174 research outputs found

    The Rise of the Homme Machine : Carl Schmitt’s Critique of Biotechnology and Utopias

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    This essay argues that Carl Schmitt’s postwar writings offer an original critique of biotechnology and utopian thinking. Examining the classics of utopian literature from Plato to Thomas More and Aldous Huxley, Schmitt illustrates the rise of utopianism that aims to transform human nature and even produce an artificial “human-machine.” Schmitt discovers a counterimage to the emerging era of biotechnology from a katechontic form of Christianity and maintains that human beings must recognize their shared humanity in God, warning us that without a realm of transcendence, the enemy no longer offers an existential mirror but begins to incarnate foreign values, which must be destroyed completely. By comparing Schmitt with Michel Foucault and Donna Haraway, it is also argued that Schmitt’s thinking unlocks a novel path to exploring the meaning and histories of biopolitics and posthumanism. From a Schmittian perspective, Foucault’s depiction of biopolitics appears as a mere prelude to the coming age of biotechnology that will lead us into a posthuman era. Demonstrating interesting contrasts with Haraway’s utopian vision of the cyborg, it is maintained that Schmitt’s thinking offers a distinctively conservative-Christian critique of posthumanism.Peer reviewe

    Dermatite de Contacto Ocupacional por Resina Epóxi no Centro de Portugal

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    Introduction. Occupational Allergic Contact Dermatitis is a very common occupational disease and epoxy resins are among its main causes. The aim of this study was to characterize patients with positive patch test reactions to epoxy resin detected in the Coimbra Hospital and University Center between 2012 and 2018 and compare with the results of patients patch tested between 1999 and 2008 at the same Institution. Method and Materials.  Within aretrospective analysis of the files of patients with positive patch test reactions (1+ or more intense) to epoxy resin of bisfenol A tested at 1% pet. within the Baseline Series between 2012 and 2018, we characterized demographic and clinical data of reactive patients, evaluated the relevance of the reaction, sources of exposure to epoxy resin with particular attention to occupational exposures, other positive reactions and the impact of the results of the tests in the work conditions of these patients. Lastly, we compared these results with a previous study performed in the same Hospital between 1999 and 2008. Results. Among 2363 patch tested patients during the study period we found 23 patients (0.97%), 17 males and 6 females, who developed contact allergy to epoxy resins. In 22 cases we identified a relevant occupational exposure: 9 from construction industry; 9 workers from wind-mill turbines factory for Eolic energy; 2 from fiberglass factories; 1 from a chemical factory and 1 from a Wastewater Treatment Plant. In 1 patient (a teacher) no relevance was found. Of these 22 workers, 9 (39.1%) had both hand and airborne lesions, while 8 (34.8%) had lesions exclusively on the hands and 5 (21.7%) had predominately airborne dermatitis. Four of the 23 (17.4%) reacted exclusively to the epoxy resin, and 11 of 18 (61.1%) also reacted to 0.25% hexanediol diglycidyl ether. Avoidance resulted in a significant improvement of symptoms. Compared to the previous period (1999-2008), there are no significative changes apart from a slight increase in the frequency of the allergic reactions to epoxy resins and its main source of exposure. Conclusions. The prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis to epoxy resin has slightly increased in this Portuguese Center mostly due to workers from wind-mill turbines factory for Eolic energy, a recent industry implanted in this region. This allergen still causes almost exclusively occupational dermatitis, either hand, airborne, or both.Introdução. A Dermatite de Contato Alérgica Ocupacional é uma doença ocupacional muito comum e os produtos químicos epóxi estão entre as suas principais causas. O objetivo deste estudo foi caraterizar os doentes com reações positivas à resina epóxi nos testes epicutâneos realizados no Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra entre 2012 e 2018, e comparar com os resultados obtidos entre 1999 e 2008 na mesma instituição. Método e Materiais.Realizámos uma análise retrospetiva dos resultados dos testes epicutâneos realizados entre 2012 e 2018 e identificámos os doentes com reações positivas à resina epóxi de bisfenol A testada a 1% em vaselina na Série Básica. Caraterizámos os seus dados demográficos e clínicos, avaliámos a relevância do resultado, as fontes de exposição à resina epóxi com particular atenção às fontes ocupacionais, outras reações positivas, e o impacto dos resultados dos testes no âmbito ocupacional destes trabalhadores. Por último, comparámos estes resultados com os de um estudo anterior realizado no mesmo hospital entre 1999 e 2008. Resultados. Dos 2363 doentes submetidos a testes epicutâneos no período de 2012-2018, foram encontrados 23 doentes (0.97%) que desenvolveram alergia de contacto à resina epóxi. Em 22 casos identificámos uma exposição ocupacional relevante: 9 na indústria da construção civil, 9 trabalhadores em fábrica de turbinas para energia eólica, 2 em fábricas de fibra de vidro, 1 numa fábrica de produtos químicos e 1 numa estação de tratamento de águas residuais. Um dos 23 doentes era professor e não tinha exposição ocupacional relevante. Destes 22 trabalhadores, 9 (39.1%) apresentavam lesões tanto nas mãos como do tipo airborne,enquanto que 8 (34.8%) apresentavam lesões exclusivamente nas mãos e 5 (21.7%) apenas do tipo airborne. Quatro dos 23 (17.4%) reagiram exclusivamente à resina epóxi, e 11 dos 18 testados (61.1%) reagiram também ao hexanodioldiglicidil éter a 0.25% em vaselina. A evicção da exposição resultou numa melhoria significativa dos sintomas. Em comparação com o período analisado previamente (1999-2008), não houve mudanças epidemiológicas significativas, além de um discreto aumento na frequência das reações à resina epóxi e da sua principal fonte de exposição. Conclusões.A prevalência da dermatite de contacto alérgica à resina epóxi aumentou ligeiramente neste Centro Português, o que poderá estar relacionado com o surgimento de uma nova fábrica de turbinas para produção de energia Eólica nesta região. Este alergénio continua a causar quase exclusivamente dermatites ocupacionais, tanto nas mãos, do tipo airborne, ou ambas

    Hei, me vaikutetaan!: Somevaikuttajaviestinnän kontekstit ja sääntely

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    Somevaikuttajaviestintään kohdistuu suuria odotuksia. Alan toimintaympäristöt kuitenkin muuttuvat jatkuvasti, eikä somevaikuttaminen aina noudata yhdessä sovittuja pelisääntöjä. Toisinaan konflikteja nähdään myös julkisuudessa. Viestintä ja markkinointi sekoittuvat, eikä somekäyttäjä enää tiedä, ketä uskoa. On selvää, että jonkinlaista alan sääntelyä tarvitaan, mutta mitä ja millaista?© Kirjoittajat & ProCom - Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry. 2023. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Matti Suuronen and plastic architecture of the sixties

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    Hlavním tématem, kterým se bakalářská práce zabývá je plastová architektura 60. let 20. století. Cílem mé práce bylo vyzdvihnout tvorbu finského architekta Matti Suuronena, zejména pak jeho nejznámější domek Futuro. Dále jsem se pokusil tento druh tvorby zasadit do náležitého dějinného kontextu a poukázat na jeho hlavní komponenty, kterými jsou variabilita, mobilita, prefabrikace a do jisté míry i určitá tvarová předurčenost vycházející z podstaty plastů. Zmiňuji zde kromě Suuronenových i několik jiných s tématem práce souvisejících projektů.The main topic which the bachelor's work deals with is plastic architecture of the sixties. The aim of my endeavours was to underscore the body of work of finish architect Matti Suuronen paying greater attention to his most famous building dubbed Futuro. Additionally I made effort to put this kind of architecture into the proper historical context and once again to point to the importance of some features this comprises of. Among these traits we count especially variability, mobility, prefabrication and also shape predetermination issued from the substance of the plastics themselves. Besides Suuronen's ones, some resembling buildings are mentioned.Institute of Art HistoryÚstav pro dějiny uměníFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Juomissymboliikan kulttuurihistoriaa

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    Error in Measurement of Visual Field Caused by False Eyelashes: A Case Report

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    Many cosmetic enhancements to the natural appearance of the eyes are readily available today.A relatively popular form of eye beauty enhancement is false (fake) cosmetic eyelashes and veyelash extensions. Due to the increasing popularity of these cosmetic products, it is essential for ophthalmologists to be aware of their potential risks and complications. Here we report a case of error in measurement of visual field caused by false eyelashes.Keywords: Eyelashes; Cosmetics; Visual Fields

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