59 research outputs found

    Lesions of the biliary system in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    Gallbladders with mucosal outpouchings (diverticula) were found in a population of Atlantic salmon farmed in sea water. Soft tissue calcification affected the skin, skeletal muscle and gut, as identified by histological observations. In addition, inflammation of muscle and intestinal tissue and lymphocytic and fibrous reaction were present in the liver. The general fish population was characterized by poor growth and unspecified mortalities. Here we describe the observed lesions and discuss them in the light of the general health status of the population.Lesions of the biliary system in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)publishedVersio

    Transcriptome Responses of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) to Viral and Bacterial Pathogens, Inflammation, and Stress

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    Transcriptomics provides valuable data for functional annotations of genes, the discovery of biomarkers, and quantitative assessment of responses to challenges. Meta-analysis of Nofima’s Atlantic salmon microarray database was performed for the selection of genes that have shown strong and reproducible expression changes. Using data from 127 experiments including 6440 microarrays, four transcription modules (TM) were identified with a total of 902 annotated genes: 161 virus responsive genes – VRG (activated with five viruses and poly I:C), genes that responded to three pathogenic bacteria (523 up and 33 down-regulated genes), inflammation not caused by infections – wounds, melanized foci in skeletal muscle and exposure to PAMP (180 up and 72 down-regulated genes), and stress by exercise, crowding and cortisol implants (33 genes). To assist the selection of gene markers, genes in each TM were ranked according to the scale of expression changes. In terms of functional annotations, association with diseases and stress was unknown or not reflected in public databases for a large part of genes, including several genes with the highest ranks. A set of multifunctional genes was discovered. Cholesterol 25-hydroxylase was present in all TM and 22 genes, including most differentially expressed matrix metalloproteinases 9 and 13 were assigned to three TMs. The meta-analysis has improved understanding of the defense strategies in Atlantic salmon. VRG have demonstrated equal or similar responses to RNA (SAV, IPNV, PRV, and ISAV), and DNA (gill pox) viruses, injection of bacterial DNA (plasmid) and exposure of cells to PAMP (CpG and gardiquimod) and relatively low sensitivity to inflammation and bacteria. Genes of the highest rank show preferential expression in erythrocytes. This group includes multigene families (gig and several trim families) and many paralogs. Of pathogen recognition receptors, only RNA helicases have shown strong expression changes. Most VRG (82%) are effectors with a preponderance of ubiquitin-related genes, GTPases, and genes of nucleotide metabolism. Many VRG have unknown roles. The identification of TMs makes possible quantification of responses and assessment of their interactions. Based on this, we are able to separate pathogen-specific responses from general inflammation and stress.publishedVersio

    Optimisation of trace mineral supplementation in diets for Atlantic salmon smolt with reference to holistic fish performance in terms of growth, health, welfare, and potential environmental impacts

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    The aquafeed ingredient inventory is ever changing, from marine to plant based, and recently evolving to incorporate increasing amounts of low trophic, side stream and circular economy based raw materials, each one contributing with variable amounts and qualities of macro- and micronutrients. Meeting the micronutrient requirement of farmed fish for healthy and efficient growth under normal and challenging conditions is of paramount importance. In this study we run a trial based on a 2 × 4 factorial design with three replications for each dietary treatment, where Atlantic salmon smolt were fed one of 8 experimental diets supplemented with either organic or inorganic mineral premixes (copper, iron, manganese, selenium, and zinc) at four dietary inclusion levels. We saw a trend for higher growth rate in the organic mineral groups irrespective of the dietary mineral levels. Mineral digestibility was negatively correlated with increasing mineral supplementation levels for all tested minerals but Se which increased with the increasing supplementation in the inorganic and up to the 2nd inclusion level in the organic mineral groups. Increasing mineral supplementation affected retention efficiency of Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe while mineral source affected only the retention of Se which was higher in the organic mineral groups. Moreover, fish obtained higher EPA and DHA in their body and increased slaughter yield in the organic as compared to the inorganic mineral groups and corroborated that trace mineral inclusion levels play a key role on salmon fillet’s technical quality. More effects from different origin and dietary inclusion levels of trace minerals were seen on fillet yield, fillet technical and nutritional quality, bone strength, skin morphology, organ mineralization and midgut transcriptome

    Transcriptomic landscape of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) skin

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    In this study, we present the first spatial transcriptomic atlas of Atlantic salmon skin using the Visium Spatial Gene Expression protocol. We utilized frozen skin tissue from four distinct sites, namely the operculum, pectoral and caudal fins, and scaly skin at the flank of the fish close to the lateral line, obtained from two Atlantic salmon (150 g). High quality frozen tissue sections were obtained by embedding tissue in O.C.T media prior to freezing and sectioning. Further, we generated libraries and spatial transcriptomic maps, achieving a minimum of 80 million reads per sample with mapping efficiencies ranging from 79.3% to 89.4%. Our analysis revealed the detection of over 80.000 transcripts and nearly 30.000 genes in each sample. Among the tissue types observed in the skin, the epithelial tissues exhibited the highest number of transcripts (UMI-counts), followed by muscle tissue, loose and fibrous connective tissue, and bone. Notably, the widest nodes in the transcriptome network were shared among the epithelial clusters, while dermal tissues showed less consistency, which is likely attributable to the presence of multiple cell types at different body locations. Additionally, we identified collagen type 1 as the most prominent gene family in the skin, while keratins were found to be abundant in the epithelial tissue. Furthermore, we successfully identified gene markers specific to epithelial tissue, bone, and mesenchyme. To validate their expression patterns, we conducted a meta-analysis of the microarray database, which confirmed high expression levels of these markers in mucosal organs, skin, gills, and the olfactory rosette.publishedVersio

    Smoltification, seawater performance, and maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed different fat levels

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    IntroductionThe use of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) to produce Atlantic salmon smolts has resulted in exceptionally high fish growth rates. However, there are potential negative trade-offs between fast growth and key physiological processes, such as inadequate smoltification and early sexual maturation, which can both be linked to body energy reserves.MethodsThis study determined the effect of i) dietary fat levels on Atlantic salmon whole-body fat and fatty acids composition, growth performance and smoltification and ii) a previous dietary regime on seawater growth performance and male early sexual maturation. In freshwater RAS, salmon parr (~19g) were fed 3 fat levels (20, 24, and 28%) over a 14-week period at 12°C. Subsequently, in seawater flow-through systems, smolt (~96g) were fed a control diet (26%) for 12 weeks at 2 temperatures (12 and 16°C).ResultsDietary fat levels resulted in differences in k-factor, fish whole-body fat and fatty acids composition; the low fat diet resulted in fish with a 23% lower whole-body fat when compared to the other two dietary groups at the end of the freshwater phase. These differences in whole-body fat faded at the end of the seawater phase. During the freshwater phase, all three feeds resulted in a comparable growth performance and smoltification indicator values, including k-factor, gill Na+, K+-ATPase, blood serum chloride and smolt index score. In contrast, water temperature resulted in fish body weight differences, where groups reared at 16°C were larger than those reared at 12°C. Nevertheless, both temperature regimes supported a similar thermal growth coefficient. Smolts grown at 16°C showed a higher level of the sex steroids androstenedione compared to those at 12°C. However, 11-ketotestosterone and testosterone levels did not differ despite a trend for higher levels at 16°C. Furthermore, testis histology at the final sampling indicated that some individuals showed initial signs of maturation (stage 3).DiscussionIn conclusion, varying dietary fat levels (20 - 28%) during the freshwater phase did not influence smoltification or male early sexual maturation during the subsequent grow-out phase. However, a temperature increase from 12 to 16°C resulted in larger fish and appeared to stimulate early male maturation in some fish individuals
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