27 research outputs found

    Chromosomal abnormalities associated with mental retardation in female subjects

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    Chromosomal abnormalities are thought to be the most common cause of mental retardation (MR). However, apart from a few selected types with typical aneuploidy, like Downs syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, etc., the frequency of detectable chromosomal abnormalities in association with idiopathic MR is very low. In this study, we have investigated chromosomal abnormalities in female MR subjects (n = 150) by high-resolution GTG banding. Of them, 30 cases were diagnosed as Downs syndrome. Among the remaining (n = 120), chromosomal abnormalities/marked polymorphisms were detectable in only three MR cases (0.025)

    HiSE: Hierarchical (Threshold) Symmetric-key Encryption

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    Threshold symmetric encryption (TSE), introduced by Agrawal et al. [DiSE, CCS 2018], provides scalable and decentralized solution for symmetric encryption by ensuring that the secret-key stays distributed at all times. They avoid having a single point of attack or failure, while achieving the necessary security requirements. TSE was further improved by Christodorescu et al. [ATSE, CCS 2021] to support an amortization feature which enables a ā€œmore privilegedā€ client to encrypt records in bulk by interacting only once with the key servers, while decryption must be performed individually for each record, potentially by a ā€œless privilegedā€ client. However, typical enterprises collect or generate data once and query it several times over its lifecycle in various data processing pipelines; i.e., enterprise workloads are often decryption heavy! ATSE does not meet the bar for this setting because of linear interaction / computation (in the number of records to be decrypted) ā€“ our experiments show that ATSE provides a sub-par throughput of a few hundred records / sec. We observe that a large class of queries read a subsequence of records (e.g. a time window) from the database. With this access structure in mind, we build a new TSE scheme which allows for both encryption and decryption with flexible granularity, in that a clientā€™s interactions with the key servers is at most logarithmic in the number of records. Our idea is to employ a binary-tree access structure over the data, where only one interaction is needed to decrypt all ciphertexts within a sub-tree, and thus only log-many for any arbitrary size sub-sequence. Our scheme incorporates ideas from binary-tree encryption by Canetti et al. [Eurocrypt 2003] and its variants, and carefully merges that with Merkle-tree commitments to fit into the TSE setting. We formalize this notion as hierarchical threshold symmetric-key encryption (HiSE), and argue that our construction satisfies all essential TSE properties, such as correctness, privacy and authenticity with respect to our definition. Our analysis relies on a well-known XDH assumption and a new assumption, that we call ā„“\ell-masked BDDH, over asymmetric bilinear pairing in the programmable random oracle model. We also show that our new assumption does hold in generic group model. We provide an open-source implementation of HiSE. For practical parameters, we see 65Ɨ\times improvement in latency and throughput over ATSE. HiSE can decrypt over 6K records / sec on server-grade hardware, but the logarithmic overhead in HiSEā€™s encryption (not decryption) only lets us encrypt up to 3K records / sec (about 3-4.5Ɨ\times slowdown) and incurs roughly 500 bytes of ciphertext expansion per record ā€“ while reducing this penalty is an important future work, we believe HiSE can offer an acceptable tradeoff in practice

    Cystathionine Ī²-synthase T833C/844INS68 polymorphism: a family-based study on mentally retarded children

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    BACKGROUND: Cystathionine Ī²-synthase (CBS) mediates conversion of homocysteine to cystathionine and deficiency in enzyme activity may lead to hyperhomocysteinemia/homocystinuria, which are often associated with mental retardation (MR). A large number of polymorphisms have been reported in the CBS gene, some of which impair its activity and among these, a T833C polymorphism in cis with a 68 bp insertion at 844 in the exon 8 is found to be associated with mild hyperhomocysteinemia in different ethnic groups. METHODS: The present study is aimed at investigating the association between T833C/844ins68 polymorphism and MR. One hundred and ninety MR cases were recruited after psychometric evaluation. Hundred and thirty-eight control subjects, two hundred and sixty-seven parents of MR probands and thirty cardiovascular disorder (CVD) patients were included for comparison. Peripheral blood was collected after obtaining informed written consent. The T833C/844ins68 polymorphism was investigated by PCR amplification of genomic DNA and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, followed by statistical analysis. RESULTS: The genotypic distribution of the polymorphism was within the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. A slightly increased genotypic frequency was observed in the Indian control population as compared to other Asian populations. Both haplotype-based haplotype relative risk analysis and transmission disequilibrium test reveled lack of association of the T833C/844ins68 polymorphism with MR; nevertheless, the relative risk calculated was higher (>1) and in a limited number of informative MR families, preferential transmission of the double mutant from heterozygous mothers to the MR probands was noticed (Ļ‡(2 )= 4.00, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This is the first molecular genetic study of CBS gene dealing with T833C/844ins68 double mutation in MR subjects. Our preliminary data indicate lack of association between T833C/844ins68 polymorphism with MR. However, higher relative risk and biased transmission of the double mutation from heterozygous mothers to MR probands are indicative of a risk of association between this polymorphism with mental retardation

    Malaysia in Indian Filmography: The Case of ā€œDonā€ and ā€œKabaliā€

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    Malaysia has had an officially diplomatic relationship with India for the past six decades. However, the ties between these two countries can be traced back many centuries earlier. Malaysians of diverse ethnicities have always had an appetite for Indian films from the black and white era to the present digital period. The Bollywood film, ā€œDonā€ was shot in Malaysia in 2006 and it was very well received in Malaysia and India on its release. Datuk Sharukh Khan the main lead in ā€œDonā€ helped promote Malaysia directly and indirectly through the film. In recent times Rajinikanth who plays the titular character in the Kollywood film ā€œKabaliā€ (released in 2016) has popularized Malaysia yet again, this time among the South Indians in India. This paper attempts to highlight popular film culture that enables the viewers to learn about a foreign country and influence their decision making process for travel destinations. Movie viewing can be explored as a new learning experience whereby the audience can think out of the box and become aware of various cultures and locations. The methodology employed in this study is textual analysis of the said films as the film genre highlights the culture, the heritage, the people and the physical settings of a region

    The East-West Culinary Conundrum: Cultural Authenticity in ā€œThe Hundred-Foot Journeyā€

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    This paper attempts to examine the uniqueness of culinary identities as depicted in the 2014 film ā€œThe Hundred-foot Journeyā€, adapted from Richard Moraisā€™ novel of the same name. The film details the passage of the Kadam family and their food heritage from Mumbai to London to the French Pyrenees where they encounter numerous hurdles before they are finally accepted by the locals in their restaurant enterprise. The thrust this study is to examine the challenges of survival and preservation of authentically Indian cuisine in a foreign Western environment. Further, food as a unifying force to bridge diverse nationalities will be deliberated. The competing restaurateur feels threatened at first but is later appreciative of other foreign delicacies. Identity, which is closely bound with culture, familial associations and at times geographical terrain, could diffuse into newer traditions and values. The textual analysis approach is found to be the most appropriate to explore the film genre whereby the researchers will explain the relevance of food culture in the context of identity


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    Malaysiaā€™s various ethnic groups make interesting study both sociologically and culturally. With such a heady mix of cultural elements to explore, it is often natural that the many groups stumble upon ā€˜rare gemsā€™ that reflect their ā€˜Malaysianessā€™. Have Malaysians really ever appreciated the many and varied aspects of culture that they are seemingly suddenly thrown into? Do we embrace these happily or are we constantly rejecting them? Fortunately, through the medium of film, we are, from time to time, allowed to reflect on our obvious similarities and even more apparent disparities. In this paper, we explore the culture and perceptions of people from the major ethnic groups that are the human base of this very country. When was it we have last laughed at ourselves ā€¦ heartily? Nasi Lemak 2.0 provides an interesting, if not disturbing insight into the workings of the Malaysian ā€˜mindā€™. Nasi Lemak 2.0 was released on 8th September 2011 and impacted a whole generation of Malaysians. The characters have been well chosen and have done a wonderful job of being representations of the various communities in this nation. Ethnocentrism is a reality and often rears its head, ā€˜uglyā€™ or otherwise in several situations. Are we able to grapple with the levels of ethnocentrism that we encounter? These are some of the issues that will trigger much debate and discussion among ourselves and perhaps also reflect our cores

    Chromosomal abnormalities associated with mental retardation in female subjects

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    Chromosomal abnormalities are thought to be the most common cause of mental retardation (MR). However, apart from a few selected types with typical aneuploidy, like Downs syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, etc., the frequency of detectable chromosomal abnormalities in association with idiopathic MR is very low. In this study, we have investigated chromosomal abnormalities in female MR subjects (n = 150) by high-resolution GTG banding. Of them, 30 cases were diagnosed as Downs syndrome. Among the remaining (n = 120), chromosomal abnormalities/marked polymorphisms were detectable in only three MR cases (0.025)

    Discerning non-disjunction in down syndrome patients by means of GluK1-(AGAT) n and D21S2055-(GATA) n microsatellites on chromosome 21

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    Introduction: Down syndrome (DS), the leading genetic cause of mental retardation, stems from non-disjunction of chromosome 21. Aim: Our aim was to discern non-disjunction in DS patients by genotyping GluK1-(AGAT) n and D21S2055-(GATA) n microsatellites on chromosome 21 using a family-based study design. Materials and Methods: We have used a PCR and automated DNA sequencing followed by appropriate statistical analysis of genotype data for the present study Results and Discussion: We show that a high power of discrimination and a low probability of matching indicate that both markers may be used to distinguish between two unrelated individuals. That the D21S2055-(GATA) n allele distribution is evenly balanced, is indicated by a high power of exclusion [PE=0.280]. The estimated values of observed heterozygosity and polymorphism information content reveal that relative to GluK1-(AGAT) n [H obs =0.286], the D21S2055- (GATA) n [H obs =0.791] marker, is more informative. Though allele frequencies for both polymorphisms do not conform to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium proportions, we were able to discern the parental origin of non-disjunction and also garnered evidence for triallelic (1:1:1) inheritance. The estimated proportion of meiosis-I to meiosis-II errors is 2:1 in maternal and 4:1 in paternal cases for GluK1-(AGAT) n , whereas for D21S2055-(GATA) n , the ratio is 2:1 in both maternal and paternal cases. Results underscore a need to systematically evaluate additional chromosome 21-specific markers in the context of non-disjunction DS

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    Not AvailableTossa jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) is an important lingo-cellulosic bast fibre-crop. It provides biodegradable and environment friendly fibre next to cotton, in terms of usage, global consumption, production, and availability. Narrow genetic diversity of the crop is the major hurdle, which is a demand at priority for any crop improvement programme. In the current investigation 138 jute genotypes of C. olitorius were characterized with ten jute specific SSR markers. A total of 23 alleles were amplified with an average of 2.3 alleles per locus and the PIC value ranged from 0.13 to 0.76 with an average of 0.455. The un-weighted pair-group method with arithmetic average cluster analysis of the 138 jute genotypes depicted a dendrogram using DARWIN, which divided the genetic resource into three major clusters. The study indicated the utility of SSR primers for providing useful and high levels of polymorphism for individual plant genotypes even with a narrow genetic base. Based on cluster analysis the most divergent genotypes identified were OIJ 167 (from Indonesia), OIM 058 and OIM 059 (India), however based on the agronomic traits as maximum plant height, basal diameter and fibre weight they were OIJ 245, OIJ (153 and 161) and OIJ 040, respectivelyICAR-CRIJA