593 research outputs found
Desain Enterprise Risk Management Berbasis Iso 31000 Bagi Duta Minimarket di Situbondo
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis dan desain manajemen risiko berbasis ISO 31000 yang mengacu pada risiko suatu Badan Usaha. Proses Manajemen risiko diperlukan untuk mengurangi dampak dari adanya risiko yang ditimbulkan dari kegiatan operasional dan memberikan evaluasi serta perlakuan yang tepat bagi semua risikonya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Applied research karena penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan pendesainan sistem manajemen risiko berbasis ISO 31000 bagi suatu badan USAha. Obyek penelitian adalah Duta Minimarket yang berlokasi di Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Badan Usaha tersebut memiliki kegiatan operasional seperti proses penjualan, proses penyimpanan, dan proses pembelian. Hasil dari adanya penelitian tersebut adalah masih terdapat risiko yang berlevel high sebanyak 5 macam, 5 macam risiko dengan level medium, serta 4 macam risiko dengan level low. Dari ketiga macam level risiko tersebut, telah dilakukan adanya suatu perlakuan risiko oleh Duta Minimarket dimana secara umum Duta Minimarket melakukan perlakuan risikonya dengan mitigasi risiko (pengurangan risiko). Perlakuan risiko dan tindakan pengendalian risiko yang telah dilakukan oleh Duta Minimarket sebagian besar masih kurang efektif sehingga penulis melakukan analisis dan desain ERM berbasis ISO 31000 untuk memberikan informasi yang berkualitas bagi badan USAha mengenai tindakan pengendalian yang efektif, serta perlakuan yang tepat bagi risiko – risiko yang dihadapinya
Optimization of Location Model of Capacitated Network
This study concerns with the research work on Location Model of Public Service Obligation State-Owned Company (PSO-SOC). Its aim is to develop an approach of making location decision on distribution facilities of such company, in which capacities of facilities are limited (capacitated facilities) and it deals with single commodity. Heuristic solution is proposed to modify established Add Algorithm, which is designed for uncapacitated facilities. The Network Representation is used to represent original problem of LocationModel. An example is provided to illustrate the proposed step-wise of solving the model
The Analysis of Motivation Towards Luxury Car Consumption in Surabaya
Indonesia has a big potential in automotive sales and automotive business. The number of car consumed by public is proven increased in drastic every year, as followed by the consumption of luxury car in Indonesia. According to the data, Mercedes Benz considered as the best automotive brand that provide and sold luxury car in Indonesia. This thing is very interesting to be analyzed considered the price offered is quite high for the luxury car and the competition is very stiff in Indonesia. This research conducted to analyze the motivation of consumer behind the luxury car consumption in Surabaya using the simple random sampling. The data obtained by spreading questionnaires to 100 respondents in Surabaya, then analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The result showed that motivation proven to have significant effect towards the luxury car consumption in Surabaya. Personal value and personal motivation as part of the motivation is proven to have big effect toward luxury car consumption in Surabay
Pengaruh Perubahan Arus Listrik Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Lemak Dan Minyak Dalam Air Limbah Melalui Proses Elektrokoagulasi
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of Indonesia No.907/Menkes/SK/VII/2002 mentioned that the security environment for maximum content of heavy metals in waste water are: 0.03 mg / l for copper (Cu), 0.2 mg / l for aluminum (Al), 0.3 mg / l for iron (Fe), 0.1 mg / l for manganese (Mn), 0-200 mg / l for calcium (Ca), 0-150 mg / l for magnesium (Mg ), 200 mg / l for sodium (Na) and 0.5 mg / l for potassium (K) and zero for organic materials.If the content of organic materials in excess of such provision, then the water must be processed to meet the recommended requirements. One way that has been applied in this research is electrocoagulation method. The electrocoagulation process is to remove organic material (liquid), which is one source of odor in water. The research carried out by flowing water of 4.5 liters of industrial waste into the tank electrocoagulation process. The process is run with an electric current 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 amperes with intervals of 20 minutes for observation data. Analysis of the organic matter content carried out by gravimetry. The residual oil and fat is 0.06 mg/l at 100 minutes and current 0.1 ampere. Based on the results of these studies was the content oils and fats in waste water has met the standard of the Minister of Health of Indonesia.
Key words: Organic Pollutants,Electrocoagulation Process, Reduction of Pollutan
Skrining Fitokimia Dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Fraksi Etanol Alga Merah Eucheuma Spinosum
Antioxidant activities are responsible for beneficial health effect and correlated wellwith polyphenols and flavonoids content. Red algae is considered as rich source of natural antioxidant. The study objective was to investigate phytochemical screenings and antioxidant activity of ethanol fractions Euchema spinosum from south Bangka waters in fresh algae (FA), dry algae (DA) and algae product (AP) by DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) assay. Extraction by acidic 70% ethanol for 24 hr and evaporated using rotary evaporator. Dry extract fractionated with ethanol : n - hexane ( 2 : 3 ) and dried ethanol fraction.The phytochemical screenings showed these fractions presence of flavonoid, alkaloid and triterpenoid compounds. The antioxidant activity was superior to ethanol fraction of AP with IC50 value 333.66 μg/mL, FA 418.32 μg/mL and DA 472.14 μg/mL. Based on the results obtained, it can conclude that the algae product ethanol fraction may be valuable natural antioxidant sources
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