342 research outputs found

    Konfigurasi Inter Virtual Local Area Network Menggunakan Routing Protocol Open Short Path First Dengan Simulasi Packet Tracer

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    The utilization of computer network technology as a medium of communication of data is currently increasing. The need for the use of shared resources that exist in both hardware and software network has resulted in the incidence of various technological development network itself. Along with the increasing level of needs and the growing number of network users who want a form a network that cal deliver maximum results both in terms of efficiency as well as an increase in the security of the network itself.The task of the end of this writer did a variety of research. The stage of this research, looking for gather what is required to the configuration of Inter Virtual Local Area Network using OSPF routing. In addition to the research stage of the write also do a method of drafting the system, the method used is a method of PPDIOO. PPDIOO is the methodology developed by cisco system (cisco, 2005)Based on the desire, consummation hence efforts continue to be done by various parties. By utilizing a variety of techniques subnetting particularly, configuration, the use of routing OSPF and use of hardware better, another switches between the emergence of the concept of an area of Inter Virtual Network (Inter VLAN) that is expected to provide tissue that broader, large and better results than Local Area Network (LAN

    Representasi Calon Gubernur Riau Tahun 2013 Dalam Rubrik Politikada Harian Tribun Pekanbaru Pekanbaru

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    Local elections is a form of democracy that is done by the local government. Theachievement of local elections Riau Province in 2013 was the desire for thepeople of Riau. But it is not immune from the interference of politics driven massmedia as the connection between the political elite of society. Tribun Pekanbaru,as one of the largest media Riau under the Kompas Group known as theindependence slogans, in this case help provide information to the public aboutthe development of Riau governors election in 2013. This study aims to determinethe representations and social cognition candidate for election news on TribunPekanbaru Riau governor.This study used qualitative methods to the presentation of descriptive analysis.The data analysis technique used is critical discourse analysis proposed by TeunA Van Dijk. The data collection was done by using documentation, interviews andFocus Group Discussion ( FGD ). As for the subject of this study is PekanbaruTribune reporter. While the object is to be the news on the rubric PolitikadaTribune Pekanbaru 1st to July 10th 2013.These results indicate, first, the structure of the text in the discourse as a wholedepicts a representation of the candidate for governor of Riau in 2013 had abalance in reporting. It is found in almost all the elements in the analysis of textstructure. Second, the analysis of social cognition Pekanbaru Tribune reporterconsisting of cognition and cognition readers. Cognition journalists in electionreporting in 2013 shows that the Tribune reporter Pekanbaru provide significantinformation to the public on each candidate, they are Anas Maamun -Arsyadjuliandi Rachman, Herman Abdullah - Agus Widayat, Lukman Edy -Suryadi Khusaini, Achmad - Masrul Kasymi, and Jon Erizal-Mambang Mit. Whileon cognition readers see how readers view the news published by TribunePekanbaru in the preaching of each candidate.Key Word: Representation, Tribun Pekanbaru, Riau Governor, Politikada Rubric,Social Cognition

    Manajemen Pengelolaan Portal Berita Www.goriau.com Dalam Menarik Minat Baca Pada Media Sosial

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    Social media is now very popular among's the people. Like the mass media, social media can also disseminate information to the public in general. One of social media is currently popular it's news portals. This type of social media offer new information presented in the online form on a website. GoRiau.com is one of the leading news portal in Province of Riau. The further development of today's technology raises many new news portal. To competition, GoRiau.com through keredaksiannya face has a strategy to attract the requested read on social media. For this reason, this research is focused on the function of management on news portals GoRiau.com and what factors attract interest in reading to know.This research applies qualitative method with descriptive approach undertaken in GoRiau.com news portal, Sudirman streets No. 125 South Tangkerang, Bukitraya, Pekanbaru. Subjects of study include general chairman, chief editor, managing editor, and two journalists, as well as some of those readers who are determined through purposive method. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation.The results of this study show that first, the management function in the editorial GoRiau.com news portal in an effort to attract interest in reading. GoRiau.com implement a planning that is done in three forms of the editorial meeting, which includes the planning meeting news content, placement planning meeting journalists, as well as evaluation. As for organizing, Goriau.com have determined the distribution of every reporter in accordance with the coverage of each post with the granting of work specified. Continue, regarding the actuating of the starting material coverage of news, collecting, writing, editing news on the website to which this form of utilization of new media. Form of controlling carried GoRiau.com one of which is the evaluation of the work, but other than that GoRiau.com also open a service complaint to the reader via e-mail. Second, the factors that attract interest in reading on this portal ie, interest, experience the same, and information needs. The entire series of the process is a form of editorial managerial done in order to attract readers

    Representasi Poligami dalam Film Surga yang Tak Dirindukan Karya Kuntz Agus ( Studi Semiotika Roland Barthes)

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    Poligamy pheomenon which is popular in society makes poligamy being such a controversion. There are some support it and some part against it. Based on poligamy phenomenon which is emerge in mass media generally, and in film especially, make some interpretation of poligamy in film “Surga yang Tak Dirindukan”. A discourse about poligamy which is popular since the release of film “Surga yang Tak Dirindukan” attract researcher to find the meaning and messsages that showed audio and visually. Then, this research aimed to know how is the representation of poligamy in film “Surga yang Tak Dirindukan”.This research use descriptive qualitative method then analyzed by semiothics Roland Barthes's model. Data collecting technique that used in this research is observing audio and visual presentation in film “Surga yang Tak Dirindukan”, documentation and interview by using purposive sampling.The result shows that there are poligamy representation in film “Surga yang Tak Dirindukan”. This film tell about a woman that struggle applying the meaning of sincere and patient in her life for intact of her household. Sincere and patient in this film can take as a learning life. When we face a hard problem, then we must sincere and patient, because when we applied them, we can find a better solution

    Perilaku Pekerja Seks Komersial dalam Penggunaan Kondom untuk Pencegahan Transmisi HIV/AIDS di Lokalisasi Teleju Kota Pekanbaru

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    Prevalensi HIV AIDS di Pekanbaru meningkat dengan pesat di tahun belakangan ini, meskipun sudah dilakukan kampanye nasional mengenai pemanfaatan kondom pada kelompok risiko tinggi terutama pada pekerja seks wanita dan kliennya. Penelitian ini meneliti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku dari perempuan pekerja seks dalam pemanfaatan kondom dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terfokus kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan matriks konten. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Lokalisasi Prostitusi di Pekanbaru pada Maret 2010. Hanya 16,6% dari 30 responden menggunakan kondom secara konsisten, pada umumnya sering berubah pikiran ketika klien memberikan uang lebih banyak untuk tidak menggunakan kondom. 80% responden tidak memahami dengan baik tentang pencegahan HIV dan pentingnya menggunakan kondom secara konsisten selama aktivitas seksual. Menariknya, pasokan kondom secara teratur diberikan oleh bos mereka. Tingkat pemanfaatan kondom rendah karena adanya penolakan klien, ketidakseimbangan gender dan tawaran uang. Kemungkinan faktor dasar adalah rendahnya pengetahuan pekerja seks tentang HIV. Intervensi yang komprehensif sangat penting untuk mengatasi hambatan perilaku tersebut

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Terhadap Diare Akut Balita Di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Dan Puskesmas Rawat Inap Pekanbaru

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    Diarrhea is the most cases that has increased morbidity and mortality, especially children under five year. Diarrhe was the second largest after pneumonia disease. Diarrhea disease in Indonesia is a major cause of infant mortality is approximately 31.4% and 25.2% in children under five years. Riau is a province that has a prevalence rate of diarrhea above the national average. There are several causes of diarrhea and for developing countries such as Indonesia the majority caused by infection. Infection can be derived from environmental factors, especially the children and mothers who are less hygienic. Diarrhea in children require extra attention because more than 70 % of the body of water and likely to fall to dehydration of the weight and the role of mother to know and take care of diarrhoea in the house is very necessary. This study will show reveal the mother\u27s knowledge towards acute diarrhea in toddler. This research was a descriptive prospective with cross-sectional approach. This study used interviews and questionnaire instruments about knowledge of the mother. These samples included 105 respondents from Riau Province Arifin Achmad Hospital and Health Center Inpatient Pekanbaru. The results showed that both the mother\u27s knowledge as much as 67 mothers (63.8%), quite as much as 24 mothers (22.9%) and who have less knowledge as much as 14 mothers (13.3%)