources to reduce absenteeism. Future research should examine work-related illness in agricultural horse production, including personal and work-related factors, in order to diminish occupational health disparities among these workers, who are more likely to be employed in hazardous agricultural work


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    Occupational Injuries on Thoroughbred Horse Farms: A Description of Latino and Non-Latino Workers\u27 Experiences

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    Animal production is a dangerous industry and increasingly reliant on a Latino workforce. Within animal production, little is known about the risks or the occupational hazards of working on farms involved in various aspects of thoroughbred horse breeding. Extant research suggests that horse workers are at risk of musculoskeletal and respiratory symptoms, kicks, and other injuries. However, limited known research has examined the experiences of the industry\u27s workers, including immigrant workers, despite their prominence and increased vulnerability. Using data collected from thoroughbred farm representatives via a phone-administered survey, a 2-hour face-to-face semi-structured interview, and farm injury logs, this article identifies and describes types of injuries experienced by workers (N = 284) and their surrounding circumstances. Results indicate that general injuries and musculoskeletal strains, sprains, and tears account for a majority of injuries among workers on thoroughbred farms. Upper limbs and extremities are most frequently injured, while direct contact with the horse accounted for over half of all injuries. No differences in the diagnoses or distribution of injury were found by ethnicity; however, Latinos were more often struck by or trampled by a horse while non-Latinos were more often injured by an insect or plant. Implications and opportunities for future research are discussed

    A 12 GHz satellite video receiver: Low noise, low cost prototype model for TV reception from broadcast satellites

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    A 12-channel synchronous phase lock video receiver consisting of an outdoor downconverter unit and an indoor demodulator unit was developed to provide both low noise performance and low cost in production quantities of 1000 units. The prototype receiver can be mass produced at a cost under $1540 without sacrificing system performance. The receiver also has the capability of selecting any of the twelve assigned satellite broadcast channels in the frequency range 11.7 to 12.2 GHz

    Life on the ice-edge: Paleoenvironmental significance of the radiolarian species Amphimelissa setosa in the northern hemisphere

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    The high-latitude Northern Hemisphere is a key region in the global climate balance. Variations in sea-ice extent affect biological productivity, CO2 exchange and carbon drawdown. Marine proxies indicative of proximity of the ice-marginal zone are therefore essential to understand these processes. Amphimelissa setosa is nowadays a dominant radiolarian species in the Arctic basin and very abundant in the high-latitude North Atlantic. This species, now absent from the North Pacific, has been widely used as a qualitative proxy of modern and past environmental conditions in the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere. Using our new and published data on the distribution of A. setosa in plankton, sediment trap, surface sediment and downcore samples, we provide a quantitative ecological context for the occurrence of this species. We find that the optimal depth and season of A. setosa in the modern North Atlantic and the Chukchi Sea are 160 m and the late boreal summer/early fall (August–October), respectively. A regression model combining environmental variables (temperature, salinity, silicate and chlorophyll-a concentrations, apparent oxygen utilization, sea-ice) at that season and depth, are able to explain 43% of the distribution of this species in surface sediments. Based on these new findings, we conclude that the presence of A. setosa in surface sediments is closely related to high primary production in the proximity of the sea-ice and areas of ice rafting. The onset of this species started at ca. 1.5 Ma in the North Pacific, linked to a gradual cooling, increased silica availability and southward advance of the ice-margins since the Early Pleistocene. Amphimelissa setosa’s decline in this region was likely caused by the development of a quasi-permanent halocline, perennial sea-ice and depletion of silica during marine isotope stage 4. In the high-latitude North Atlantic, the relative abundance of A. setosa appears to be related to cooling and supply of dissolved silica from the continent during ice-rafting events. The comprehensive approach taken in this study suggest that A. setosa is a useful proxy to explore past variations in the ice-cover in the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology | Ref. 0149-2019-000

    Plan de Mercado : proposición de la Regional no. 1 al Gerente General de ICA

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    Personal CIID. Plan de mercado y modelo de planificación de mercados mercado agrícola del Proyecto agrícola (Cáqueza) del Oriente de Cundinamarca, Colombia - incluye un estudio de caso de una cooperativa agrícola (COAGRIGAN). Notas bibliografíacas, datos estadísticos

    Genetic variation exists for telomeric array organization within and among the genomes of normal, immortalized, and transformed chicken systems

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    This study investigated telomeric array organization of diverse chicken genotypes utilizing in vivo and in vitro cells having phenotypes with different proliferation potencies. Our experimental objective was to characterize the extent and nature of array variation present to explore the hypothesis that mega-telomeres are a universal and fixed feature of chicken genotypes. Four different genotypes were studied including normal (UCD 001, USDA-ADOL Line 0), immortalized (DF-1), and transformed (DT40) cells. Both cytogenetic and molecular approaches were utilized to develop an integrated view of telomeric array organization. It was determined that significant variation exists within and among chicken genotypes for chromosome-specific telomeric array organization and total genomic-telomeric sequence content. Although there was variation for mega-telomere number and distribution, two mega-telomere loci were in common among chicken genetic lines (GGA 9 and GGA W). The DF-1 cell line was discovered to maintain a complex derivative karyotype involving chromosome fusions in the homozygous and heterozygous condition. Also, the DF-1 cell line was found to contain the greatest amount of telomeric sequence per genome (17%) as compared to UCD 001 (5%) and DT40 (1.2%). The chicken is an excellent model for studying unique and universal features of vertebrate telomere biology, and characterization of the telomere length variation among genotypes will be useful in the exploration of mechanisms controlling telomere length maintenance in different cell types having unique phenotypes

    Predator-Induced Vertical Behavior of a Ctenophore

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    Although many studies have focused on Mnemiopsis leidyi predation, little is known about the role of this ctenophore as prey when abundant in native and invaded pelagic systems. We examined the response of the ctenophore M. leidyi to the predatory ctenophore Beroe ovata in an experiment in which the two species could potentially sense each other while being physically separated. On average, M. leidyi responded to the predator’s presence by increasing variability in swimming speeds and by lowering their vertical distribution. Such behavior may help explain field records of vertical migration, as well as stratified and near-bottom distributions of M. leidyi
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