30 research outputs found
Cultural Approach to Reduced Traffic Accident in Bali
Safety on traveling is needed by all travelers. Safety on traveling is determined bymany factors such as the drivers, vehicles, road, environment and it relation each other.Balinese culture which influence by Hinduism, believe that traffics accidents occurred asa result of not harmonize the relation between human as a driver to vehicle or car, humanto the god and human to the environment. So in Balinese daily of life there is an effort toharmonize the relation of all components using cultural approach. In doing that manyactivities such as doing an offering to the new or after reparation of car, to offer sajen inthe car everyday during traveler, every 210 days during “ tumpek landep day” aftercleaning the car offer sajen, ring the bell or offer sajen during passing the sacral place ortemple, offer sajen and look after during night where the accident were happen, offersajen (mlaspas) the new road, forbidden to travel during wedding ceremony or get familydied. These activities mean to making the tools more humane so that the tools harmonizeto the user, forgive to the magic spirit around the road. By practicing the culturalapproach the traffic accident at many places can be reduced. One taxi company shownthat annually maintenance cost lower compared than the same company in Java
Comparison Study in Using Plough, Tractor and Cultivator for Rice Field\u27 Land Preparation
Land preparation of the rice field is one of the most important steps for paddyplantation. Formerly plough is one of the main tools for land preparation, but now thefarmer used tractor or cultivator. From the farmer experience who are used that tools forland preparation there had advantages and disadvantages. The used of plough for landpreparation for long time ago the deep of rice field soil is constant because the ploughblade can be adjusted up and down. The plough can be turn to the right or left side so thatall part of rice field except the corner can be cultivate. But for pulling the plough must bedifficult to find two cows. While if using tractor or cultivator the right or left side and thecorner of the rice field can\u27t be cultivate. Deep of rice filed soil become shallow so thefertility of soil reduced. Beside that using tractor or cultivator for land preparation needmore fuel. The plough were easy to carry out, but tractor and cultivator difficult to carryout because the weight more that 200 kg
The Obstacle in Implementation of Ergonomics Safety and Health Program in Enterprises
Safety and health are the basic rights of the workers and one of the requirement to increased theworker\u27s productivity. Beside that safety and health constitute requirement for winning freecompetition in the globalization and Asean Free Trade Agreement (AFTA), World TradeOrganization (WTO) and Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC). So that to followed freetrade competition, safety and health program must be implemented in all working places. Theergonomics, not only increased the healthy and safety of the workers, but also increased theproductivity. If the ergonomics safety and health can be implemented in the enterprises the safetyand health and productivity of the workers will be increased. Although the implementation of theergonomics safety and health principle in the enterprises had been applied and improved thehealthy, safety and productivity of the workers but the implementation in the enterprisesespecially in the small and medium enterprises are still far from expectation. To find out thecauses the observation study had been done during implementation of the ergonomics, safety andhealth program in small and mdium eneterprises in Bali since 1995. There are many obstacleswere found such as: 1) the result of the ergonomics, safety and health implementation still inform of healthy, safety, comfort, efisien and the increases of productivity, but not yet showed inform of money (industrial language); 2) enterprises management took the lower priority to theergonomics, safety and health program in operation of the enterprises; 3) the program of theergonomics safety and health dominan in form of curative action compared with preventive andpromotive; 4) other factors such as less of management and workers knowledge about safety andhealth, limited of capital, less of control and low enforcement of the government. So that theimplementation of the ergonomics safety and health program should be attained the benefit inform of money not only to the workers but also to the enterprises. Control and low enforcementof the governement should be tightening and continued
Access to Personal Hygiene Improves the Quality of Life at Elderly Hostels
The awareness of someone\u27s ability to maintain and to keep life has become better; hence having a longer life expectation became a grace and a pride. It is estimated that life expectancy figures maximally up to 125 years. The increase in people\u27s awareness of maintaining and sustaining life, in order to get a better quality of life, results in a higher life expectancy. Aging is a natural and spontaneous process started from the childhood, puberty, young adults, and then declines in the middle to seniors (elderly). The prosperity of the elderly people, whom due to their physical or mental condition no longer possible role in development, needs special attention from the government and society. This research was conducted in a nursing home (home service). The nursing home as a place where the elderly live needs to adjust and redesign their bathroom. This effort is done by considering that the ability of the elderly\u27s motor movement has tremendously declined; it is caused by the decrease in their motor sensor capacity. The elderly should get attention, particularly on meeting their needs on personal hygiene
Perbaikan Kondisi Kerja dengan Pendekatan Ergonomi Total Menurunkan Keluhan Muskuloskeletal dan Kelelahan Serta Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Penghasilan Perajin Pengecatan Logam di Kediri-tabanan
Perubahan ekonomi dunia menuntut daya saing setiap perajin khususnya di Bali. Salah satudaya saing yang diusahakan adalah produksi tepat waktu. Produksi tepat waktu sebagianbesar dilakukan dengan kerja lembur seperti perajin pengecatan logam di Kediri Tabanan.Hal ini disebabkan produktivitas dan penghasilan mereka masih di bawah standar. Untuk itudperlukan suatu perbaikan dengan pendekatan ergonomi sehingga mampu bersaing,manusiawi dan berkelanjutan. Banyak perbaikan sudah dilakukan tetapi masih terjadimasalah sehingga diperlukan perbaikan secara komprehensif. Salah satu cara perbaikanadalah dengan melalui pendekatan ergonomi total. Tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruhpendekatan ergonomi total terhadap keluhan muskuloskeletal dan kelelahan sertaproduktivitas dan penghasilan perajin. Subyek penelitian adalah 24 karyawan pengecatankerajinan logam di Kediri Tabanan pada bulan September 2007 – Maret 2007 denganrancangan sama subyek. Kondisi kerja diperbaiki dengan model pendekatan ergonomi totalsehingga diperoleh bentuk perbaikan yang paling optimal. Hasil menunjukkan adapenurunan keluhan muskuloskeletal 5,53 % dan penurunan kelelahan 6,79 % secarabermakna (p<0,05). Produktivitas karyawan meningkat 61,36% dan penghasilan perajinmeningkat 55,29% secara bermakna (p<0,05). Perubahan yang terjadi sebagai dampak dariperbaikan kondisi kerja dengan model pendekatan ergonomi total lebih besar terjadi padaproduktivitas dan penghasilan. Disimpulkan pendekatan ergonomi total menurunkankeluhan muskuloskeletal dan kelelahan serta meningkatkan produktivitas dan penghasilanperajin. Disarankan untuk menerapkan model pendekatan ergonomi total pada industri yanglain dan mendorong partisipasi aktif karyawan dalam perbaikan kondisi kerja