15 research outputs found
Background: There is no data on depression prevalence in Croatia. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence and psychosocial risk factors of depression in the adult population of the Croatian capital Zagreb, particularly in patients suffering from Depressive episode (F32) and Recurrent depressive disorder (F33).
Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study was preformed on a
representative sample for city of Zagreb drawn from 10 family physiciansā offices with 17290 patients. From standardized medical files, the family physicians sorted out data of patients with depression, both Depressive episodes (F32) and Recurrent
depressive disorder (F33), classified according to ICD 10. Psychosocial parameters were assessed according to the core questions for the management of psychosocial risk factors recommended by the European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease
Prevention in Clinical Practice.
Results: The prevalence of depression was 2.2%. Recognized socioeconomical parameters were: female sex (74.7%), middle age 45-65 years (40.7%), married (55.3%), high school education (59.2%), retired (54.5%), and average economical status (73.6%). As regards social isolation: depressive patients were not living
alone (71.5%), they had help in case of illness (80.9%), and had no problems with their partner (36.8%). Work stress parameters were estimated between 5 and 6. Life satisfaction was estimated mean Ā± SD=4.57Ā±1.72. Logistic regression analysis showed a significant association between higher education and physiciansā perception as āmore depressed and more difficultā patients with Recurrent
depressive disorder (F33). Family physicians were unfamiliar with the genealogical disease burden for 45% of depressive patients, whether they had closed confident for 21.93% and problems with partner for 30.80%.
Conclusion: Depression had a prevalence of 2.2%. It was poorly recognized, as were some psychosocial factors especially genealogical disease burden. This suggests the need for implementation of special intervention methods of developing
the family physiciansāskills in adopting the psychosocial approach to depressive patients with a focus on recognized psychosocial risk factors
Clinical application of genotype-guided dosing of warfarin in patients with acute stroke
Patients with certain types of stroke need urgent anticoagulation and it is extremely important for them to achieve fast and stable anticoagulant effect and receive individualized treatment during the initiation of warfarin therapy. ----- METHODS:
We conducted a prospective study among 210 acute stroke patients who had an indication for anticoagulation and compared the impact of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotype-guided warfarin dosing (PhG) with fixed dosing (NPhG) on anticoagulation control and clinical outcome between groups. ----- RESULTS:
PhG achieved target INR values earlier, i.e., on average in 4.2 (4.1-4.7, 95% CI) days compared to NPhG (5.2 days [4.7-6.4, 95% CI]) (p = 0.0009), spent a higher percentage of time in the therapeutic INR range (76.3% [74.7-78.5, 95% CI] vs. 67.1% [64.5-69.6, 95% CI] in NPhG), and spent less time overdosed (INR > 3.1) (PhG 0.4 [0.1-0.7, 95% CI], NPhG 1.7 [1.1-2.3, 95% CI] days; p >0.000). PhG reached stable maintenance dose faster (10 [9.9-10.7, 95% CI] vs. 13.9 [13.3-14.7, 95% CI] days in controls; p = 0.0049) and had a better clinical outcome in relation to neurological deficit on admission as compared to NPhG. ----- CONCLUSION:
We confirmed that warfarin therapy with genotype-guided dosing instead of fixed dosing reduces the time required for stabilization and improves anticoagulant control with better clinical outcome in early stages of warfarin therapy introduction among acute stroke patients, which is essential for clinical practice
Uloga genskog polimorfizma CYP2C9 i VKORC1 u individualizaciji terapije varfarinom kod pacijenata sa akutnim moždanim udarom [The role of genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 in the individualization of warfarin therapy in patients with acute stroke]
Patients with cardioembolic stroke and stroke due to dissection of extracranial artery or cerebral sinus thrombosis require urgent anticoagulant therapy initiation.This high risk group of patients are at risk of 5-7% of embolic stroke recurrence within the first week or at the risk of bleeding into the infarct zone with worsening of neurologic deficits.
Many reports confirmed that CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphisms have strong influence on interindividual warfarin sensitivity, variability of anticoagulant effects and dose requirement.Therefore, in patients with ischemic stroke it is important to select initial doses of warfarin based on individual genotype.The aim of individualisation is to achieve earlier anticoagulant effect and stable maintenance dose in order to reduce the risk of developing warfarin therapy side effects in early initiation of therapy due to hypo or overanticoagulation, particularly among carriers of multiple allelic variants.
At the Department of neurology University hospital Centre Zagreb we conducted a prospective case-control study during 6 months among patients hospitalized for acute ischemic stroke with indications for anticoagulant therapy.
The hypothesis was that by using the algorithm for pharmacogenetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 gene (wt, * 2, * 3 ) and VKORC1 1173C> T in these patients before initiating warfarin therapy, one can achieve an erlier anticoagulant effect and a stable maintenance dose in comparasion to the introduction of a standard fixed dose. The consented stroke patients (n=106) admitted at Referral centre for intensive neurologic care were pharmacogenetic tested for CYP2C9 and VKORC1 polymorphism before the initial dose of warfarin was predicted. The control group (n=104) were consented acute stroke patients hospitalized at other subunits of Department of neurology with the drug induction using the standard fixed dose, without pharmacogenetic prediction. Among both groups of patients we recorded initial International normalised ratio (INR), INR after 48 hours, 72 hours, on day 5., 7.,14. and 21. of warfarin therapy induction and studied time to reach first target INR value, time to reach stable maintance dose, percent of time spent in therapeutic INR range and appearance of eventual complications.
The main goal of this research is to achieve the first target INR erlier, to have larger proportion of time spent in therapeutic INR range and to reach earlier achievement of a stable maintenance dose. Mentioned goals were achieved and confirmed by this study among patients with initial dose introduction after pharmacogenetic algorithm (FG) in comparasion with the group to which standard fixed dose was given. Time spent in over therpeutic INR >3,1 was shorter in genotype guided group, compared to standard fixed dose initiating group. Application of pharmacogenetic algorithm enabled the correct assessment of warfarin dose in 81,5% of 62% of patients who required a higher or lower dose of warfarin.
We found no reduction in the development of complications in the FG group compared to group with standard fixed dose application, but we have proved the difference between clinical outcome in this group patients with complications had better clinical outcome due to the occurrence of mild bleeding in the FG group, in comparison with severe bleeding in patients using a standard fixed dose.We've shown a better clinical outcome with mild neurological deficits in relation to neurological deficit on admission among patients with pharmacogenetic prediction of doses in comparasion to the group of patients with standard fixed doses.
Our findings highlight the importance of selection of initial warfarin dose based on individual genotype to therapy instead of a fixed dose for safer therapeutic intervention in high risk patients with acute stroke
The role of genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 in the individualization of warfarin therapy in patients with acute stroke
Pacijenti sa ishemiÄkim moždanim udarom (IMU) kardioembolijskog porijekla uz specifiÄne uzroke IMU zbog disekcije ekstrakranijskih arterija ili tromboze venskih sinusa, iziskuju hitno uvoÄenje antikoagulantne terapije. To je visokoriziÄna skupina bolesnika sa vjerojatnoÅ”Äu od 5-7% za recidiv embolijskog IMU unutar prvog tjedna ili sa visokim rizikom krvarenja u infarktnu zonu i pogorÅ”anjem neuroloÅ”kog deficita. Poznato je da polimorfizam gena CYP2C9 i VKORC1 znaÄajno utjeÄe na interindividualnu osjetljivost, varijabilnost antikoagulantnog uÄinka i potrebnu dozu varfarina. Stoga je u bolesnika sa IMU važna selekcija inicijalne doze varfarina bazirana na individualnom genotipu sa ciljem ranijeg postizanja antikoagulantnog uÄinka i stabilne terapijske doze uz smanjenje rizika razvoja komplikacija u ranoj fazi uvoÄenja terapije, posebno meÄu nosiocima multiplih alelnih varijanti.
Na Klinici za neurologiju KBC Zagreb smo proveli prospektivno ācase-controlā istraživanje tijekom 6 mjeseci meÄu hospitaliziranim bolesnicima sa akutnim IMU, kojima je indicirana antikoagulantna terapija sa hipotezom da je primjenom inicijalne doze prema farmakogenetiÄkom algoritmu za polimorfizam gena CYP2C9 (wt,*2,*3) i VKORC1 1173 C>T u takvih pacijenata prije zapoÄinjanja terapije varfarinom moguÄe ranije postiÄi antikoagulantni uÄinak i stabilnu dozu održavanja u odnosu na standardno uvoÄenje fiksnom dozom. U studiju je ukljuÄeno 106 bolesnika sa IMU kojima je prije uvoÄenja varfarina provedeno farmakogenetiÄko testiranje u procjeni inicijalne doze uvoÄenja (FG skupina). Kontrolnu skupinu je saÄinjavalo 104 bolesnika sa akutnim IMU kojima je lijek uvoÄen standarnom fiksnom primjenom doze. U svih se ispitanika pratio INR pri uvoÄenju terapije, INR nakon 48 h, 72h, 5. dan, 7., l4. i 21. dan, vrijeme potrebno za postizanje prvog ciljnog INR, postotak vremena provedenog u terapijskom rasponu INR, vrijeme potrebno da se postigne stabilna doza održavanja te pojava komplikacija.
Osnovni cilj primjene farmakogenetiÄkog algoritma je bilo ranije postizanje prvog ciljnog INR, veÄa proporcija vremena provedena u terapijskom rasponu INR i ranije postizanje stabilne doze održavanja, Å”to se u skupini bolesnika s inicijalnom dozom varfarina uvedenom po farmakogenetiÄkom algoritmu uspjelo i postiÄi. FG skupina bolesnika je manje vremena provela u iznadterapijskom INR >3,1 u odnosu na grupu sa fiksnom primjenom doze. Primjenom farmakogenetiÄkog algoritma korektno je procijenjena potrebna doza za 81,5% od ukupno 62% bolesnika koji su iziskivali viÅ”u ili nižu dozu varfarina od uobiÄajene. Nismo naÅ”li smanjenje razvoja komplikacija u FG skupini u odnosu na fiksnu primjenu doze, ali smo dokazali razliku izmeÄu kliniÄkog ishoda i pojave komplikacija sa boljim kliniÄkim ishodom zbog pojave blažih krvarenja u FG skupini u odnosu teža krvarenja u bolesnika sa fiksnom primjenom doze. Dokazali smo bolji kliniÄki ishod sa blažim neuroloÅ”kim deficitom u odnosu na neuroloÅ”ki deficit pri prijemu meÄu bolesnicima sa farmakogenetiÄkom predikcijom doze u odnosu na bolesnike sa fiksnom primjenom doze.
Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja ukazuju na važnost selekcije inicijalne doze varfarina bazirane na individualnom genotipu umjesto zapoÄinjanja terapije fiksnom dozom za sigurniju terapijsku intervenciju u viskoriziÄnih bolesnika sa moždanim udarom.Patients with cardioembolic stroke and stroke due to dissection of extracranial artery or cerebral sinus thrombosis require urgent anticoagulant therapy initiation.This high risk group of patients are at risk of 5-7% of embolic stroke recurrence within the first week or at the risk of bleeding into the infarct zone with worsening of neurologic deficits.
Many reports confirmed that CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphisms have strong influence on interindividual warfarin sensitivity, variability of anticoagulant effects and dose requirement.Therefore, in patients with ischemic stroke it is important to select initial doses of warfarin based on individual genotype.The aim of individualisation is to achieve earlier anticoagulant effect and stable maintenance dose in order to reduce the risk of developing warfarin therapy side effects in early initiation of therapy due to hypo or overanticoagulation, particularly among carriers of multiple allelic variants.
At the Department of neurology University hospital Centre Zagreb we conducted a prospective case-control study during 6 months among patients hospitalized for acute ischemic stroke with indications for anticoagulant therapy.
The hypothesis was that by using the algorithm for pharmacogenetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 gene (wt, * 2, * 3 ) and VKORC1 1173C> T in these patients before initiating warfarin therapy, one can achieve an erlier anticoagulant effect and a stable maintenance dose in comparasion to the introduction of a standard fixed dose. The consented stroke patients (n=106) admitted at Referral centre for intensive neurologic care were pharmacogenetic tested for CYP2C9 and VKORC1 polymorphism before the initial dose of warfarin was predicted. The control group (n=104) were consented acute stroke patients hospitalized at other subunits of Department of neurology with the drug induction using the standard fixed dose, without pharmacogenetic prediction. Among both groups of patients we recorded initial International normalised ratio (INR), INR after 48 hours, 72 hours, on day 5., 7.,14. and 21. of warfarin therapy induction and studied time to reach first target INR value, time to reach stable maintance dose, percent of time spent in therapeutic INR range and appearance of eventual complications.
The main goal of this research is to achieve the first target INR erlier, to have larger proportion of time spent in therapeutic INR range and to reach earlier achievement of a stable maintenance dose. Mentioned goals were achieved and confirmed by this study among patients with initial dose introduction after pharmacogenetic algorithm (FG) in comparasion with the group to which standard fixed dose was given. Time spent in over therpeutic INR >3,1 was shorter in genotype guided group, compared to standard fixed dose initiating group. Application of pharmacogenetic algorithm enabled the correct assessment of warfarin dose in 81,5% of 62% of patients who required a higher or lower dose of warfarin.
We found no reduction in the development of complications in the FG group compared to group with standard fixed dose application, but we have proved the difference between clinical outcome in this group patients with complications had better clinical outcome due to the occurrence of mild bleeding in the FG group, in comparison with severe bleeding in patients using a standard fixed dose.We've shown a better clinical outcome with mild neurological deficits in relation to neurological deficit on admission among patients with pharmacogenetic prediction of doses in comparasion to the group of patients with standard fixed doses.
Our findings highlight the importance of selection of initial warfarin dose based on individual genotype to therapy instead of a fixed dose for safer therapeutic intervention in high risk patients with acute stroke
The role of genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 in the individualization of warfarin therapy in patients with acute stroke
Pacijenti sa ishemiÄkim moždanim udarom (IMU) kardioembolijskog porijekla uz specifiÄne uzroke IMU zbog disekcije ekstrakranijskih arterija ili tromboze venskih sinusa, iziskuju hitno uvoÄenje antikoagulantne terapije. To je visokoriziÄna skupina bolesnika sa vjerojatnoÅ”Äu od 5-7% za recidiv embolijskog IMU unutar prvog tjedna ili sa visokim rizikom krvarenja u infarktnu zonu i pogorÅ”anjem neuroloÅ”kog deficita. Poznato je da polimorfizam gena CYP2C9 i VKORC1 znaÄajno utjeÄe na interindividualnu osjetljivost, varijabilnost antikoagulantnog uÄinka i potrebnu dozu varfarina. Stoga je u bolesnika sa IMU važna selekcija inicijalne doze varfarina bazirana na individualnom genotipu sa ciljem ranijeg postizanja antikoagulantnog uÄinka i stabilne terapijske doze uz smanjenje rizika razvoja komplikacija u ranoj fazi uvoÄenja terapije, posebno meÄu nosiocima multiplih alelnih varijanti.
Na Klinici za neurologiju KBC Zagreb smo proveli prospektivno ācase-controlā istraživanje tijekom 6 mjeseci meÄu hospitaliziranim bolesnicima sa akutnim IMU, kojima je indicirana antikoagulantna terapija sa hipotezom da je primjenom inicijalne doze prema farmakogenetiÄkom algoritmu za polimorfizam gena CYP2C9 (wt,*2,*3) i VKORC1 1173 C>T u takvih pacijenata prije zapoÄinjanja terapije varfarinom moguÄe ranije postiÄi antikoagulantni uÄinak i stabilnu dozu održavanja u odnosu na standardno uvoÄenje fiksnom dozom. U studiju je ukljuÄeno 106 bolesnika sa IMU kojima je prije uvoÄenja varfarina provedeno farmakogenetiÄko testiranje u procjeni inicijalne doze uvoÄenja (FG skupina). Kontrolnu skupinu je saÄinjavalo 104 bolesnika sa akutnim IMU kojima je lijek uvoÄen standarnom fiksnom primjenom doze. U svih se ispitanika pratio INR pri uvoÄenju terapije, INR nakon 48 h, 72h, 5. dan, 7., l4. i 21. dan, vrijeme potrebno za postizanje prvog ciljnog INR, postotak vremena provedenog u terapijskom rasponu INR, vrijeme potrebno da se postigne stabilna doza održavanja te pojava komplikacija.
Osnovni cilj primjene farmakogenetiÄkog algoritma je bilo ranije postizanje prvog ciljnog INR, veÄa proporcija vremena provedena u terapijskom rasponu INR i ranije postizanje stabilne doze održavanja, Å”to se u skupini bolesnika s inicijalnom dozom varfarina uvedenom po farmakogenetiÄkom algoritmu uspjelo i postiÄi. FG skupina bolesnika je manje vremena provela u iznadterapijskom INR >3,1 u odnosu na grupu sa fiksnom primjenom doze. Primjenom farmakogenetiÄkog algoritma korektno je procijenjena potrebna doza za 81,5% od ukupno 62% bolesnika koji su iziskivali viÅ”u ili nižu dozu varfarina od uobiÄajene. Nismo naÅ”li smanjenje razvoja komplikacija u FG skupini u odnosu na fiksnu primjenu doze, ali smo dokazali razliku izmeÄu kliniÄkog ishoda i pojave komplikacija sa boljim kliniÄkim ishodom zbog pojave blažih krvarenja u FG skupini u odnosu teža krvarenja u bolesnika sa fiksnom primjenom doze. Dokazali smo bolji kliniÄki ishod sa blažim neuroloÅ”kim deficitom u odnosu na neuroloÅ”ki deficit pri prijemu meÄu bolesnicima sa farmakogenetiÄkom predikcijom doze u odnosu na bolesnike sa fiksnom primjenom doze.
Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja ukazuju na važnost selekcije inicijalne doze varfarina bazirane na individualnom genotipu umjesto zapoÄinjanja terapije fiksnom dozom za sigurniju terapijsku intervenciju u viskoriziÄnih bolesnika sa moždanim udarom.Patients with cardioembolic stroke and stroke due to dissection of extracranial artery or cerebral sinus thrombosis require urgent anticoagulant therapy initiation.This high risk group of patients are at risk of 5-7% of embolic stroke recurrence within the first week or at the risk of bleeding into the infarct zone with worsening of neurologic deficits.
Many reports confirmed that CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphisms have strong influence on interindividual warfarin sensitivity, variability of anticoagulant effects and dose requirement.Therefore, in patients with ischemic stroke it is important to select initial doses of warfarin based on individual genotype.The aim of individualisation is to achieve earlier anticoagulant effect and stable maintenance dose in order to reduce the risk of developing warfarin therapy side effects in early initiation of therapy due to hypo or overanticoagulation, particularly among carriers of multiple allelic variants.
At the Department of neurology University hospital Centre Zagreb we conducted a prospective case-control study during 6 months among patients hospitalized for acute ischemic stroke with indications for anticoagulant therapy.
The hypothesis was that by using the algorithm for pharmacogenetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 gene (wt, * 2, * 3 ) and VKORC1 1173C> T in these patients before initiating warfarin therapy, one can achieve an erlier anticoagulant effect and a stable maintenance dose in comparasion to the introduction of a standard fixed dose. The consented stroke patients (n=106) admitted at Referral centre for intensive neurologic care were pharmacogenetic tested for CYP2C9 and VKORC1 polymorphism before the initial dose of warfarin was predicted. The control group (n=104) were consented acute stroke patients hospitalized at other subunits of Department of neurology with the drug induction using the standard fixed dose, without pharmacogenetic prediction. Among both groups of patients we recorded initial International normalised ratio (INR), INR after 48 hours, 72 hours, on day 5., 7.,14. and 21. of warfarin therapy induction and studied time to reach first target INR value, time to reach stable maintance dose, percent of time spent in therapeutic INR range and appearance of eventual complications.
The main goal of this research is to achieve the first target INR erlier, to have larger proportion of time spent in therapeutic INR range and to reach earlier achievement of a stable maintenance dose. Mentioned goals were achieved and confirmed by this study among patients with initial dose introduction after pharmacogenetic algorithm (FG) in comparasion with the group to which standard fixed dose was given. Time spent in over therpeutic INR >3,1 was shorter in genotype guided group, compared to standard fixed dose initiating group. Application of pharmacogenetic algorithm enabled the correct assessment of warfarin dose in 81,5% of 62% of patients who required a higher or lower dose of warfarin.
We found no reduction in the development of complications in the FG group compared to group with standard fixed dose application, but we have proved the difference between clinical outcome in this group patients with complications had better clinical outcome due to the occurrence of mild bleeding in the FG group, in comparison with severe bleeding in patients using a standard fixed dose.We've shown a better clinical outcome with mild neurological deficits in relation to neurological deficit on admission among patients with pharmacogenetic prediction of doses in comparasion to the group of patients with standard fixed doses.
Our findings highlight the importance of selection of initial warfarin dose based on individual genotype to therapy instead of a fixed dose for safer therapeutic intervention in high risk patients with acute stroke
The role of genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 in the individualization of warfarin therapy in patients with acute stroke
Pacijenti sa ishemiÄkim moždanim udarom (IMU) kardioembolijskog porijekla uz specifiÄne uzroke IMU zbog disekcije ekstrakranijskih arterija ili tromboze venskih sinusa, iziskuju hitno uvoÄenje antikoagulantne terapije. To je visokoriziÄna skupina bolesnika sa vjerojatnoÅ”Äu od 5-7% za recidiv embolijskog IMU unutar prvog tjedna ili sa visokim rizikom krvarenja u infarktnu zonu i pogorÅ”anjem neuroloÅ”kog deficita. Poznato je da polimorfizam gena CYP2C9 i VKORC1 znaÄajno utjeÄe na interindividualnu osjetljivost, varijabilnost antikoagulantnog uÄinka i potrebnu dozu varfarina. Stoga je u bolesnika sa IMU važna selekcija inicijalne doze varfarina bazirana na individualnom genotipu sa ciljem ranijeg postizanja antikoagulantnog uÄinka i stabilne terapijske doze uz smanjenje rizika razvoja komplikacija u ranoj fazi uvoÄenja terapije, posebno meÄu nosiocima multiplih alelnih varijanti.
Na Klinici za neurologiju KBC Zagreb smo proveli prospektivno ācase-controlā istraživanje tijekom 6 mjeseci meÄu hospitaliziranim bolesnicima sa akutnim IMU, kojima je indicirana antikoagulantna terapija sa hipotezom da je primjenom inicijalne doze prema farmakogenetiÄkom algoritmu za polimorfizam gena CYP2C9 (wt,*2,*3) i VKORC1 1173 C>T u takvih pacijenata prije zapoÄinjanja terapije varfarinom moguÄe ranije postiÄi antikoagulantni uÄinak i stabilnu dozu održavanja u odnosu na standardno uvoÄenje fiksnom dozom. U studiju je ukljuÄeno 106 bolesnika sa IMU kojima je prije uvoÄenja varfarina provedeno farmakogenetiÄko testiranje u procjeni inicijalne doze uvoÄenja (FG skupina). Kontrolnu skupinu je saÄinjavalo 104 bolesnika sa akutnim IMU kojima je lijek uvoÄen standarnom fiksnom primjenom doze. U svih se ispitanika pratio INR pri uvoÄenju terapije, INR nakon 48 h, 72h, 5. dan, 7., l4. i 21. dan, vrijeme potrebno za postizanje prvog ciljnog INR, postotak vremena provedenog u terapijskom rasponu INR, vrijeme potrebno da se postigne stabilna doza održavanja te pojava komplikacija.
Osnovni cilj primjene farmakogenetiÄkog algoritma je bilo ranije postizanje prvog ciljnog INR, veÄa proporcija vremena provedena u terapijskom rasponu INR i ranije postizanje stabilne doze održavanja, Å”to se u skupini bolesnika s inicijalnom dozom varfarina uvedenom po farmakogenetiÄkom algoritmu uspjelo i postiÄi. FG skupina bolesnika je manje vremena provela u iznadterapijskom INR >3,1 u odnosu na grupu sa fiksnom primjenom doze. Primjenom farmakogenetiÄkog algoritma korektno je procijenjena potrebna doza za 81,5% od ukupno 62% bolesnika koji su iziskivali viÅ”u ili nižu dozu varfarina od uobiÄajene. Nismo naÅ”li smanjenje razvoja komplikacija u FG skupini u odnosu na fiksnu primjenu doze, ali smo dokazali razliku izmeÄu kliniÄkog ishoda i pojave komplikacija sa boljim kliniÄkim ishodom zbog pojave blažih krvarenja u FG skupini u odnosu teža krvarenja u bolesnika sa fiksnom primjenom doze. Dokazali smo bolji kliniÄki ishod sa blažim neuroloÅ”kim deficitom u odnosu na neuroloÅ”ki deficit pri prijemu meÄu bolesnicima sa farmakogenetiÄkom predikcijom doze u odnosu na bolesnike sa fiksnom primjenom doze.
Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja ukazuju na važnost selekcije inicijalne doze varfarina bazirane na individualnom genotipu umjesto zapoÄinjanja terapije fiksnom dozom za sigurniju terapijsku intervenciju u viskoriziÄnih bolesnika sa moždanim udarom.Patients with cardioembolic stroke and stroke due to dissection of extracranial artery or cerebral sinus thrombosis require urgent anticoagulant therapy initiation.This high risk group of patients are at risk of 5-7% of embolic stroke recurrence within the first week or at the risk of bleeding into the infarct zone with worsening of neurologic deficits.
Many reports confirmed that CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphisms have strong influence on interindividual warfarin sensitivity, variability of anticoagulant effects and dose requirement.Therefore, in patients with ischemic stroke it is important to select initial doses of warfarin based on individual genotype.The aim of individualisation is to achieve earlier anticoagulant effect and stable maintenance dose in order to reduce the risk of developing warfarin therapy side effects in early initiation of therapy due to hypo or overanticoagulation, particularly among carriers of multiple allelic variants.
At the Department of neurology University hospital Centre Zagreb we conducted a prospective case-control study during 6 months among patients hospitalized for acute ischemic stroke with indications for anticoagulant therapy.
The hypothesis was that by using the algorithm for pharmacogenetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 gene (wt, * 2, * 3 ) and VKORC1 1173C> T in these patients before initiating warfarin therapy, one can achieve an erlier anticoagulant effect and a stable maintenance dose in comparasion to the introduction of a standard fixed dose. The consented stroke patients (n=106) admitted at Referral centre for intensive neurologic care were pharmacogenetic tested for CYP2C9 and VKORC1 polymorphism before the initial dose of warfarin was predicted. The control group (n=104) were consented acute stroke patients hospitalized at other subunits of Department of neurology with the drug induction using the standard fixed dose, without pharmacogenetic prediction. Among both groups of patients we recorded initial International normalised ratio (INR), INR after 48 hours, 72 hours, on day 5., 7.,14. and 21. of warfarin therapy induction and studied time to reach first target INR value, time to reach stable maintance dose, percent of time spent in therapeutic INR range and appearance of eventual complications.
The main goal of this research is to achieve the first target INR erlier, to have larger proportion of time spent in therapeutic INR range and to reach earlier achievement of a stable maintenance dose. Mentioned goals were achieved and confirmed by this study among patients with initial dose introduction after pharmacogenetic algorithm (FG) in comparasion with the group to which standard fixed dose was given. Time spent in over therpeutic INR >3,1 was shorter in genotype guided group, compared to standard fixed dose initiating group. Application of pharmacogenetic algorithm enabled the correct assessment of warfarin dose in 81,5% of 62% of patients who required a higher or lower dose of warfarin.
We found no reduction in the development of complications in the FG group compared to group with standard fixed dose application, but we have proved the difference between clinical outcome in this group patients with complications had better clinical outcome due to the occurrence of mild bleeding in the FG group, in comparison with severe bleeding in patients using a standard fixed dose.We've shown a better clinical outcome with mild neurological deficits in relation to neurological deficit on admission among patients with pharmacogenetic prediction of doses in comparasion to the group of patients with standard fixed doses.
Our findings highlight the importance of selection of initial warfarin dose based on individual genotype to therapy instead of a fixed dose for safer therapeutic intervention in high risk patients with acute stroke
Subacute brainstem angioencephalopathy: favorable outcome with anticoagulation therapy
We present a patient who developed progressive neurological disease caused by lesions histologically compatible with those observed in subacute brainstem angioencephalopathy. The patient was treated with low-molecular weight heparin, and treatment response was monitored clinically and with MRI. Anticoagulation therapy stopped progression of the neurological deficit and led to improvement of MRI findings. This report further supports the existence of subacute brainstem angioencephalopathy as a characteristic disease entity and gives insight into possible therapeutic approach with anticoagulation treatment
Prevalence of genetic polymorphisms of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 - implications for warfarin management and outcome in Croatian patients with acute stroke
Data on the prevalence of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genes and their influence on anticoagulant effect and warfarin dose in stroke patients are scarce. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence and significance of these gene polymorphisms and to establish pharmacogenetic algorithm to estimate the dose of introduction. Also, the goal was to determine tailored safety and intensity of anticoagulation response depending on the allelic variants and their impact on the clinical outcome in acute stroke patients in Croatia. ----- METHODS:
A total of 106 consented acute stroke patients were tested for CYP2C9 2, 3 and VKORC1 1173C>T gene polymorphisms. We estimated the dose of introduction and monitored anticoagulant effect obtained by INR values, time to reach stable dose, stable maintenance dose, time spent within the therapeutic/supratherapeutic INR range, occurrence of dosage side effects and clinical outcome depending on genotypes. ----- RESULTS:
We found that 83% of stroke patients in our study were carriers of multiple allelic variants. The predicted initial dose correlated with the stable warfarin maintenance dose (p=0.0311) and we correctly estimated the dose for 81.5% of 61.3% of study patients who required higher/lower doses than average. Warfarin dosage complications were slightly more frequent among the carriers of CYP2C9 2, 3 compared to the carriers of VKORC1 1173T alleles (68. 9% versus 62.5%), but their occurrence did not affect the final clinical outcome. ----- CONCLUSION:
Our data indicated rapid and safe anticoagulation achieved by using pharmacogenetically-predicted warfarin dose in high-risk acute stroke patients without increasing the risk of warfarin dosage complications in an elderly population