23 research outputs found

    Therapeutic value of oral supplementation with melon superoxide dismutase and wheat gliadin combination

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    AbstractDietary antioxidant supplementation has been popular in Western countries. Various supplements have been developed in recent years, and research has been gathered from both animal and clinical research trials. In this review, the therapeutic value of oral administration of a combination of melon superoxide dismutase (SOD) and a vegetable polymer (gliadin) is evaluated. Critical examination of the effects of SOD–gliadin supplementation is carried out, with an emphasis on its impact on oxidative stress levels and on endogenous antioxidant pathways. Overall analysis of peer-reviewed published data suggests that intake of SOD–gliadin might have advantageous health effects. These conclusions are dependent on the condition or pathology under consideration. In general, the authors, who analyzed SOD-gliadin supplementation, support the use of SOD–gliadin supplementation as a complementary treatment rather than a therapeutic treatment. To further clarify the importance of dietary SOD–gliadin administration, additional large-scale clinical trials are recommended

    Mitochondrial Redox Metabolism in Trypanosomatids Is Independent of Tryparedoxin Activity

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    Tryparedoxins (TXNs) are oxidoreductases unique to trypanosomatids (including Leishmania and Trypanosoma parasites) that transfer reducing equivalents from trypanothione, the major thiol in these organisms, to sulfur-dependent peroxidases and other dithiol proteins. The existence of a TXN within the mitochondrion of trypanosomatids, capable of driving crucial redox pathways, is considered a requisite for normal parasite metabolism. Here this concept is shown not to apply to Leishmania. First, removal of the Leishmania infantum mitochondrial TXN (LiTXN2) by gene-targeting, had no significant effect on parasite survival, even in the context of an animal infection. Second, evidence is presented that no other TXN is capable of replacing LiTXN2. In fact, although a candidate substitute for LiTXN2 (LiTXN3) was found in the genome of L. infantum, this was shown in biochemical assays to be poorly reduced by trypanothione and to be unable to reduce sulfur-containing peroxidases. Definitive conclusion that LiTXN3 cannot directly reduce proteins located within inner mitochondrial compartments was provided by analysis of its subcellular localization and membrane topology, which revealed that LiTXN3 is a tail-anchored (TA) mitochondrial outer membrane protein presenting, as characteristic of TA proteins, its N-terminal end (containing the redox-active domain) exposed to the cytosol. This manuscript further proposes the separation of trypanosomatid TXN sequences into two classes and this is supported by phylogenetic analysis: i) class I, encoding active TXNs, and ii) class II, coding for TA proteins unlikely to function as TXNs. Trypanosoma possess only two TXNs, one belonging to class I (which is cytosolic) and the other to class II. Thus, as demonstrated for Leishmania, the mitochondrial redox metabolism in Trypanosoma may also be independent of TXN activity. The major implication of these findings is that mitochondrial functions previously thought to depend on the provision of electrons by a TXN enzyme must proceed differently

    Leishmania Mitochondrial Peroxiredoxin Plays a Crucial Peroxidase-Unrelated Role during Infection: Insight into Its Novel Chaperone Activity

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    Two-cysteine peroxiredoxins are ubiquitous peroxidases that play various functions in cells. In Leishmania and related trypanosomatids, which lack catalase and selenium-glutathione peroxidases, the discovery of this family of enzymes provided the molecular basis for peroxide removal in these organisms. In this report the functional relevance of one of such enzymes, the mitochondrial 2-Cys peroxiredoxin (mTXNPx), was investigated along the Leishmania infantum life cycle. mTXNPx null mutants (mtxnpx−) produced by a gene replacement strategy, while indistinguishable from wild type promastigotes, were found unable to thrive in a murine model of infection. Unexpectedly, however, the avirulent phenotype of mtxnpx− was not due to lack of the peroxidase activity of mTXNPx as these behaved like controls when exposed to oxidants added exogenously or generated by macrophages during phagocytosis ex vivo. In line with this, mtxnpx− were also avirulent when inoculated into murine hosts unable to mount an effective oxidative phagocyte response (B6.p47phox−/− and B6.RAG2−/− IFN-γ−/− mice). Definitive conclusion that the peroxidase activity of mTXNPx is not required for parasite survival in mice was obtained by showing that a peroxidase-inactive version of this protein was competent in rescuing the non-infective phenotype of mtxnpx−. A novel function is thus proposed for mTXNPx, that of a molecular chaperone, which may explain the impaired infectivity of the null mutants. This premise is based on the observation that the enzyme is able to suppress the thermal aggregation of citrate synthase in vitro. Also, mtxnpx− were more sensitive than controls to a temperature shift from 25°C to 37°C, a phenotype reminiscent of organisms lacking specific chaperone genes. Collectively, the findings reported here change the paradigm which regards all trypanosomatid 2-Cys peroxiredoxins as peroxide-eliminating devices. Moreover, they demonstrate, for the first time, that these 2-Cys peroxiredoxins can be determinant for pathogenicity independently of their peroxidase activity

    LC3-associated phagocytosis

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    A recent report from our group has described that upon engulfment of pathogens, a subset of phagosomes is formed to preserve antigens for prolonged presentation on MHC class II molecules. The distinctive feature of these particular vesicles is their coating with LC3/Atg8, a key component of the autophagy machinery. Here we discuss the possible outcomes of LC3-associated phagocytosis and its implications in the context of immunity

    Protein Serine/Threonine Kinase StkP Positively Controls Virulence and Competence in Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    In the Streptococcus pneumoniae genome, stkP, encoding a membrane-associated serine/threonine kinase, is not redundant (L. Novakova, S. Romao, J. Echenique, P. Branny, and M.-C. Trombe, unpublished results). The data presented here demonstrate that StkP belongs to the signaling network involved in competence triggering in vitro and lung infection and bloodstream invasion in vivo. In competence, functional StkP is required for activation of comCDE upstream of the autoregulated ring orchestrated by the competence-stimulating peptide. This is the first description of positive regulation of comCDE transcription in balance with its repression by CiaRH

    Macroautophagy proteins assist Epstein Barr Virus production and get incorporated into the virus particles

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    Epstein Barr virus (EBV) persists as a latent herpes virus infection in themajority of the adult human population. The virus can reactivate fromthis latent infection into lytic replication for virus particle production. Here, we report that autophagic membranes, which engulf cytoplasmic constituents during macroautophagy and transport them to lysosomal degradation, are stabilized by lytic EBV replication in infected epithelial and B cells. Inhibition of autophagic membrane formation compromises infectious particle production and leads to the accumulation of viral DNA in the cytosol. Vice versa, pharmacological stimulation of autophagic membrane formation enhances infectious virus production. Atg8/LC3, an essential macroautophagy protein and substrate anchor on autophagic membranes, was found in virus preparations, suggesting that EBV recruits Atg8/LC3 coupled membranes to its envelope in the cytosol. Our data indicate that EBV subverts macroautophagy and uses autophagic membranes for efficient envelope acquisition during lytic infection