68 research outputs found

    Impact of depression on gait variability in Parkinson's disease

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    Objective The goal of this study was to analyze how depression associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD) affected gait variability in these patients using a dual-task paradigm. Additionally, the dependency of the executive functions and the impact of depression on gait variability were analyzed. Patients and Methods Three subject groups were included: patients with PD, but no depression (PD-NonDep; 14 patients), patients with both PD and depression (PD-Dep; 16 patients) and healthy controls (HC; 15 subjects). Gait was recorded using the wireless sensors. The participants walked under four conditions: single-task, motor dual- task, cognitive dual-task, and combined dual-task. Variability of stride length, stride duration, and swing time was calculated and analyzed using the statistical methods. Results Variability of stride duration and stride length were not significantly different between PD-Dep and PD-NonDep patients. The linear mixed model showed that swing time variability was statistically significantly higher in PD-Dep patients compared to controls (p = 0.001). Hamilton Disease Rating Scale scores were significantly correlated with the swing time variability (p = 0.01). Variability of all three parameters of gait was significantly higher while performing combined or cognitive task and this effect was more pronounced in PD-Dep group of patients. Conclusions Depression in PD was associated with swing time variability, and this effect was more prominent while performing a dual-task. Significance Diagnosing and treating depression might be important for gait improvement and fall reduction in PD patients


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    The present study focuses on the results of cavitation resistance research of samples obtained by the Selective Laser Sintering technology. The material used was Polyamide powder PA 3200 GF reinforced with glass fibers. The laser-sintered samples were produced from 100% new and recycled powder mixed with 70% of new powder. The samples were tested under cavitation conditions using an ultrasonic vibration method with a stationary sample according to the ASTM G-32 standard. Examination of the morphology of cavitation damage was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The change in mass loss during different cavitation times was measured on the tested samples. The main objective of the research was to determine the validity application of the tested material in cavitation condition

    Ocjena radne sposobnosti pacijenta s Wilsonovom bolesti - prikaz bolesnika

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    Wilson’s disease (WD) is a rare, progressive autosomal recessive disorder characterised by impaired transport and excessive accumulation of copper in the liver, brain, and other tissues. The disease is diagnosed based on clinical manifestations and screening tests results. Work ability assessment of patients with WD is based on the analysis of liver, kidney, neurological, and cognitive impairments, and takes into account patient’s level of education. This article presents a case with a 48-year-old male patient, who was admitted for work ability assessment due to polymorphic symptoms. The patient had been working as a salesman for 28 years. A detailed interview and examination by occupational health and other medical specialists revealed that the patient had been suffering from Wilson’s disease from the age of 13, and had now developed hepatic manifestations (compensated liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension), neurological manifestations (dystonia, dysarthria, muscle weakness, vertigo), and psychiatric manifestations (depression, insomnia, cognitive impairment) of the disease, including problems partially caused by long-lasting treatment with copper chelating agents (neurological and haematological manifestations). There were no ocular manifestations of Wilson’s disease (Kayser-Fleischer rings or sunflower cataract). The patient was assessed as having drastically diminished general work ability, dominantly due to neurological and psychiatric impairments caused by Wilson’s disease.Wilsonova je bolest rijetka, progresivna autosomno recesivna bolest karakterizirana poremećajem transporta bakra i posljedičnim prekomjernim nakupljanjem bakra u jetri, mozgu i drugim tkivima i organima. Dijagnoza bolesti postavlja se na osnovi kliničkih manifestacija bolesti i nalaza laboratorijskih ispitivanja. Ocjena radne sposobnosti pacijenata s Wilsonovom bolesti zasniva se na analizi postojanja oštećenja i stupnja oštećenja hepatičkih, neuroloških, bubrežnih i kognitivnih funkcija, kao i na analizi stupnja obrazovanja pacijenata. Prikazan je slučaj D. M., 48-godišnjeg pacijenta, koji je primljen zbog polimorfnih tegoba na bolničko ispitivanje radi ocjene radne sposobnosti. Pacijent je radio kao prodavač posljednjih 28 godina. Nakon detaljne anamneze i pregleda koje su obavili specijalisti medicine rada i drugi specijalisti utvrđeno je da pacijent boluje od Wilsonove bolesti od 13. godine života i da u ovom trenutku ima izražene hepatične manifestacije (kompenzirana ciroza jetre s portalnom hipertenzijom), neurološke manifestacije (distonija, dizartrija, mišićna slabost, vrtoglavica) i psihijatrijske manifestacije (depresija, nesanica, kognitivno oštećenje) Wilsonove bolesti, kao i da su prisutne tegobe djelomično uzrokovane dugotrajnom upotrebom kelatne terapije (neurološki i hematološki poremećaji). Nisu uočene karakteristične očne promjene Wilsonove bolesti (Kayser-Fleischerov prsten, katarakta u obliku suncokreta). Ocjenom radne sposobnosti utvrđeno je da pacijent ima drastično smanjenu radnu sposobnost pretežno zbog neuroloških i psihičkih poremećaja u sklopu Wilsonove bolesti

    Comparative assessment of clinical rating scales in Wilson’s disease

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    Background: Wilson’s disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism resulting in multifaceted neurological, hepatic, and psychiatric symptoms. The objective of the study was to comparatively assess two clinical rating scales for WD, the Unified Wilson’s Disease Rating Scale (UWDRS) and the Global Assessment Scale for Wilson’s disease (GAS for WD), and to test the feasibility of the patient reported part of the UWDRS neurological subscale (termed the “minimal UWDRS”). Methods: In this prospective, monocentric, cross-sectional study, 65 patients (median age 35 [range: 15–62] years; 33 female, 32 male) with treated WD were scored according to the two rating scales. Results: The UWDRS neurological subscore correlated with the GAS for WD Tier 2 score (r = 0.80; p < 0.001). Correlations of the UWDRS hepatic subscore and the GAS for WD Tier 1 score with both the Model for End Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score (r = 0.44/r = 0.28; p < 0.001/p = 0.027) and the Child-Pugh score (r = 0.32/r = 0.12; p = 0.015/p = 0.376) were weak. The “minimal UWDRS” score significantly correlated with the UWDRS total score (r = 0.86), the UWDRS neurological subscore (r = 0.89), and the GAS for WD Tier 2 score (r = 0.86). Conclusions: The UWDRS neurological and psychiatric subscales and the GAS for WD Tier 2 score are valuable tools for the clinical assessment of WD patients. The “minimal UWDRS” is a practical prescreening tool outside scientific trials

    The role of the semantic web for knowledge management in the construction industry

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    The architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry is knowledge intensive field. Significant heterogeneity of the forms of knowledge mobilized in the construction industry prevented adoption of IT based knowledge management in the field. Recently, a large international initiative is launched to provide extensive IT support that will enable model-based interoperability among all professions in the AEC industry. Resulting standards coupled with Semantic Web technologies have potential to serve as the foundation for the knowledge management in the AEC field. The paper gives an overview of the both technologies and depicts ways in which they can provide knowledge management support for the AEC industry

    Using Open Standards Based Building Information Modelling to Simulate Actual Design and Construction Processes

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    The paper describes pilot project conducted to achieve first understanding of the IFC standard and BIM process in Serbia. During the project a research team have developed information model of the actual building using IFC standard and BIM technology and used that model to simulate an actual construction processes. The experience from this project shows that BIM principles and the way IFC standard is incorporated in applications are still a set of recommendations that each software developer interprets separately. At the end of the paper a possibility of further development that would bring BIM and related ICT standards to expected functionality is discussed