23 research outputs found


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    The prospective study, which was made from Jan 1st 2009. till Dec 31st 2010. in the Clinic for Infectious Diseases within Clinical Hospital Mostar has been implemented in the areas of three southwestern cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We wanted to define the seroprevalence of the researched area using seroepidemiological testing of different groups of the population, based on the distribution by sex, age, education, residence and watersupply. The aim of this research was to prove the hypothesis that the decrease of seroprevalency of Hepatitis A has been directly related to the improvement of socio-economic conditions of life that at the end brought the decrease of the total prevalence in patients in younger age groups. The total of 420 examinees from the reasserted sample were analysed and they were classify into age groups. The first group was for the children up to 10 years. Then the group 11-20 follows and etc up to the last group, that complies examinees older than 60. In this way we have got seven groups of 60 examinees, from which the half of them was urban, and the other half was rural inhabitants. In every group analysed the half of examinees were females and the other half were males. The results we acquired with this research did not show any statistically relevant differences of seroprevalence of Hepatitits A between the urban and rural areas, between the sexes, nor between the populations which used different wattersupply objects. A statistically relevant difference was found between populations of different levels of education, but the most important difference was found between seroprevalency in different age groups. Seroprevalence in younger age groups was substantially low and increased in groups rising with age. Comparing this data to results from other similair researches from developed and undeveloped countries we concluded that the researched area, by the level of seroprevalency of Hepatitis A belongs to the category of developed countries

    Self-esteem and quality of life healthcare workers of Covid hospital

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    Introduction: During the Coronavirus Disease 19 pandemic (COVID-19), healthcare workers of a COVID hospital are constantly in an environment that predisposes stress and burnout. In such an environment, low self-esteem can be a huge problem. The work environment in which health workers find themselves during a pandemic contributes significantly to a reduced quality of life. We wanted to explore the level and relationship of self-esteem and quality of life in healthcare workers working in a COVID-19 hospital at the peak of the pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed. The study was conducted at a COVID-19 hospital in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The survey was conducted between December 2020 and May 2021, at the peak of the third wave. Data from 116 correctly and fully completed questionnaires were analyzed. The following questionnaires were used: the Socio-Demographic Questionnaire personally designed, the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Results: There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the self-esteem level and domains of quality of life (p < 0.001). The results of the regression analyses indicated that the psychological well-being domain significantly predicted the self-esteem level (p < 0.001). It was found that self-esteem significantly predicted the psychological domain at a strongest level (p < 0.001). The physical health domain was significantly negatively affected by the socio-demographic variable ā€œGenderā€ (p < 0.05), and positively by the ā€œPreparationā€ variable (p < 0.05). Conclusion: There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the self-esteem level and QOL among healthcare workers working at a COVID hospital. The self-esteem level significantly predicted all four quality of life domains

    Vježbanje i kvaliteta života kod žena starije dobi

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    Uvod: Starenje je fizioloÅ”ka promjena kod čovjeka te je iznimno važno unapređivanje zdravlja i očuvanje funkcionalnih sposobnosti te kvalitete života. Cilj: Cilj rada je ispitati utjecaj vježbanja na kvalitetu života žena starije dobi. Materijali i metode: Uzorak je obuhvaćao 93 ispitanice (N=93). Ispitanice su osam tjedana dva puta tjedno u trajanju od 45 minuta provodile program vježbi ravnoteže i koordinacije, vježbe jačanja miÅ”ića i istezanja. Za procjenu kvalitete života koriÅ”teni su Upitnik o zdravlju EQ-5D-5L i McGill Pain upitnika (SF-MPQ). Rezultati: Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na poboljÅ”anje pokretljivosti i uobičajenih aktivnosti (p>0,001) te smanjenje intenziteta boli (p<0,001). Zaključak: Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju važnost vježbanja, te utjecaja na intenzitet boli i kvalitetu života osoba starije dobi

    Self-esteem and quality of life healthcare workers of Covid hospital

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    Introduction: During the Coronavirus Disease 19 pandemic (COVID-19), healthcare workers of a COVID hospital are constantly in an environment that predisposes stress and burnout. In such an environment, low self-esteem can be a huge problem. The work environment in which health workers find themselves during a pandemic contributes significantly to a reduced quality of life. We wanted to explore the level and relationship of self-esteem and quality of life in healthcare workers working in a COVID-19 hospital at the peak of the pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed. The study was conducted at a COVID-19 hospital in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The survey was conducted between December 2020 and May 2021, at the peak of the third wave. Data from 116 correctly and fully completed questionnaires were analyzed. The following questionnaires were used: the Socio-Demographic Questionnaire personally designed, the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Results: There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the self-esteem level and domains of quality of life (p < 0.001). The results of the regression analyses indicated that the psychological well-being domain significantly predicted the self-esteem level (p < 0.001). It was found that self-esteem significantly predicted the psychological domain at a strongest level (p < 0.001). The physical health domain was significantly negatively affected by the socio-demographic variable ā€œGenderā€ (p < 0.05), and positively by the ā€œPreparationā€ variable (p < 0.05). Conclusion: There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the self-esteem level and QOL among healthcare workers working at a COVID hospital. The self-esteem level significantly predicted all four quality of life domains

    Epidemiological and clinical features of brucellosis in children

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    Cilj: U strukturi pobola mediteranskih zemalja, me|u koje spada Bosna i Hercegovina, bruceloza zauzima važno mjesto zbog svojih socijalno-medicinskih značajki. Bolest ima Å”iroki spektar kliničkih manifestacija i može dovesti do komplikacija s teÅ”kim posljedicama. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je prikazati kliničke i epidemioloÅ”ke značajke te terapijski pristup u djece s brucelozom liječene u Klinici za infektivne bolesti Kliničke bolnice (KB) Mostar. Bolesnici i metode: Provedena je retrospektivna analiza podataka o kliničkim i epidemioloÅ”kim značajkama bruceloze prikupljenih iz medicinske dokumentacije bolesnika mlađih od 18 godina liječenih u Klinici za infektivne bolesti KB Mostar u razdoblju od 2005. do 2011. godine. Rezultati: U ispitivanom razdoblju u Klinici je liječeno ukupno 60 bolesnika s brucelozom, od čega devet (15%) djece. Djeca su većim dijelom bila iz ruralnih područja s pozitivnom epidemioloÅ”kom anamnezom (podatak o direktnom kontaktu s bolesnim životinjama, oboljelom članu obitelji i/ili konzumaciji mliječnih proizvoda iz domaćinstava u kojih je već bila dokazana bruceloza). U sve oboljele djece bruceloza je dokazana seroloÅ”ki, dok je pozitivnu hemokulturu imalo samo jedno dijete; taj izolat Brucella melitensis bio je rezistentan na trimetoprim-sulfametoksazol (TMP-SMZ). NajčeŔće kliničke manifestacije bile su vrućica, noćno znojenje, opća slabost, umor i gubitak apetita, a od laboratorijskih obilježja leukopenija i limfocitoza. KoÅ”tano-zglobni oblik bruceloze zabilježen je u 7/9 djece, najčeŔće monoartritis, dok respiratorni, genitourinarni, kožni, okularni i neuroloÅ”ki oblici bolesti nisu zabilježeni. Prosječno je liječenje bruceloze u oboljele djece trajalo 8,5 tjedana. Tijekom hospitalizacije liječenje je u svih provedeno kombinacijom gentamicina i rifampicina, dok je po otpustu peroralno liječenje nastavljeno kombinacijom rifampicina i azitromicina odnosno cefiksima u djece mlađe od osam godina, a kombinacijom rifampicina i doksiciklina u djece starije od osam godina. Izlječenje je postignuto u sve djece. Zaključak: U Bosni i Hercegovini bruceloza u djece je rijetka, ali ne i zanemariva bolest. Stoga svi liječnici koji rade u endemskim područjima trebaju diferencijalno-dijagnostički pomiÅ”ljati na brucelozu u djece s dugotrajnom vrućicom, artralgijama i leukopenijom ukoliko dolaze iz ruralnih područja. Terapijski pristup u pedijatrijskoj populaciji daje različite mogućnosti kombiniranja antimikrobnih lijekova, no TMP-SMZ se ne čini kao razboriti izbor za empirijsko liječenje obzirom na dokazanu rezistenciju brucele na TMP-SMZ u naÅ”ih bolesnika.Aim: Because of its socio-medical characteristics, brucellosis plays a significant role in the morbidity structure of Mediterranean countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. Brucellosis has a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations and can lead to a number of complications with severe sequelae. The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical and epidemiological features and therapeutic approach in children treated for brucellosis at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases Mostar. Patients and methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of clinical and epidemiological parameters collected from medical records of patients younger than 18 years of age treated for brucellosis at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases Mostar in the period 2005ā€“2011. Results: Over the study period, a total of 60 patients with brucellosis were treated, of whom nine (15%) were children. The children mostly came from the rural areas with positive epidemiological history (records of direct contact with sick animals, sick family member and/or consumption of dairy products from households with confirmed cases of brucellosis). Brucellosis was confirmed by serology in all affected children, while only one child had positive blood culture and this isolate of Brucella melitensis was resistant to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ). Most frequent clinical manifestations were fever, night sweats, general weakness, fatigue and loss of appetite, and laboratory findings of leukopenia and lymphocytosis. Osteoarticular form of brucellosis was recorded in 7/9 children, usually monoarthritis while respiratory, genitourinary, skin, ocular and neurological forms of the disease were not recorded. The average duration of brucellosis treatment in affected children was 8.5 weeks. During hospitalization all patients received a combination of gentamicin and rifampin, while after discharge from hospital children younger than eight years continued to take oral combination of rifampin and azithromycin or cefixime, and children older than eight years a combination of rifampin and doxycycline. Cure was achieved in all children. Conclusion: In Bosnia and Herzegovina brucellosis in children is rare, but it is not an insignificant disease. Therefore, all physicians working in endemic areas should consider brucellosis in the differential diagnosis in children with prolonged fever, arthralgias and leukopenia if coming from rural areas. Therapeutic approach in the pediatric population provides various possibilities for combining antimicrobials, however TMPSMZ does not seem like a prudent choice for empirical treatment considering Brucella resistance to TMP-SMZ in our patients

    Zadovoljstvo bolesnika kvalitetom pruženih usluga u internističkim djelatnostima u SveučiliŔnoj kliničkoj bolnici Mostar Patient satisfaction with the quality of services provided in Internal Medicine Departament at the University Clinical Hospital Mostar

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    Kvaliteta pruženih usluga proces je utvrđivanja zadovoljstva bolesnika zdravstvenim uslugama, uočavanja nedostataka i njihova provođenja. Utvrđivanje zadovoljstva bolesnika pruženim uslugama u zdravstvenim ustanovama koristan je podatak čija je svrha unaprijediti i poboljÅ”ati kvalitetu zdravstvenih usluga. U idealnom druÅ”tvu svi bi bili podjednako zadovoljni, ali u stvarnom životu to nije moguće i stoga je kvaliteta zdravstvene zaÅ”tite kompleksna i sporo napreduje. Sudionici su u poboljÅ”avanju kvalitete i sigurnosti zdravstvenih usluga: zdravstveni djelatnici, zdravstveni suradnici, korisnici zdravstvenih usluga, zdravstvene ustanove, zavodi za javno zdravstvo, komore i udruženja zdravstvenih djelatnika, te ministarstvo zdravstva. Zadovoljstvo bolesnika pruženom zdravstvenom uslugom jedan je od glavnih kriterija koji upućuju na razinu postignute kvalitete [1,2]. Cilj je provedenog istraživanja ispitati razinu zadovoljstva kod hospitaliziranih bolesnika u SveučiliÅ”noj kliničkoj bolnici (SKB) Mostar. U istraživanje su uključena 182 bolesnika, hospitalizirana u periodu od mjeseca travnja do kolovoza 2017. godine. Uporabom anketnog upitnika izrađenogu Agenciji za kontrolu kvalitete u zdravstvu i socijalne skrbi [engl. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers And Systems] ispitano je njihovo zadovoljstvo. Podaci su obrađeni u statističkom paketu ANOVA (Analiza varijance), Microsoft Excel Data Analysis, Tools-am. Svi aspekti zadovoljstva kvalitetom pruženih zdravstvenih usluga međusobno su pozitivno povezani. Obradom podataka nameće se zaključak kako bi bolja organizacija rada na odjelima i fokusiranje na potrebe bolesnika, uvažavajući njihova očekivanja, bili važni za osjećaj zadovoljstva bolesnika

    The Occurrence of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in Southern Parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has been known as an endemic region for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) for over 50 years. Multiple epidemics of this disease have been registered so far, especially in endemic parts of Central and Northeastern Bosnia, as well as the Sarajevo region. Seroepidemiological investigations demonstrate naturalization of Hantaviruses and their wide spread in B&H. However, there are no studies from the southern areas of B&H, and endemic foci of this disease are unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution and serologic prevalence of Hantavirus infections by testing for specific IgG antibodies against hantaviruses in the population of Herzegovina. This study included two groups of participants. The target group consisted of 300 participants from exposed professional and population groups, and control group included 100 educators with lower exposure to HFRS. Identification of specific IgG antibodies against hantaviruses in 16 participants confirmed an initial assumption about the presence of Hantavirus infections in the region of interest. Seroprevalence of 5% was registered in the Ā»exposedĀ« and 1% in the Ā»unexposedĀ« group. Simultaneous circulation of Puumala (PUU) and Dobrava (DOB) viruses was discovered. The frequency of positive antibody results was higher in the population above 50 years of age, and three times more prevalent in men then at women. The highest proportion of exposed participants (80%) was registered in the municipalities which geographically belong to high or mountainous Herzegovina