4 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Perancangan Video Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Web

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    The purpose of the study generally is to facilitate high school students preparation for National Test and State/private Entrance Test and specifically the purposes are 1)to increase the activity of English learning videos through website, 2) to increase the learning activity through internet. The stages of this research consists of 5 stages such as; a) capturing English learning videos, b) creating website, c) uploading the videos to the website, d) launching the website to the third year of Bontang State Vocational School 3, and e) evaluating the website content. The results show that video learning designs is the most chosen feature(89%) than other features on the website. Furthermore, the questionaires reaveal that 100% give positive responses to the website given

    Pengaruh Kadar Karbon pada Proses Gasifikasi

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    Investigasi proses gasifikasi dilakukan dengan pemodelan termodinamik. Kuantifikasi unjuk kerja proses gasifikasi dinyatakan dengan kadar H2 dan kadar CO dalam gas produser, temperatur dan efisiensi termal. Investigasi pengaruh kadar karbon terhadap unjuk kerja proses gasifikasi dilakukan dengan simulasi menggunakan batubara: lignit, bituminus dan antrasit. Ketiga jenis batubara diharapkan mewakili tingkatan kadar karbon. Kajian termodinamika digunakan sebagai piranti prediksi kinerja gasifikasi dan dapat melihat efek berbagai faktor secara cepat. Penyimpangan kinerja gasifier aktual terhadap hasil prediksi termodinamika sering ditemui dan biasanya dianggap sebagai akibat faktor-faktor teknis yang berhubungan dengan laju proses, misalnya pengontakan partikel dengan medium gasifikasi. Pada makalah ini, kajian termodinamika disempurnakan dengan melibatkan pemodelan dekomposisi batubara yang sangat tergantung pada jenis batubara dalam hal ini mewakili kadar karbon. Harapannya, pengabungan model dekomposisi batubara yang diusulkan dalam penelitian ini dan model kesetimbangan reaksi konvensional menghasilkan kajian termodinamika yang lebih rasional. Hasil dari kajian termodinamika digunakan sebagai piranti prediksi kinerja gasifikasi dengan mempertimbangkan kadar karbon batubara. Fraksi mol gas hidrogen maksimum yang dihasilkan lignit lebih tinggi daripada antrasit dan bituminus, berturut-turut 0,43 dan 0,25. Fraksi mol maksimum gas hidrogen dari lignit berada pada laju udara/batubara sekitar 1,2 kg/kg sedangkan antrasit dan bituminus berada pada sekitar 3 kg/kg. Temperatur proses gasifikasi, seperti diduga sangat dipengaruhi oleh jenis batubara. Sesuai dengan kadar H2, temperatur gasifikasi sebaiknya dijaga sekitar 1000 oC (Ru = 2,4 dan 4 berturut-turut untuk batubara lignit, antrasit dan bituminus). Keuntungan pada temperatur sekitar 1000 oC, tar secara praktis sudah terdekomposisi lebih lanjut, sehingga gas produser hanya sedikit mengandung tar

    A Study On Students' Difficulties In Learning Vocabulary

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    The objectives of the research entitled “A Study on Students' Difficulties in Learning Vocabulary” were to find out kinds and factors of students' difficulties in learning vocabulary. The subject of this study was the students of the first semester of Stitek Bontang who took English class. This study employed a qualitative research design, implementing characteristics of a case study. For gaining the data, the researcher used interview and questionnaire. All the data were analyzed descriptively. The findings showed that the students still faced the problems or difficulties in vocabulary learning. Kinds of difficulties faced by students in vocabulary learning were various. Kinds of difficulties faced by the students were (1) almost all of the students have difficulties in pronouncing the words, (2) how to write and spell, (3) the different grammatical form of a word known as inflections was one of causes of students difficulties in learning vocabulary. In addition, (4) the students found difficulties in choosing the appropriate meaning of the words and (5) also still confuse in using the word based on the context. The last, (6) the students were also still confuse when they found words or expression that were idiomatic. There were some factors that caused students' difficulties in learning vocabulary (1) the written form is different from the spoken form in English, (2) The nuber of words that students need to learn is exceedingly large, (3) the limitations of sources of information about words, (4) The complexity of word knowledge. Knowing a words involves much more than knowing its dictionary definition, (5) causes of lack of understanding of grammatical of the words, (6) the incorrect pronunciation is often caused by the lack of sound similarity between English and the students' native language