48 research outputs found
Haltung, Gesundheit und gegenseitiges Besaugen von Kälbern auf biologischen Betrieben in Österreich
The aim of this project was to collect data about housing and health of dairy calves
and the occurrence of cross-sucking in organic dairy farms. A questionnaire was sent
to 300 organic dairy cow farms in Lower Austria. 99 questionnaires were returned
(33%). On average the farms kept 15 cows, nearly half of them in tie-stalls and half
loose-housed. 52 farms declared to keep calves group-housed from the first or the
second week of life (lw), 14 farms kept their calves always in single pens. 23 farms
weaned calves before lw 12, starting with lw5. Cross-sucking in calves occurred on 62
farms, intersucking in cows on 26 farms. Cross-sucking in calves was observed on
less farms with single housed calves compared to farms with group-housed calves,
according to expectations. But early group housing (start at latest on second week) did
not differ from later group housing (lw 3 – 8). Also, diseases were not associated with
type of housing. In sum, there is need for further advancement and advice to improve
calf housing and welfare
Muttergebundene Aufzucht in der Milchviehhaltung - langfristige Auswirkungen auf Verhalten und Wohlbefinden
The integration of dairy heifers into the cow herd shortly before their first parturition is a common management practice also in organic farming and is associated with stress. In this study we investigated whether the ability to cope with such challenges is affected by experiences during early age. Three groups of heifers which differed with respect to the contact to their mother during the first 12 weeks of life were compared. At the age of 25+/-0.2 months heifers were integrated individually into the cow herd and observed for 33 hours. Heifers reared with contact to their mother used the cubicles quicker and more consistently and also tended to differ in the social behaviour compared to the heifers reared without mother. These preliminary results suggest some positive long-term effects of mother-bonded rearing on later challenge response and welfare of dairy cattle
Haltung von behornten und hornlosen Milchziegen in GroĂźgruppen
Die Enthornung von Ziegen wird auch in der biologischen Milchziegenhaltung durchgeführt und mit einem hohen Risiko an Verletzungen und Stress in Herden mit behornten Tieren begründet. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über sozialen Stress und Verletzungen von Ziegen und den Einflussfaktoren lagen bisher insbesondere für große Milchziegenherden kaum vor. Ziel des Projektes war es, Daten hierzu im Zusammenhang mit der Behornung zu liefern. Auf 45 Milchziegenbetrieben wurde das Sozialverhalten der Ziegen beobachtet und die Verletzungen der Ziegen erhoben. Als potentielle Einflussfaktoren wurden Betriebsdaten, Stallbau und Management mittels strukturierten Interviews mit den Betriebsleitern bzw. eigener Erhebungen ermittelt. Potentielle Risiko- bzw. Erfolgsfaktoren wurden mit Hilfe von Regressionsmodellen identifiziert. Die Ursachen der Probleme liegen vor allem im Management (insbesondere Herdenmanagement und Fütterung), der Einstellung der Betriebsleiter und im Stallbau (z.B. Fressgittertyp). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine tiergerechte Haltung behornter Ziegen ohne ein höheres Auftreten von Verletzungen möglich ist und auf eine Enthornung daher verzichtet werden kann
Optimierung der Milchgewinnung in der muttergebundenen Kälberaufzucht - kann der Kalbgeruch helfen?
Milchejektionshemmungen beim maschinellen Melken stand einer bereiten Anwendung der muttergebundenen Kälberaufzucht bisher entgegen. Es wurde geprüft, ob das Vorlegen eines Tuches, mit dem das eigene Kalb zuvor abgerieben wurde, die kalbführenden Kühe beim maschinellen Melken simuliert
Muttergebundene Kälberaufzucht – mehr lieferbare Milch durch temporären Kalbkontakt?
Die reduzierte Menge an lieferbarer Milch ist ein Nachteil der muttergebundenen Kälberhaltung. Die Limitierung des Kuh-Kalb-Kontaktes könnte eine Lösung sein. In unserer Studie wurden die Kälber in der Nacht zu ihren Müttern gelassen und zwischen Morgen- und Abendmelkzeit separiert (n=18). Die Menge der von diesen Kühen maschinell ermolkenen Milch lag um ca. 14 kg/ Tag niedriger als bei den Kontrollkühen (n=20), die keinen Kontakt zu ihren Kälbern hatten. Diese Differenz ist nicht viel kleiner als in früheren Studien in denen die Kälber permanent Kontakt zu ihren Müttern hatten. Zudem weist der reduzierte Fettgehalt der Milch säugender Kühe auf eine gestörte Alveolarmilchejektion hin. Folglich führt ein begrenzter Kuh-Kalb-Kantakt zu keiner bemerkenswerten Erhöhung der Menge lieferbarer Milch
Herausforderungen in der ökologischen Pekingentenmast
Das Tierwohl wurde in zehn ökologischen Pekingentenherden bewertet. Im Durchschnitt wiesen 72,2% der Tiere Augenveränderungen, 50,9% Gefiederverschmutzungen und 89,9% Fußballenveränderungen auf. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ökologische Haltungsbedingungen kein hohes Tierwohlniveau garantieren
Methodology for experimental and observational animal studies in cow-calf contact systems
A molecular sensitization map of European children reveals exposome- and climate-dependent sensitization profiles
BACKGROUND: Understanding differences in sensitization profiles at the molecular allergen level is important for diagnosis, personalized treatment and prevention strategies in allergy. METHODS: Immunoglobulin E (IgE) sensitization profiles were determined in more than 2800 sera from children in nine population-based cohorts in different geographical regions of Europe; north [BAMSE (Sweden), ECA (Norway)], west/central [PIAMA (the Netherlands), BiB (the United Kingdom), GINIplus (Germany)], and south [INMA Sabadell and Gipuzkoa (Spain) and ROBBIC Rome and Bologna (Italy)] using the MeDALL-allergen chip. RESULTS: Sensitization to grass pollen allergen, Phl p 1, and to major cat allergen, Fel d 1, dominated in most European regions whereas sensitization to house dust mite allergens Der p 1, 2 and 23 varied considerably between regions and were lowest in the north. Less than half of children from Sabadell which has a hot and dry climate were sensitized to respiratory allergens, in particular house dust mite allergens as compared to Gipuzkoa nearby with a more humid climate. Peanut allergen Ara h 1 was the most frequently recognized class 1 food allergen in Northern/Western Europe, while the fruit allergens Pru p 3, Act d 1 and 2 were prominent in Southern and Western/Central Europe. Ves v 5-sensitization dominated in North and West/Central Europe. CONCLUSION: We show regional, exposome- and climate-dependent differences in molecular IgE-reactivity profiles in Northern, Western/Central and Southern Europe which may form a molecular basis for precision medicine-based approaches for treatment and prevention of allergy
The Significance of the Relationship between Humans and Animals for an Animal-friendly Husbandry
Research in cattle, pig and poultry farms emphasizes the importance of the stockperson’s behaviour for the animals’ level of fear or confidence. The stockperson’s interaction with animals has either stress or stress-reducing effects, and in turn affects animal production, health and well-being of the animal. It can also influence the ease of handling. Attitudes and personality of the stockperson differ greatly. Stockperson attitudes influence not only theirinteraction with animals, but also decisions in regard to housing and management. A good human-animal relationship is associated with improved housing and management that proves beneficial for animal welfare. In sum the relationship between the stockperson and his or her animals affects the animals both directly via interactions and indirectly via decision making. New knowledge and experiences can change attitudes. Training programs can thus improve the human-animal relationship and ultimately improve animal welfare.Research in cattle, pig and poultry farms emphasizes the importance of the stockperson’s behaviour for the animals’ level of fear or confidence. The stockperson’s interaction with animals has either stress or stress-reducing effects, and in turn affects animal production, health and well-being of the animal. It can also influence the ease of handling. Attitudes and personality of the stockperson differ greatly. Stockperson attitudes influence not only theirinteraction with animals, but also decisions in regard to housing and management. A good human-animal relationship is associated with improved housing and management that proves beneficial for animal welfare. In sum the relationship between the stockperson and his or her animals affects the animals both directly via interactions and indirectly via decision making. New knowledge and experiences can change attitudes. Training programs can thus improve the human-animal relationship and ultimately improve animal welfare
Reliability of an avoidance distance test for the assessment of animals’ responsiveness to humans and a preliminary investigation of its association with farmers’ attitudes on bull fattening farms
International audienceIn many farm animal species, the relationship to humans affects their welfare considerably. But until now, on-farm studies on fattening bulls have been limited. A feasible, reliable methodology for assessing responses of bulls to humans Would be helpful for large scale surveys on this topic. Measuring avoidance distance at the feeding place (ADF) to assess animals' relationship to humans was shown to be a feasible and stable measure in dairy cow herds. So, the main objective of this study was to investigate reliability aspects of measuring avoidance distance at the feeding place towards an unknown experimenter on bull fattening farms. Moreover, we were interested in the potential confounding factor age of animals, and, on a preliminary level, a possible relationship of responsiveness of bulls to farmers' attitudes. With regard to reliability, between-experimenter repeatability - the repeatability of ADF when carried out by different experimenters within short time - was evaluated by two experimenters in a balanced order with 602 fattening bulls on 10 farms. The experimenter was both the stimulus person and the person collecting the data. Between-experimenter repeatability was analysed at an individual and at farm level. We recorded the median and mean values of avoidance distances [ADF median, ADF mean] per farm and the percentages of bulls accepting to be touched [ADF % touch] or showing avoidance distances greater than 20 cm [ADF % > 0.2 m]. Inter-observer reliability, based on individual observations recorded by an experimenter and an observer simultaneously, was tested on six farms. Farmers were asked to complete a questionnaire in order to assess their attitudes (behavioural beliefs and affective attitudes) towards interacting with bulls. Generally, inter-observer reliability for ADF was high (r(s) > 0.9, n = 288/297). At an individual level, moderate between-experimenter repeatability could be attained (r(s) = 0.6, n = 469). At farm level (n = 10), Spearman rank correlation coefficients (r(s)) for between-experimenter repeatability ranged from >0.4 to 0.7. A low negative correlation was found between ADF and age at an individual level (r(s) = -0.14, P = 0.015, n = 320). Despite the rather low range of avoidance distances observed between farms, ADF correlated significantly with some of the farmers' attitudes. ADF was lower in case of farmers expressing more positive affective attitudes towards contacts with the animals (significantly so for the measures ADF mean and ADF % > 0.2 m [P < 0.05]). In conclusion, the use of the avoidance distance test at the feeding place (ADF) is promising for assessing the responses of fattening bulls to humans due to its feasibility, reliability and sensitivity both at an individual and at farm level. Based on a limited number of farms, our first exploration of the relationships between farmers' attitudes and responses of bulls to humans in the home environment suggests possible links that require further investigations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved