1,693 research outputs found

    Network efficiency enhancement by reactive channel state based allocation scheme

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    Now a day the large MIMO has considered as the efficient approach to improve the spectral and energy efficiency at WMN. However, the PC is a big issue that caused by reusing similar pilot sequence at cells, which also restrict the performance of massive MIMO network. Here, we give the alternative answer, where each of UEs required allotting a channel sequences before passing the payload data, so as to avoid the channel collision of inter-cell. Our proposed protocol will ready to determine the channel collisions in distributed and scalable process, however giving unique properties of the large MIMO channels. Here we have proposed a RCSA (Reactive channel state based allocation) scheme, which will very productively work with the RAP blockers at large network of MIMO. The position of time-frequency of RAP blocks is modified in the middle of the adjacent cells, because of this design decision the RAP defend from the hardest types of interference at inter-cell. Further, to validate the performance of our proposed scheme it will be compared with other existing technique

    A Delphi Consensus Study to identify most valuable assessment tools and to assess anatomy competencies in CBME curriculum

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    \ua9 Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University.Background: Over recent years, wide-ranging changes have occurred in undergraduate medical curricula with reduced hours allocated for teaching anatomy. Anatomy forms the foundation of clinical practice. However, the challenge of acquiring sufficient anatomical knowledge in undergraduate medical education for safe and competent clinical practice remains. Assessment is an essential component of the teaching and learning process and is more important than teaching methods. It is essential to assess anatomy competencies for competent clinical practice. A single tool is not sufficient to assess anatomy competencies, so multiple methods are employed to assess anatomy in Competency-based Medical Education (CBME). Aim and Objectives: The present study was undertaken to identify the most appropriate tools to assess anatomy competencies in CBME curriculum. Material and Methods: A modified Delphi technique with three rounds involving twenty renowned anatomists across the country was conducted. Anatomy assessment tools were generated from the opinions of this expert panel in the first round. The relevance of these tools was rated with a five-point Likert scale in the subsequent two rounds to generate consensus. Results: Response rates were 80% for the first round and 100% for the next two rounds. After three Delphi rounds, seven assessment tools were identified as the most valuable following iterations. Conclusion: The findings of this study provide anatomists with the current required essential tools for assessing anatomy competencies of higher-order cognitive domains and psychomotor domains for the CBME curriculum

    Studies on feasibility of sustainable quality seed potato production technology and development of supply chain for the benefit of small and marginal potato growers of Karnataka

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    Management of aphid vectors in potato is important for the production of quality seed potato. Aphids are the major vectors of many potato viruses which transmit viral diseases limiting the seed potato production. To explore the area with aphid free/low population a weekly aphid observation was made in major potato growing areas of Chikkaballapur and Chickmagalur districts during rabiand kharif seasons to assess the build-up trends on the standing crop using aphid-leaf count and catches of yellow water pan and yellow sticky traps. Aphid population was below threshold level in the areas surveyed, however in Chickmagalur aphid build-up was erratic due to heavy rain fall followed by dry spells. Harvested potato in Chikkaballapur was treated and stored in cold storage for three months. During June, 50 per cent of the seed stock was transported to Chickmagalur area for planting in kharif season and remaining seed was used for planting in Chikkaballapur area during rabi season. In Chickmagalur, the harvested and treated seed was stored in low cost country potato store for three months and 50 per cent seed from warehouse was transported to Chikkaballapur for rabi planting and remaining seed was planted in Chickmagalur area during November thereby saving nearly 40 per cent of seed cost. Thus, the feasibility supply chain has been established making the local potato growers self-sustainable in quality seed potato production resulting in 30-40 percent seed requirement met locally produced quality seed and non-traditional areas will be brought under potato cultivation. The breeder seed was multiplied under low cost insect proof net houses during rabi season in Chikkaballapur area, harvested seed was stored in cold storage thereafter distributed among the local potato growers for planting during kharif season in Chickmagalur area

    Bronchodilator activity of Ocimum sanctum Linn. (tulsi) in mild and moderate asthmatic patients in comparison with salbutamol: a single-blind cross-over study

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    Background: Bronchial asthma is one of the commonest chronic inflammatory diseases. The drugs available to treat bronchial asthma such as, beta-2 agonists, though very effective are associated with adverse effects. Therefore, the Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) which was shown to have antiasthmatic activity in Ayurveda, is evaluated in this study.Objectives: To evaluate the bronchodilator activity of Ocimum sanctum Linn. in mild and moderate asthma and compare its efficacy with the standard bronchodilator drug, Salbutamol.Methods: This is a single-blind cross-over study. Capsules of Ocimum sanctum Linn. (200 mg, twice daily) and Salbutamol sulphate (2 mg, twice daily) were administered in 41 patients. Each drug was administered for a period of one week with a washout period of one week between the two drug schedules. FEV1 and PEFR were recorded in these patients to assess the bronchodilator activity before the drug administration, on 4th and on 7th day of administration of Ocimum sanctum and the parameters obtained were compared with that of the standard drug, Salbutamol.Results: Ocimum sanctum 200mg twice daily produced significant improvement in both FEV1 and PEFR values, on 4th and 7th day and also produced improvement in symptoms of asthma. On comparing the results with that of Salbutamol 2mg twice daily, the bronchodilator activity of Ocimum sanctum was found to be less efficacious, where Salbutamol produced very highly significant improvement in FEV1 and PEFR values on both 4th and 7th day.Conclusions: Our results suggest that Ocimum sanctum Linn. possesses significant bronchodilator activity in mild and moderate bronchial asthma

    Fine needle aspiration cytology -A reliable diagnostic tool in the diagnosis of Thyroid gland enlargements

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    ABSTRACT To evaluate the accuracy and efficacy of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis of Thyroid gland enlargements. A retrospective analysis was done at Department of Pathology, Government Medical College and General Hospital, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India. One hundred and fifty cases were included in this study. However in 10 cases aspirate was unsatisfactory and in 20 cases surgery was not performed and these cases were excluded from study. A total of 120 cases included in the final study. Detailed history, physical examination, routine investigations and other details of 120 patients were collected. FNAC with minimum two passes were performed in each case. Staining done with Haematoxylin and Eosin stain and Papanicolaou stains. FNAC smears and histopathology slides were reviewed. Among 120 cases 100 (83.66%) were reported cytologically as benign and 20 (16.66%) were malignant. But histologically 98 (81.66%) were benign and 22(18.33%) were malignant. Commonest benign lesion of thyroid in both cytology and histology was nodular colloid goiter. Follicular adenoma was the second commonest one. Among malignant conditions papillary carcinoma was the commonest one in our FNAC samples, follicular carcinoma was the commonest in our histopathology samples. Four cases of false positive and 6 cases of false negative were observed. Sampling errors were mainly responsible for these false negative diagnoses. FNAC showed an accuracy of 96.6%, sensitivity 75%, specificity 95.83%, positive predicative value (PPV) 81.81% and negative predicative value (NPV) of 93.81%. Our results were similar to other international studies and suggest that FNAC is more specific and sensitive in detecting thyroid malignancy. Therefore its useas a reliable diagnostic test cannot be over emphasized. FNAC is an accurate and reliable diagnostic tool to evaluate the cause of Thyroid gland enlargements provided strict adherence to adequacy criteria are maintained

    A review on the current drugs and new targets for obesity

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    Obesity is defined as the condition in which the Body Mass Index (BMI) of an individual is between 25 and 29.5 that is ≥30kg/m2 and is caused by the imbalance management of energy intake and expenditure. Obesity is among the most prevalent diseases in the world and approximately over 10% of the people belong to overweight group in the world and over 5% in India.  Currently many drugs are used to treat or to manage obesity. But these drugs also account for several side effects. So there is an extensive need of promising drugs which can control obesity with greater efficacy and economic viability. This review focusses on the current drugs in the market used to treat obesity and also few of the new probable targets to discover drug

    Low cost potato warehouse facility for Karnataka: A success story

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    Karnataka is one of the important potato growing states in peninsular India. Potato is mainly cultivated in Hassan, Belgaum, Chikkaballapur, Chickmagalur, Kolar, Bangalore Rural and Dharwad districts. It is grown as rain-fed kharif crop in Hassan, Belgaum, Chickmagalur and Dharwad districts and as rabi crop in Chickmagalur, Chikkaballapur, Kolar and Bangalore Rural districts under protective irrigation. Due to non-availability of quality planting material to Karnataka farmers, potato productivity is limited. Seed imported from North India (Punjab) is very expensive and incur about 50% of total production cost and small and marginal farmers cannot afford to procure quality seed every year as no certified seed is being produced locally. International Potato Center (CIP) has recommended an innovative low cost ware house facility as a model during 2014 and 2016 to retain farmers’ seed for subsequent planting seasons saving their seed input cost by 40%

    Relationship between physical and chemical characteristics of getable tanned sole leathers of indian origin

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    The relationship between some of the chemical characteristics and important physical characteristics of vegetable tanned Indian Buffalo hides is studied. Samples from both the front and back regions are taken up for the studies to arrive at different conclusions. Systematic analysis of the data obtained are carried out and then correlations are illustrated through graphs

    Multiple molecular forms of human lactoferrin. Identification of a class of lactoferrins that possess ribonuclease activity and lack iron-binding capacity

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    Lactoferrin (Lf), the major iron-binding component of milk, also a major constituent of the specific granules of neutrophils involved in antimicrobial activity and a glycoprotein thought to play a role in regulatory functions in the hematopoietic system as well as other physiologic activities, is shown to occur in three isoforms. One, Lf-alpha, binds iron; the other two, Lf-beta and Lf-gamma, express potent RNase activity, but do not bind iron. The three isoforms are very similar or identical in Mr, pI, partial proteolytic peptide patterns, NH2-terminal amino acid sequence, and reactivity with mAbs and polyclonal antisera against the RNase and Lf, respectively. The finding of structurally similar but enzymatically distinct forms of Lf may be related to the diverse functions of the molecule
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