6 research outputs found

    Managing contested spaces: Public managers, obscured mechanisms and the legacy of the past in Northern Ireland

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    Societies emerging from ethno-political and inter-communal conflict face a range of complex problems that stem directly from the recent lived experience of bloodshed and injury, militarisation, securitisation and segregation. As institutional agents in such an environment, public managers perform the dual role of both interpreting public policy and implementing it within a politically contested space and place. In this article we address how managers cope with the outworking of ethno-nationalist conflict and peace building within government processes and policy implementation and contend this is a subject of emerging concern within the wider public administration, urban studies and conflict literature. Using data from a witness seminar initiative on the Northern Ireland conflict transformation experience, we explain how public sector managers make sense of their role in post-agreement public management and highlight the importance of three identified mechanisms; ‘bricolage’, ‘diffusion’ and ‘translation’ in the management of public sector organisations and urban spaces in a context of entrenched conflict and an uncertain path to peace

    Interacting gaps model, dynamics of order book, and stock-market fluctuations

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    Inspired by order-book models of financial fluctuations, we investigate the Interacting gaps model, which is the schematic one-dimensional system mimicking the order-book dynamics. We find by simulations the power-law tail in return distribution, power-law decay of volatility autocorrelation with exponent 0.5 and Hurst exponent close to 1/2. Surprisingly, when we make a mean-field approximation, i.e. replace the one-dimensional system by effectively infinite-dimensional one, we obtain analytically the return exponent 5/2, in perfect accord with one-dimensional simulations. Copyright EDP Sciences/Società Italiana di Fisica/Springer-Verlag 200789.65.-s Social and economic systems, 05.40.-a Fluctuation phenomena, random processes, noise, and Brownian motion, 02.50.-r Probability theory, stochastic processes, and statistics,

    Behavioral Economics as an alternative to mainstream economics?

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