40 research outputs found

    Food Safety, Health Management, and Biosecurity Characteristics of Poultry Farms in Arusha City, Northern Tanzania, Along a Gradient of Intensification

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    Background: With the growth, urbanisation, and changing consumption patterns of Tanzania’s human population, new livestock production systems are emerging. Intensification of poultry production may result in opportunities and threats for food safety, such as improved awareness of biosecurity or increasing prevalence of foodborne pathogens including nontyphoidal Salmonella or Campylobacter spp. We conducted a semiquantitative analysis of poultry production systems in northern Tanzania, with emphasis on biosecurity, health management practices, and prevalence of foodborne pathogens, to gain insight into potential associations between intensification and food safety.   Methods: Interviews were conducted with managers of 40 poultry farms, with equal representation of 4 production systems (extensive, semi-intensive, or intensive production with indigenous chickens, and broiler farming). Per farm, up to 10 birds (total, 386) were tested for cloacal shedding of nontyphoidal Salmonella, with a subset of farms tested for Campylobacter. Data were analysed using univariate statistics, and results were discussed during feedback workshops with participating farmers and extension officers.   Results: Clear differences existed between farm types with regard to implementation of biosecurity and health management practices and use of extension services. By contrast, prevalence of foodborne pathogens (6 of 40 farms or 15% for nontyphoidal Salmonella and 13 of 26 farms or 50% for Campylobacter spp.) was not farm-type specific, indicating that it is driven by other factors. Across farming systems, knowledge and awareness of the presence of antimicrobials in poultry feed and the need to abide by post-treatment withdrawal times were limited, as was access to impartial professional advice regarding treatment.   Conclusion: Different control measures may be needed to protect poultry health compared to public health, and improvements in information provision may be needed for both

    An unusual long standing tracheal foreign body in a paediatric patient removed via tracheostome: A case report

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    Aspirated foreign bodies are commonly reported in pediatric patients and accounts for emergencies. A long standing undiagnosed foreign body (FB) in the trachea is very rare and lethal and the diagnosis needs a high index of suspicion. Foreign bodies in the trachea are uncommon and usually present with acute respiratory symptoms sometimes mimicking bronchial asthma. A long standing tracheal FB is a rare presentation.We report a 4-year old female child who presented with a history suggestive of FB inhalation about 2 years’ prior admission. She was treated in several health facilities as a case of bronchial asthma/pneumonia with no clear relief. This case highlights the role of clinicians in having a high index of suspicion when encountering children with unresolving pneumonia so as to rule out the possibility of foreign body inhalation

    The incursion, persistence and spread of peste des petits ruminants in Tanzania: Epidemiological patterns and predictions

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    Peste des petits ruminants virus, which causes a severe disease in sheep and goats, has only recently been officially declared to be present in Tanzania. An epidemiological study was carried out between September 2008 and October 2010 to investigate the incursion, persistence and spread of the virus in Tanzania. The investigation involved serosurveillance, outbreak investigation and computation of epidemiological indices such as the effective reproductive number, persistence and the threshold level for vaccination. Field and molecular epidemiological techniques were applied to isolate, characterise and trace the origin of the virus in Tanzania. A total of 2182 serum samples from goats and 1296 from sheep from 79 villages across 12 districts were investigated. Village-level prevalence of infection was variable (0.00% – 88.00%) and was higher in pastoral than in agro-pastoral villages. The overall antibody response to the virus was 22.10% (CI 95% = 20.72% – 23.48%). About 68.00% and 73.00% of seropositive goats and sheep, respectively, did not show clinical signs. The proportion of seropositive animals differed significantly (p ≤ 0.001) between age groups, sex and farming practices. Real-time polymerase chain reaction results showed that the isolated strains belong to lineage III, whose origin is in East Africa and the Middle East. This indicates that one of the northern neighbouring countries is most likely the source of infection. The computed overall effective reproductive number, the threshold level of vaccination necessary to eradicate the disease and persistence were 4.75% and 98.00%, respectively. These estimates indicate that achieving elimination of the peste des petits ruminants virus from pastoral flocks will require significant effort and development of highly effective intervention tools

    Economic burden of livestock disease and drought in Northern Tanzania

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    Livestock-dependent communities face considerable livestock disease and drought risk, which can impact herd value, income and consumption. This paper summarizes economic data collected from 404 households in Arusha and Manyara regions of Northern Tanzania in 2016. They provide estimates for (i) herd loss due to disease and drought as a fraction of herd value and income, (ii) the relative risk of disease and drought in small versus large ruminants and (iii) the relationship between livestock disease outcomes and household expenditures. We find that disease and drought losses comprise 10 to 4% of sheep, cattle and goat herd value, and amount to an estimated 62.1% of household income. The drought and disease risk ratios for small versus large ruminants indicate that small stock face higher disease risk, while large ruminants are affected more by drought. Furthermore, cattle abortions are negatively related to schooling expenditure and positively associated with increases in off-farm food expenditure related to livestock management, presumably through increased investments in prevention and therapy. These results suggest that climatic variability and livestock diseases are an important source of economic vulnerability and reducing this burden may help alleviate poverty in livestock-dependent communities

    Peste des petits ruminants virus transmission scaling and husbandry practices that contribute to increased transmission risk: an investigation among sheep, goats, and cattle in Northern Tanzania

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    Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) causes an infectious disease of high morbidity and mortality among sheep and goats which impacts millions of livestock keepers globally. PPRV transmission risk varies by production system, but a deeper understanding of how transmission scales in these systems and which husbandry practices impact risk is needed. To investigate transmission scaling and husbandry practice-associated risk, this study combined 395 household questionnaires with over 7115 cross-sectional serosurvey samples collected in Tanzania among agropastoral and pastoral households managing sheep, goats, or cattle (most managed all three, n = 284, 71.9%). Although self-reported compound-level herd size was significantly larger in pastoral than agropastoral households, the data show no evidence that household herd force of infection (FOI, per capita infection rate of susceptible hosts) increased with herd size. Seroprevalence and FOI patterns observed at the sub-village level showed significant spatial variation in FOI. Univariate analyses showed that household herd FOI was significantly higher when households reported seasonal grazing camp attendance, cattle or goat introduction to the compound, death, sale, or giving away of animals in the past 12 months, when cattle were grazed separately from sheep and goats, and when the household also managed dogs or donkeys. Multivariable analyses revealed that species, production system type, and goat or sheep introduction or seasonal grazing camp attendance, cattle or goat death or sales, or goats given away in the past 12 months significantly increased odds of seroconversion, whereas managing pigs or cattle attending seasonal grazing camps had significantly lower odds of seroconversion. Further research should investigate specific husbandry practices across production systems in other countries and in systems that include additional atypical host species to broaden understanding of PPRV transmission

    Meat safety in northern Tanzania : inspectors' and slaughter workers' risk perceptions and management

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    This research was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the Department for International Development, the Economic and Social Research Council, the Medical Research Council, the Natural Environment Research Council, and the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory, under the UK Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems Initiative (BB/L017679/1 and BB/L018926/1).Through a social scientific lens, this paper considers the risk perceptions and “risk-based decision-making” of two key groups in a northern Tanzanian context: (1) frontline government meat inspectors and health officers charged with ensuring that red meat sold commercially is safe for people to consume, and (2) the workers who slaughter and process cattle and red meat prior to its sale in rural butcheries. In contrast to techno-scientific understandings of disease risk and “rational” approaches to its management, this paper foregrounds the role of social, economic and institutional context in shaping the perceptions and practices around meat safety of these actors whose daily, close proximity to meat means they play a significant role in mitigating potential meat-borne disease. We show how limited resources, and a combination of scientific and local knowledge and norms result in “situated expertise” and particular forms of risk perception and practice which both enhance and compromise meat safety in different ways. Actors' shared concerns with what is visible, ensures that visibly unsafe or abnormal meat is excluded from sale, and that infrastructure and meat is kept “clean” and free of certain visible contaminants such as soil or, on occasion, feces. While such contaminants serve as a good proxy for pathogen presence, meat inspectors and especially slaughter workers were much less aware of or concerned with invisible pathogens that may compromise meat safety. The role of process and meat handling did not figure very strongly in their concerns. Microorganisms such as Salmonella and Campylobacter, which can easily be transferred onto meat and persist in slaughter and meat sale environments, went unacknowledged. Although health officers expressed more concern with hygiene and meat handling, their influence over slaughter process and butchery operations was unclear. Ultimately, recognizing the perceptions and practices of frontline actors who engage with meat, and the ways in which social, material and institutional realities shape these, is important for understanding how decisions about risk and meat safety are made in the complexity and context of everyday life, and thus for finding effective ways to support them to further enhance their work.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Safety, immunogenicity and antibody persistence of Rift Valley fever Virus clone 13 vaccine in sheep, goats and cattle in Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND : Vaccination is considered to be the best approach to control Rift Valley fever (RVF) in animals and consequently in humans. This study assessed the efficacy and safety of the RVF virus (RVFV) Clone 13 vaccine under field conditions. METHODOLOGY : A vaccine trial was conducted in sheep (230), goats (230), and cattle (140) in Ngorongoro district, Tanzania. Half of each of the animal species were vaccinated and the other half received the placebo. Animals were clinicallymonitored and bled before vaccination and at days 15, 30, 60, 180 and 360 (+/– 10) post-vaccination to measure Immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG antibody responses to RVFV. Survival analysis was conducted using cox-proportional hazard regression model to measure the time until an event of interest had occurred and to compare the cumulative proportion of events over time. RESULTS : Of 600 animals included in the study, 120 animals were lost during the study, leaving a total of 480 (243 in the vaccinated group and 237 in the control group) for complete follow-up sampling. There was no adverse reaction reported at the injection site of the vaccine/placebo in all animals. Abortions, deaths, or body temperature variations were not associated with vaccination (p > 0.05). By day 15 post-inoculation, the IgG seroconversion in vaccinated goats, cattle and sheep was 27.0% (n = 115), 20.0% (n = 70) and 10.4% (n = 115), respectively. By day 30 post-inoculation, it was 75.0% (n = 113), 74.1% (n = 112) and 57.1% (n = 70) in vaccinated sheep, goats and cattle, respectively. By day 60 post-inoculation, IgG seroconversion in sheep, goats and cattle was 88.1% (n = 109), 84.3% (n = 108) and 64.60% (n = 65), respectively. By day 180, the IgG seroconversion in sheep, goats and cattle was 88.0% (n = 108), 83.8% (n = 105) and 66.1% (n = 62), respectively. By day 360, the IgG seroconversion in sheep, goats and cattle was 87.2% (n = 94), 85.6% (n = 90) and 66.1% (n = 59), respectively. Only five animals from the vaccinated group were RVFV IgM positive, which included four sheep and a goat. CONCLUSION : RVFV Clone 13 vaccine was well tolerated by sheep, goats, and cattle. The vaccine induced detectable, but variable levels of IgG responses, and of different duration. The vaccine is considered safe, with high immunogenicity in sheep and goats and moderate in cattle.The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and United Kingdom (UK) aid from the UK Government through the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines.https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/veterinary-science#am2022Medical Virolog

    Meat safety in Tanzania’s value chain : experiences, explanations and expectations in butcheries and eateries

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    This research was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the Department for International Development, the Economic and Social Research Council, the Medical Research Council, the Natural Environment Research Council, and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, under the UK Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems Initiative (Grant Numbers BB/L017679/1 and BB/L018926/1).Urbanisation is associated with changes in consumption patterns and food production processes. These patterns and processes can increase or decrease the risks of outbreaks of foodborne diseases and are generally accompanied by changes in food safety policies and regulations about food handling. This affects consumers, as well as people economically engaged in the food value chain. This study looks at Tanzania’s red meat value chain—which in its totality involves about one third of the population—and focuses on the knowledge, attitudes and reported practices of operators of butcheries and eateries with regards to meat safety in an urban and in a rural environment. We interviewed 64 operators about their experiences with foodborne diseases and their explanations and expectations around meat safety, with a particular emphasis on how they understood their own actions regarding food safety risks vis-à-vis regulations. We found operators of eateries emphasising their own agency in keeping meat safe, whereas operators of butcheries—whose products are more closely inspected—relied more on official inspections. Looking towards meat safety in the future, interviewees in rural areas were, relative to their urban counterparts, more optimistic, which we attribute to rural operators’ shorter and relatively unmediated value chains.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Dramatic decreases of malaria transmission intensities in Ifakara, south-eastern Tanzania since early 2000s.

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    BACKGROUND: Ongoing epidemiological transitions across Africa are particularly evident in fast-growing towns, such as Ifakara in the Kilombero valley, south-eastern Tanzania. This town and its environs (population ~ 70,000) historically experienced moderate to high malaria transmission, mediated mostly by Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus. In early 2000s, malaria transmission [Plasmodium falciparum entomological inoculation rate (PfEIR)] was estimated at ~ 30 infectious bites/person/year (ib/p/yr). This study assessed the PfEIR after 15 years, during which there had been rapid urbanization and expanded use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). METHODS: Randomly-selected 110 households were sampled across Ifakara town and four adjacent wards. Mosquitoes were trapped nightly or monthly (June.2015-May.2016) using CDC-light-traps indoors, Suna® traps outdoors and human landing catches (HLC) indoors and outdoors. All Anopheles mosquitoes were morphologically identified and analysed by ELISA for Plasmodium circumsporozoite proteins. Mosquito blood meals were identified using ELISA, and sub-samples of An. gambiae and An. funestus examined by PCR to distinguish morphologically-similar siblings. Insecticide resistance was assessed using WHO-susceptibility assays, and some Anopheles were dissected to examine ovariole tracheoles for parity. RESULTS: After 3572 trap-nights, one Plasmodium-infected Anopheles was found (an An. funestus caught outdoors in Katindiuka-ward by HLC), resulting in overall PfEIR of 0.102 ib/p/yr. Nearly 80% of malaria vectors were from Katindiuka and Mlabani wards. Anopheles gambiae densities were higher outdoors (64%) than indoors (36%), but no such difference was observed for An. funestus. All An. funestus and 75% of An. gambiae dissected were parous. Anopheles gambiae complex consisted entirely of Anopheles arabiensis, while An. funestus included 84.2% An. funestus s.s., 4.5% Anopheles rivulorum, 1.4% Anopheles leesoni and 9.9% with unamplified-DNA. Anopheles gambiae were susceptible to bendiocarb and malathion, but resistant to pyrethroids, DDT and pirimiphos-methyl. Most houses had brick walls and/or iron roofs (> 90%), and 52% had screened windows. CONCLUSION: Malaria transmission in Ifakara has decreased by > 99% since early-2000s, reaching levels nearly undetectable with current entomological methods. These declines are likely associated with ITNs use, urbanization and improved housing. Remaining risk is now mostly in peri-urban wards, but concerted efforts could further decrease local transmission. Parasitological surveys are required to assess actual prevalence, incidence and importation rates